
Governor Inslee Bans Conversion Therapy

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OLYMPIA, WA - Governor Inslee, a known supporter of the LGBT community, has declared war on a type of voluntary therapy that is endangering the very LGBT existence. Indeed, if people can make a choice to leave the LGBT, who will re-elect the current State of Washington politicians and what will happen to Democrats everywhere?

Being on the front lines for conversion therapy ban, Gov. Inslee uses his pen, paper, phone, and Washington Department of Transportation to get things done. If necessary he will call in the National Guard to shut down every clinic that allows such therapy.

In his most recent battle speech, Governor Inslee said: "We cannot give the people a choice or their little minds will fry. The Washington State Government knows best and we shall choose for the people what they can or cannot be. None of this 'free-choice' rubbish you see in other states will be allowed. Free choices got us to where we are right now: broken down schools and healthcare, Republicans, Teabaggers, guns, poverty, unemployment, and the worst of all, the Internet. These things stand in the way of our victorious march towards the Glorious World of Next Tuesday. Everybody knows that Next Tuesday will cure all ailments."

To this end, Governor Inslee also has plans to get electric cars to be free of charge for toll booths and ferries with or without Washington State Congress passing the bill.

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Forgive me, but what could possibly be gayer than a bunch of men meeting together in secret in the woods in order to talk about their feelings? And why does all this talk about SSA only apply to men? Would an asexual be classified as having NSA?

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It's about time. Oregon has a queer Governor, and has had queer mayors (not to mention pedophile mayors) for some time.

Washington is always behind.

But then, come to think of it, I guess someone has to be "the behind" when Gay Sex is involved...

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Does this ban include all conversion therapy, including "sensitivity training"?

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We need to send the state to Straight-to-Gay Conversion camps!

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Dedhedvedev wrote:Does this ban include all conversion therapy, including "sensitivity training"?

Comrade Ded, The governor is only wanting to ban voluntary conversion therapy. Sensitivity training is always involuntary - because it is a requirement of the insensitive to be re-educated to be compliant to the sensitive wishes of The Party™ - and, therefore, to be strongly encouraged and subsidized in all possible aspects of life.

Nothing voluntary is ever good for the individual because it leads to notions of choice (too confusing), free will (a quaint notion but proven scientifically impossible since we all are simply victims of our biological programming) and (Lenin forbid) free thought. And we can't have that!

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Comrade Sovremennyy wrote: Forgive me, but what could possibly be gayer than a bunch of men meeting together in secret in the woods in order to talk about their feelings? And why does all this talk about SSA only apply to men? Would an asexual be classified as having NSA?

Sure Comrade Sov, when they secretly meet in the woods and discuss feelings it's gay, but when they secretly meet in halls and discuss politics it's a conspirac -er- move along. Just move along. That kind of talk's for my meeting I have later down at the docks.

[quote="Mikhail Lysenkomann"] It's about time. Oregon has a queer Governor, and has had queer mayors (not to mention pedophile mayors for some time.

Washington is always behind.

But then, come to think of it, I guess someone has to be "the behind" when Gay Sex is involved... [/quote]

Oregon's had happy govs and mayors!? How much did the 'happy" cost? Because if Bill J. "BJ" Clinton got in trouble for being "happy", I think that that the least Oregon can do is screw the people who are being happy up the behind or something.

And of course Wash. is behind. When the Futtbucker family landed in America, they went to Washington. They bred with the local population of bears, wolves, politicians and other such animals. This resulted in animalistic Futtbuckers who listen to their feelings more than their reason. Of course, because of this, the Futtbuckers are a reactionary force. But their platform and attitude is is one of impotence, so they don't see much action outside of their state's borders. Only now are they discovering the delights of a hot, wild Oregonian Summer.

And you're right, someone needs to be the behind when it comes to the LGBT community. It's you. Go to the alley between the Roxy and the old Studebaker dealer on 31st street, tell them Stierlitz sent you.