
Do You Want to Win Elections?

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(From Frozen - Do You Want to Build a Snowman

[Barack:] Voters? [knocks]

Do you wanna win elections?
You have to vote today!
Twitter and knock on doors
Donate some more!
Now it's the only way!

Things were looking FORWARD
And now they're not I wish FOX would go away!

Do you wanna win elections?
We're gonna win the next election!...

[Fox News:] You're losing, Barack..
[Barack Obama:] YES WE CAN!

[Barack (knocks):]
Do you wanna win elections?
Cousin Pookie's gone astray
I think that ACORN's really overused
They've started talking to
White people in the malls!
(Hang in there, Bro...)

Its scary watching TV
All these vote returns
Just watching the polls turn red...
(tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock)

[Barack (knocks):]
Voters, please I know you're out there
Newsmen are asking where you've been
They say, "Have courage," and I'm trying to
I'm raising funds for you
Just let me win!

We only have two years left
Then it's Hillary
What are we gonna do?

Do you wanna win elections? [sniff]

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You have warmed my soul like gulag beet soup....

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Mighty high praise from the Party Parody-miester.

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Dear Comrade Ivan the Stakhanovets...

Your words float with the music like snowflakes and land with a punch. I so enjoyed this.