
VIDEO: Kim Jong-un [HEARTS] Obamacare

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We received a transmission. Translated into the imperialist American English language, it said the following:

"The Great Leader insists that you post this video. Otherwise, your site will be deemed counter-revolutionary and eviscerated in a flaming dust cloud of nuclear annihilation.
- Todd Krainin"

We don't know whether comrade Todd Krainin has the appropriate authorization and clearance to follow through with his threats, but just to be on the safe side, here it is:

The full text of the transmission follows:

인사말, 동지! 북한 뉴스 프로그램에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 번역은 매우 나쁘다. 하지만 선택의 여지가 없었다. 김정은은 구찌 가방과 핵무기를 샀다. 우리는 번역가를 고용 남은 돈이 없다. 아니면 먹고.

뉴스로 돌아 가기.북한은 미국에 승리입니다. 악마 군주 오바마 대통령은 북한의 보건 의료를 사랑한다. 그래서 그는 개별적인 위임을 만들었습니다.

당신이 보험을 구입하지 않는 경우, 처벌은 가혹하다. 이 파충류는 벌금을 지불 할 것입니다! 당신은 재교육 캠프에 절인 브로콜리를 먹을 것이다! 그리고 최악의, 당신은 MSNBC의 "에드 슐츠 쇼"의 무한 루프를 볼 것입니다.

대사 데니스로드 먼은 새로운 5 개년 계획을 관리합니다. 그렇지 않으면, 오바마의 헬스 케어 계획은 죽을 것이다. HillaryCare 20 년 전 그랬던 것처럼.

그리고 오늘 밤 우리의 세계의 일부! 용기! 주파수는, 케네스 무엇입니까? 평양을 고급스럽게 숙박.

친애하는 지도자:

Todd Krainin.

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The Collective is most pleased that Comrade Chairman RedSquare has conceded to post this video production of our North Korean Komrades! He has spared us from Nuclear Armageddon to our great relief.

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Comrades, perhaps it's just me - but isn't our American Dear Leader missing out on an amazing business / culinary / international comradery building opportunity?

Ponder this:

1) Comrade President Kim Jong Un feeds traitorous North Koreans to dogs. But there is a finite supply of traitorous North Koreans.

2) Comrade President Barack Husseinovich Obama likes to eat dogs.

3) All that's needed is for Comrade President Obama to send traitorous teabaggers and Rethuglikkkans to North Korea to be fed to dogs, and he will have a never ending supply of dogs to eat!

In the interest of international progressive relations, it's time for our countries to open up a new inter-presidential culinary supply chain!!

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What has happened to our state control media? I awoke this morning and turned on CNN and witnessed a most disturbing event. CNN anchor Chris Cuomo had the audacity to go off script and act like a journalist. Disgusting!Our little Leader in the East was simply celebrating his glorious day of birth by being entertained by has been b-ballas when Cuomo chooses to take exception to this display of "cultural exchange" and question our great and glorious b-ball ambassadors.

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We received the follow-up transmission from the producer of this video:

You are truly a hero of the people, Comrade Red Square.

The Great Leader has no idea what you look like. But that has not stopped him from ordering a statue of you to be erected in Kim Il-Sung Square (located at the corner of Kim Il-Sung Boulevard and Kim Il-Sung Plaza, just across the street from the Kim Il-Sung Pizzeria and the Kim Il-Sung 24-Hour Dry Cleaners.)

Onward eternally,

Todd Krainin
Video Producer
Ministry of Propaganda
Our response:
Maybe this will help:


The Party is right behind you and your videos. Watching. Closely. Very closely.

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Our Glorious Chairman...In all His Glory!

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While this video was intellectually filling, I'm afraid I'll need to think about it again in 30 minutes.

Was I supposed to get an eggroll with this?

Was that nuclear Armageddon or an unclear Armageddon?

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Tovarichi wrote:While this video was intellectually filling, I'm afraid I'll need to think about it again in 30 minutes.

Was I supposed to get an eggroll with this?

No, comrade. They've already held that event last Easter. Sorry.