
Viva la Revolucion!

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South Carolina lawmakers introduce bill to begin secession debate

To Arms! To ARMS! Comrades, first California, and now South Carolina, a truly bipartisan blue state/red state event is developing, reflecting the growing hatred of all things Bush Trump, and all leading to the fundamental change as our beloved Savior and redeemer Barack Hussein Obama (PBUH) promised us to community reorganize!

We will divide! We will conquer! We will celebrate diversity of the offended and oppressed, Womyn's health issues, (all done for the Children™) homo/transphobia, Sharia, misogyny, and dammit we'll have the rich pay for it all!

Workers of the World unite! DIVIDED WE STAND (Or sit, as we include our ability-challenged comrades who rely upon wheeled chairs for mobility and specifically whom Joe Biden graciously allowed to remain seated).

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If that's you Ivan... you're outnumbered!


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" ...those poor bastards have us surrounded. We have the advantage, as we can attack in any direction..."

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Ivan - I accidentally opened one of your letters... SORRY!

(Remind me, Ivan... did you ever give me a hat? NO - I DIDN'T THINK SO!)
