
When (Capitalist) Life Imitates The Cube™

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Comrades... While I was working visiting at the re-education treatment center this morning, I noticed a Kapitalist advertisement show up on the center's television during breakfast.... I figured I better change the channel back to something more educational since I am an employee a trustee (and wanted to make sure I could come home today)...

I believe the Kapitalists were trying to make people believe they are like us.... Here is the evidence:


ummm - I did just notice that they are a Government Motors distributor... maybe they are legitimate?

If not - I will repack my bag and return to the re-education camp for tonight's training....

Respectfully submitted,
Anon E. Mouse

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Good one. We are ready to take over ... um... erm... oh yeah: The glorious world of next Tuesday.

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Only a kapitalist trickster would would try to lure customers by offering them a trade-in allowance equal to the bailout money they already overpaid in taxes to keep the trickster out of bankrup......wait a minute... Never mind.