
Where is the Praise for Comrade Weiner?

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I am shocked and dismayed by the responses I have seen here in my collective to the savage attacks on a true People's Hero, Representative Weiner! I see little here but apologetic sniveling, comrades seeking excuses for the fine work Rep Weiner has done. We should be celebrating this news of his! Tell me comrades, did you bother to listen to his news conference? Or do you just listen to these right wing bloggers who toady to Bush? If you had actually bothered to listen to the man, you would have heard him repeatedly aver that he has and will continue to work hard for his constituents! He hammered this home time and time again, that he is hard at work and will not back down. If only all our representatives were as hard at work as he!

Now I will be the first to admit that when he said he made a big mistake, that he was speaking truthfully. No doubt I have seen others make bigger mistakes, but one thing I am sad to admit, his mistake was much bigger than mine. I can only dream that I could make one that big. What is scarey is that he apologized to Comrade Clinton, so I can only assume that Comrade Clinton's mistake was even bigger, but please, lets not let this thread turn into some argument as to who has made bigger mistakes or who is harder at work than others.

But let there be no doubt, unless you can claim that you are harder at work, or you can prove that you have made bigger mistakes, then let's....well, give the man a hand.

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Ahhhh, how I miss those glorious Bill Clinton years. I remember it as though it were yesterday, that evil Rethuglikan Gennifer Flowers being asked in a television interview about "presidential proportions" and replying "Well, Arkansas IS a small state."

When will these reich wing insults ever stop?

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I am puzzled by your usage of the word "big"... I did not see anything about Comarde Wiener Weiner that was "big".

I am thinking this poor, little man just needed some attention of the feminine kind and what better way than to drop trow and . . . . . well, OK, maybe there was a better way. But he is a close compadre of Bill Clinton's so what else would you expect him to do? Maybe he got some bad advise for chick picking upings?

Anyway, as we clearly saw, there is nothing to see. Move along, people.


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I agree with Marshal Pupovich. Representative Weiner provided the Party and Dear Leader with a distraction from the real business at hand. Announcements such as the 9.1% unemployment could have been very embarrassing. Fortunately, the masses are so easily distracted. Comrade Weiner has fallen upon his sword for the sake of us all. He should be rewarded and heralded as a People's Hero.

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I'm sure he will be rewarded with a new sitcom show to further damage the Parties agenda.


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Comrade Shovel, that would certainly be some relevant TV viewing for the comrades. And when Hillary gets booted retires, she would have something to do.

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Judge Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:I am puzzled by your usage of the word "big"... I did not see anything about Comarde Wiener Weiner that was "big".[table][tr][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]

So Comrade Fraulein. you do not believe Comrade Weiner did not make a big mistake? Then I suppose my mistake was even less than I imagined. Then again, I really had no points of reference when I saw his he say 5 foot tall or less?

Regardless of the size of his mistake, he should be lauded for being hard at work! Are you hard at work Comrades???

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Comrades, let us, in camera discuss things. Comrade Weiner is a small man with a large nose and big hands. That's all that's big, except his ego and hubris--do I repeat myself?--and this is in my experience unusual.

I find it delectable that Comrade Oscar Mayer Little Smokies should insist on staying in office, and I deplore the words of that arch RethugliKKKan Charles Krauthammer who said that the cardinal rule was not to interfere when the other party was committing suicide.

Let's send mash notes to Comrade Vienna Sausage, urging him to say in his office as even our fellow progs howl for his resignation, albeit not in convincing tones. After all, what's corruption or molestation to one of Stalin's Chosen People?

Dear Comrade Slimshanks is not a lawyer, so he can't even legally get into other people's affairs with his shingle. He's, quite unfortunately, completely discredited from being a lobbyist and perhaps even from teaching government in a community college. All he can do is use his nose to peck things.

But it's time for Jiffy-Lobo for me. When I heard of Comrade Miniweiner's difficulties, it so highlighted the differences between a true Prog, like me, and a stroppy little jerk-off like him that I got as excited as he was.

But then I have toothpicks which could say the same thing.

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Rumor has it the Barry will look into this sordid mess and try to retrieve some redeeming value. His propensity to eat weiners on and off camera has been well established.Praise may be processed through the Executive Media Machine.

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Grigori E.R. wrote:I agree with Marshal Pupovich. Representative Weiner provided the Party and Dear Leader with a distraction from the real business at hand. Announcements such as the 9.1% unemployment could have been very embarrassing. Fortunately, the masses are so easily distracted. Comrade Weiner has fallen upon his sword for the sake of us all. He should be rewarded and heralded as a People's Hero.

He certainly did fall on his sword which also answers the question "How deep must you stab a man to kill him (politically)?" The answer as we now know is "On average, 5 or 6 inches is enough."

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We must get Weinergate off the news--that dreadful Krauthammer said that the Repubs shouldn't interfere when the other party is committing suicide.

Nanski was so worried that her botox was showing cracks. But, and this is worrying, Harry Reid refused to step into the breech.

I denounce this first-ever notice of sentience in the Senate Majority Leader.

Why should he, of all people, now start talking sense? He's supposed to follow Weiner lockstep, like a lemming, over the precipice, along with AmeriKKKa.

Which I hate, because it's bigger than I am.

Ask Dear Obozo.

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Personally, it is my opinion that this whole problem has been exacerbated by the lack of progressive patriotism that we should expect from Comrades Pelosi and Reid! They have given aid and comfort to the Re-thuglicans! From the first breaking of the story they should have praised Comrade Weiner for his being hard at work. I have no doubt that either of these so called leaders can tell the difference between those politicians who are hard at work and those who are not. Not only should they have given him a hand, they should then announced their support for a new entitlement in his honor. That is my opinion.... that is at least if that is at odds with the People'sOpinion™ or the latest MiniTruth guidance... then I blame this on Bush!

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Hard working Heros of the People must come to the aid of Weiners!


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Minister of Truth Bill Clinton Thanks Congressman Anthony Weiner for Apology.

I praise Congressman Weiner for having had the decency and sense of honor to apologize to me for his having infringed upon my intellectual-property rights (copyright, patent & trademark). Not all on our side understand this, but Jon Stewart apparently understood this before anyone else did when he explained (I paraphrase): "Many people don't seem to understand why Congressman Anthony Weiner called Bill Clinton to 'apologize' even though the reason is obvious-- i.e., that Weiner had engaged in conduct infringing on Former President Clinton's copyrights."

--Minister of Truth

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Minister, I do applaud your recognition of the copyrighted sleaze of the Clinton Administration. After all, who better?

It is my understanding that Monica's copyright will shut down the porn industry. But that's okay for we Progs are into the porn of redistributionism.

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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:Minister, I do applaud your recognition of the copyrighted sleaze of the Clinton Administration. After all, who better?

It is my understanding that Monica's copyright will shut down the porn industry. But that's okay for we Progs are into the porn of redistributionism.

Hmmmm, the porn of redistributionism.... why, as I am still Commissar of Eco-Prostitution and owner of the Pup's Pleasure Party Centers, that would seem to fall under my duties and administration! A task I am more than willing to accept!

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Pupovich, I hate to tell you this, but while you were confecting your assault on the Rancho with your talent-shitting pigeons and your nano Jimmy Carter rabbits hissing, "Nuclar! Nuclar!"--what's more progeriffic than a nano rabbit talking like the second worst, for America, president in history--the Centre for Climactic Research at the University of East Anglia has admitted that it was all complete and utter bullshit. They didn't want to, but they had to.

And that is GOOD. Because our friends in the media, being completely unfettered by facts, have stolen the march on you with your eco-prostitution. Hell, those limeys lied out their asses--and that's a GOOD thing--and our useful idiots, sorry, sorry, sorry, friends in the media keep on regurgitating that catechism. Like a vulture with rabbit bones.

But look at them. They're so cute when they're young, dumb and full of cum.

Which they spew on everyone else, which is their right. After all, that's their only creativity: thinking of lies to bolster their worldview, which would be insupportable in a rational society.

Thank Lenin that rationality has nothing to do with AmeriKKKa now--just look at the world's most famous affirmative-action victim: the empty suit Barack Obama.I feel sorry for Dear O'Leader. He's not even as self aware as Bambi in the headlights.

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All this Weinergate hissteria is overblown. Bill did this stuff even before Twitter washelping congress get laid so handy. It got so bad at one point, Clinton's dog wanted to see who had the biggest schlong became obsessed with big boners and Hillary even gave a helping hand.

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Comrade Weiner has fallen upon his sword for the sake of us all. He should be rewarded and heralded as a People's Hero.

True words from our spiritual advisor. Weiner's Willingness to expose his Party Organ to deflect the bad news on the employment front should be recognized with an appropriate award. Perhaps one of the collective who is more equal than I in the arts graphic could design what could become the "Willing Weiner Award?"

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No "member" better to represent the Parties Organ than Weiner!

Copy of weinereerection.jpg


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Father Prog Theocritus wrote:....And that is GOOD. Because our friends in the media, being completely unfettered by facts, have stolen the march on you with your eco-prostitution.

Ah dear Father Prog, perhaps it is all for the best. I have become a bit tired of working on eco-prostitution, though I will still work hard for my Party Pleasure Palace if for no other reason than the side benefits. In fact, I am aiming to work harder on becoming more progressive such as you, though I will no doubt have to do this on a much reduced more along the lines of the means I had when I was still manning the flaming barricades in the Fatherland. But I deserve more comfort, I really do as I am sure you would agree. But I am still dismayed that you still blame me for those unfortunate events that may or may not have been caused by my talent shitting pigeons and/or Jimmy Carter nano-rabbits. I am sure that any damage that was done could hardly compare to the clean up that was needed after any one of those visits to your ranchero by the MTE or Pelosi and friends.

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I have no doubt that Weiner will earn praise exceeded only by sympathy when he joins the Cube after Weiner's treatment being completed:
--Minister of Truth

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Minister of Truth wrote:Pupovich,

I have no doubt that Weiner will earn praise exceeded only by sympathy when he joins the Cube after Weiner's treatment being completed:
--Minister of Truth

Comrade Minister of Truth, how did you feel about Comrade Weiner apolgizing to you?

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My Dear Comrade Marshall Pupovich,

Your question poses quite a challenge for me. First, I must, of course, say that "I feel [his] pain." I have no doubt that as we speak, Hillary is imparting her wisdom to Huma.

I must admit -- only here within party circles, of course-- that the report that he called me to "apologize" was merely a statement of Current Truth at that time. His real reason was for seeking my advice on how to deal with Huma. He asked me many relevant questions:

  • Should I remove all scissors and knives from the house?
  • Should I insist on separate bedrooms to avoid being Bobbitted in my sleep?
  • Should I accept my role as an icon of non-judgmental non-morality as you have done so well?
  • If I were to receive the treatment Huma says I need, should I not join The Peoples Cube in order to serve The People in the capacity of Comrade Weinerov?
  • What is Monica doing nowadays?
  • Why did you choose not to release those pictures of Hillary you described to me as having been found in her gym bag?
  • Should I "double down" and defiantly and proudly begin sending even more pictures of my awesome nakedness to all the female voters in my district who are either single or married to balding men with hangbellies?
  • Should I order some Cubans? (I hear that Castro's brother has actually dropped the price due to demand having fallen sharply as a result of our Progressive brethren's anti-Big Tobacco campaign in the U.S.)
  • Should I try to persuade Huma to make a sex-tape with me in which her forgiveness of me is indisputably obvious and then design a way for it to be released on YouTube in a manner in which we could credibly claim that Breitbart had hacked into our private "second-honeymoon reconciliation" Facebook/Twitter accounts in order to make it public on YouTube?
  • Should I explain that every time I posed for an x-rated picture and then tweeted it to my Twitter fans, it was because a thug hired by Dick Cheney was holding a gun on me?
  • Should I self-effacingly disparage my endowment by repeatedly saying to the public, "It's no big deal"?
  • Are you jealous that my package is bigger than your package?
  • Are you still speaking to Al Gore, and if so, do you know whether he's jealous that my package is bigger than his package, which his campaign advisor, Naomi Wolfe, so prominently sought to publicize in the 2000 election?
  • What did you do when you learned you couldn't pass the Wasserman-Schultz test?

To be Truthful, there are so many things about which he sought advice, I think I may owe it to the Collective to write a illustrated book (or at least an illustrated short story) on this event. Stay tuned.

--Minister of Truth

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Weiner update from the Minister of Truth:



--Minister of Truth

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Minister of Truth wrote:My Dear Comrade Marshall Pupovich,

Your question poses quite a challenge for me. First, I must, of course, say that "I feel [his] pain." I have no doubt that as we speak, Hillary is imparting her wisdom to Huma.
  • Should I self-effacingly disparage my endowment by repeatedly saying to the public, "It's no big deal"?
  • Are you jealous that my package is bigger than your package?
  • Are you still speaking to Al Gore, and if so, do you know whether he's jealous that my package is bigger than his package, which his campaign advisor, Naomi Wolfe, so prominently sought to publicize in the 2000 election?

--Minister of Truth

Comrade Minister of Truth, that is quite a list of questions Comrade Weiner has burdened you with. But those last three in particular astound me. For one thing, I can only assume that when Comrade Weiner claims he made a "big mistake," that his mistake was bigger than the average politico's mistake. It is hard for me to judge from the picture since I am not sure how tall Comrade Weiner is, though he appears to be a rather tall man which would make his mistake appear to be substantial. But how would he know about the size or your mistake or Comrade Gore's? Is it out there somewhere other than Comrade Lewinsky's and several hundred other women's minds?

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I came across this tidbit of "praise" from our favorite communist ruling the elitist northshore lakefront sector of the Peoples Republik of the 9th District—Illinoiz, and INSUFFERABLE MUTANT BEET AWARDEE Jan Schakowsky.

to wit:

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Communist-IL) fiercely defended Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) Wednesday as he continues to be bombarded by the press over a lewd picture of an unidentified man's crotch that appeared on his Twitter account, accusing conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart of unfairly targeting Weiner and distorting his image.

"I am well aware of Andrew Breitbart, his chasing around with microphones in my face, his distortions [of] ACORN and Shirley Sherrod ... he has in my view no credibility whatsoever," Schakowsky said. "I have no belief that there's anything going on with Anthony Weiner, who also happens to be a happy, pretty lucky newlywed."

Yes indeed. He doesn't know what's in store for him in the Treatment Center when they give him a mooslim-style circumcision.

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Not only has Comrade Jan Schakowsky defender Weiner, but so has Charlie Rangel, who blubbered on the house floor that he wasn't a bad representative or that he didn't do anything bad. I laughed so much I nearly needed a truss; I haven't laughed so much since Janet Reno murdered innocent people. Really. Not needing US? Mow them down!

Breitbart must of course be silenced, just as when a ray of sunlight exposes a pig-sty, curse the light.

I do so love Comrade Jan. She's even more obtuse than Nanski Peloski. You never want a smart prog, but all my closest prog friends, er, comrades, er, members of my sodality, are cunning.

The ones who survived the Darwinism of knowing me.

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Father Prog,

Apparently there is a certain sector north of Shitcago that also shares your "love" for this communist swine lobotomized progressive. I just thank Stalin she's not my representative. But for even how "progressive" Shitcago is, she still gives the mentally-challenged hoi poloi fits and seizures with the diarrhea that flows from her pie hole.

Listening to this relic of a reality unknown, and her painfully pointless diatribes reaching into uncharted areas of profane ignorance and stoopidity, leaves even the most hardened reprobate prog breathless with amazement and wonderment. She's a constant reminder that if there really is a hell on earth, she's the perfect representative for it.

I would be most happy to ship her to your BBQ pit of choice.

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Whinny, having Representative Jan rendered up into barbecue is something that I would never do--it poisons the pit. There's nothing for it but using the Superfund to clean it up.

That's why I don't even want her to get a sunburn. The, er, smell. The stench. Do you know what the smell of rotting prog flesh is?

Let's get an education from Casey Anthony. After all, who better than a partying whore who killed her daughter than to lead us?

Makes sense to me. Except she only murdered one person, and as a true prog you're not supposed to individually exterminate people for your own convenience: you make ovens and gulags.

Casey Anthony needs to be exterminated for not making the best use of prog effort to rid the world of irritations. Even her own daughter.

What Would Stalin Say about that? What would Ezekiel Emanuel say about that?