
It's not a War!

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It has been announced by the Administration that we are not fighting a war with ISIS !
This is because we have no " boots on the ground ".

This is great news, Comrades !

We must start to rewrite our history books ( again ) to reflect this current truth.

Otherwise, if the masses see images like these, they might get the wrong idea about what happened back in World War Two :



B-17 Crew.jpg

I bet these guys would certainly be relieved to know they were not at war.

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Ah yes! Who can forget those inspiring scenes from the Major Counter-Terrorism Operation of Brittan?


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That was a man- caused counter socialist contingency operation of diversity against European and Japanese aggressors.

(and who was invoved in that one?Image Yep....)

War is waged against womyn-folks.

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Yes, Comrade T ..... George Bush 41, father of George Bush 44.

I, Krasnodar, have nothing but contempt in my heart for him and his "service" in the Navy.

Were you aware that he actually piloted one on these Grumman Avengers in combat, dropping torpedoes and bombs upon the helpless and innocent Japanese Navy, who were only there to defend themselves against American capitalistic aggression in the Pacific ?
And to put insult upon injury, he did this over 50 times.
(Got himself a Distinguished Flying Cross, which the Navy gave away like candy. Big deal.)

TBF sm.jpg

You'd never see Dear Leader Obama doing anything this foolish and reckless.
Why, someone might get hurt ! Even when they're not at war.

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Wasn't Bush 41 a bomber pilot who bailed out leaving his proletariat crew to face certain death in a pilotless plane?

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I thought 44 Bailed out leaving an entire country to face their doom.

Oh well, live and learn!

I see by the lengthening shadows that it's time to hang up the shovel and go test this weeks brewing results behind the tractor barn...

I'm off like a prom dress.

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Deer Leader is 44 and one could be forgiven for thinking he had bailed out leaving an entire country to face it's doom but that's just because one doesn't understand the brilliance and nuance of the no strategy strategy.

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[color=#C0392B]Tovarichi[/color] rarely tells a lie and proved it once again when he wrote:I'm off like a prom dress.


(Actually, I've lost the metadata for this image and I can't remember if it's you, Tovarichi, or R.O.C.K. in the USSA. I know it's not Captain Craptek... he's not that hairy!)


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Thanks for the image that you've posted above, Comradress Putout.
Really classes up a Friday night conversational topic !

Gotta' go... my eyes need a shower.

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No Strategy Strategy...sounds familiar....Shit Tzu?

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I havent had that little back hair since Junior High. I don't own a Navy-issued thong, perhaps the Commodore?

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Major Counter-Terrorism Operation, Huh! Good God, ya'll. What is is good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again. Major Counter-Terrorism Operation, Huh! Good God, ya'll. What is is good for?

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Rikalonius, you beat Pamalinski to the classic rock reference! Nicely done.
(I hope she's not ill...)

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Message to Comrade T. from Austinabad,

You know as well as I ( Krasnodar ) that Dear Leader has wiped out illness as well as war !

Perhaps Comradress Pamalinsky is experiencing some sort of " temporary unwellness ".

So please refrain from using the "i" word. Otherwise Commissar Nancy will be paying us a visit in about ten minutes. Do you really want this Saturday to start off with her presence and process of correction?

Me neither.

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Saw on Twitter today: "I did not have combat relations with that foreign soil."

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Tovarichi wrote:
(I hope she's not ill...)

Sunspots (or the NSA) are scrambling transmissions...

What I said I hope she's not swilling beet vodka without inviting us...

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Tovarichi wrote:I hope she's not ill...
I am sure she is just fine. I might ask the agency to be sure, but she is probably just finishing important work activism.

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Our reader Greg McCoy commented on FB:

The Pentagon has reportedly ordered 250,000 pairs of Birkenstocks. So no boots on the ground.

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Red Square wrote:Saw on Twitter today: "I did not have combat relations with that foreign soil."

It all depends on what the meaning of IS IS.

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Red Square wrote:Our reader Greg McCoy commented on FB:

The Pentagon has reportedly ordered 250,000 pairs of Birkenstocks. So no boots on the ground.
So they will trade boots for Birkenstocks and then in every Starbucks there will be boots on the grounds?

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Tell another pun like that one Red D, and you'll soon be finding yourself raking gravel at the nearest FEMA camp !

FEMA Camp 3.jpg

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Ivan Betinov wrote:No Strategy Strategy...sounds familiar....Shit Tzu?

I'm not sure what an ugly little Asian dog has to do with Deer Leader's Arab foreign policy, unless it has something to do with the Asian Pirouette (or is that Pivot? Can anyone clarify that for me?)

Let's keep track of this recent development, Comrades -- a new anti-counter-man-made-disaster interdiction and degradation operations song from the bitter KKKlinging Right

What they're .. GOOD FOR!
a-Absolutely .. NOTHIN'!
Uh huh
What they're .. GOOD FOR!
Absolutely nuthin'
Say it again, y'all
HUh, Good God
What it's .. GOOD FOR
Absolutely nuthin'
Listen to me

Not exactly Islamic counter-man-caused-disaster interdiction and degradation operations
I despise
Because it means destruction
Of innocent lives
Not exactly Islamic counter-man-caused-disaster interdiction and degradation operations
Mean tears
In a thousand mothers
When their sons go to fight
And lose their lives

(There's more, but I think you get the gest of it, Comrades)

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It seems that the key to a victorious strategy is whether or not The Party™ can put it into a catchy ditty, for consumption of the masses, or onto a bumper sticker/T-shirt.

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Secretary of State John Kerry reluctantly got on board with the Obama administration's message that we are at war, in a sense, with the Islamic State. In an interview that aired this morning on CBS's Face the Nation, Kerry addressed the fact that his rejection of the term to describe the U.S. action against the Islamic State was at odds with subsequent statements from the administration.

“There's frankly a kind of tortured debate going on about terminology,” Kerry said. “If people need to find a place to land, in terms of what we did in Iraq, originally, this is not a war, this is not combat troops on the ground, it's not hundreds of thousands of people, it's not that kind of mobilization.”

“But,” he continued, “in terms of al-Qaeda, which we have used the word ‘war' with, yeah, we are at war with al-Qaeda and its affiliates, and in the same context, if you want to use it, yes we're at war with ISIL in that sense. But I think it's a waste of time to focus on that.”

Look! A squirrel!


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Hey! How did he get my .50 cal pecan launcher?