
You Didn’t Build That? ...So Who Gets the Credit?

Raum Emmanual Goldstein

Yes…. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama* said it: “You didn't build that…Somebody else made that happen.”

And to one extent, I must agree with Barack on this point. Whatever good thing I have accomplished in my life, I cannot claim the credit for. Where Mr. Obama and I part ways is on just Whom deserves the credit?

Regardless of the excuses made by his apologists, Mr. Obama's contextual implication is clear…nothing good in the United States can ever hope to exist without the good graces of Government (with a Capital “G”). As he was without teleprompter, Mr. Obama spoke from his heart, from his soul. He spoke from a worldview which has existed from the dawn of man. Indeed, his view comes from the basic “rule” that has existed throughout history. I hearken back through the annuls of history the long list of rulers who saw themselves as either divine or vested with divine rights to rule over mere mortals: the pharaohs, the emperors, the ones who dared rule others by claiming to be gods, the direct descendants of gods, or the chosen instruments of a divine being.

Granted, the devout Marxist does not believe in “God.” The Marxist cannot attest to a higher, heavenly being to which all men must someday answer; a God who governs in the affairs of men, a God Who has prescribed His Own Immutable Truth and Law for happy living. Rather, the Marxist sees mankind as product of a gradual millennia-old process of accidental evolution from some primordial pond scum -- albeit the highest order of life (at least on this planet). And, according to the heart of hearts of a Marxist, it is merely survival of the fittest; Might makes right. Whoever is capable of wielding power decides what truth is and what the laws shall be. To the Marxist, Government is the highest order and every man must eventual answer to the Collective. Ergo, Government is the source of all “good.” Obama is a Marxist. When he opens his mouth away from a teleprompter or in front of his acolytes, he makes this fact abundantly clear to all who will have the courage to face the truth: Obama is a Marxist and he will not rest until we all bow to his god -- the Government.

I'm no Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. I've never actually started my own business. I've usually worked for others or I have sacrificed in the service of a nation where all who have a smart idea and/or are willing to work hard can (and should) excel…and reap the substance of their risks and labors. But I know that in my own life, in small ways, I have accomplished and built things…and I KNOW that I cannot take complete credit. Rather, any good thing that I have accomplished in my life is a direct result of the Provision made to me by my Good and Gracious Creator.

My God is named Yahweh -- the same God worshipped by (or at the very least acknowledged by) the Founders and Framers of our Republic. My God has prescribed Truth and Law and has communicated it to us for our benefit. Everything on this planet was made by Him and belongs to Him according to His purpose. He granted us our lives, our liberty (by way of the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus the Messiah) to pursue the desires of our hearts -- the GOOD desires which He gave us -- for His purposes. And He wishes for us to benefit from the fruits of our labors and to bless others as His Spirit (not government) guides us. He is Love and he created us as objects of His Love. So, when we use our talents to create great things for the benefit of all mankind -- and reap a just reward for our efforts (usually determined by the value others are willing to assess based on the rewards they reaped for their efforts) -- then God receives (or at least should receive) the praise…not Obama, not some politician, not the swarms of faceless bureaucrats who stand at the ready to “…harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

I am no Marxist. I am an American, a soveriegn citizen who has deligated a limited set of enumerated powers to a Republic founded on the Prime Principles that there is a God, He governs in the affairs of men, and He has authored an immutable Truth and Natural Laws which we are allowed to violate at our own peril and to which our municipal laws must comply to be considered "just" and "moral." This same God has issued a warning to people like you, Mr. Obama:

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me.”

You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God…”

You shall not murder.” (…especially the defenseless child in their mother's womb who have barely begun to live).

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” (Or as you might call it "telling good stories"…Calling him a felon for your own re-election, as ONE example…).

You shall not covet your neighbor's house…or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (…or encourage others to covet his belongings while promising to “spread the wealth around.”).

You shall not steal.” (…even if it is for a “good cause”…stealing is stealing even if you get a government to do it on your behalf).

Yes, Mr. Obama, Somebody else made this great country happen -- this great nation which has been only the second “exception” to the rule of human history (which is tyranny). And, whether you believe in Him or not is immaterial. He does exist and one day you will have to answer to Him for every though, word and deed you have had, said or done. Given what I've heard you say and what I've seen you do, it is not looking too good for you in eternity. Among your many crimes, you are destroying (for the sake of your “god”) a Republic which was -- at it founding -- dedicated to His Glory and Honor. I pray you will repent, confess your sins and accept His gracious forgiveness. I pray you will undo the damage you have done or at least stand aside and allow us who value His gift to save what remains. That said I cannot make that decision for you, for it is written:

He who believes in Him (Jesus, God's Son) is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”

The choice is yours, but be warned: you shall reap what you sow…in this life and the next.
In the meantime, do not expect me to bow to your “god.” I hereby make a Declaration that I am "in dependence" of MY own Good Providence (His Name be Praised).

*I do not call him “President” because he is not eligible in accordance with the provisions of the United States Constitution and every relevant ruling by the United States Supreme Court to date.


Raum Emmanual Goldstein
A most appropriate display of irreverence for such a reverent topic, Kom. Dig.

User avatar
Comrade Raum, what a brillent post. Our dear leader will no doubt be starting his campaign on rounding up dissidents, such as us, and take control of all aspects of our lives with the imposition of Marshell Law.

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“Jesus and his Dad were small business owners. That's poverty of ambition. Jesus didn't pay his fair share and was crucified by the government. That's social justice.”

From “He didn't build that! and other parables for the Progressive Era" by Barack Obama.

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Ask every single person that sells their home for a profit if they will be sharing that money with those that built their homes.

If we can now charge people for profiting off of the work we were already paid for I expect every former student to give me 35% of the earnings until they die.

After all, they were really dumb until I built their brains up.

User avatar
Thank you Raum Emmanual Goldstein - I"ve been searching for a way to say essentially the same thing and now I don't have to. Socialists not only fail to understand or appreciate individual accomplishment and responsibility, they absolutely reject the concept that "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." (Ps. 127:1).

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!

Nice article, comrade...who wrote it for you?

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On a related note:

The Renegade Exodus and Other Crimes of Moses

And on yet another related note: Here's an email I received this morning.

Genesis 47:13-27

I would love to give the Pastor of this predominantly black church in Virginia three cheers. This guy is obviously a leader. Perhaps we should each decide who our real leader is... It is amazing to see that very little has changed in 4,000 years.

Good morning, brothers and sisters; it's always a delight to see the pews crowded on Sunday morning, and so eager to get into God's Word. Turn with me in your Bibles, if you will, to the 47th chapter of Genesis. We'll begin our reading at verse 13, and go through verse 27.

Brother Ray, would you stand and read that great passage for us? ... (reading) .... Thank you for that fine reading, Brother Ray. So we see that economic hard times fell upon Egypt , and the people turned to the government of Pharaoh to deal with this for them. And Pharaoh nationalized the grain harvest, and placed the grain in great storehouses that he had built. So the people brought their money to Pharaoh, like a great tax increase, and gave it all to him willingly in return for grain. And this went on until their money ran out, and they were hungry again.

So when they went to Pharaoh after that, they brought their livestock - their cattle, their horses, their sheep, and their donkey - to barter for grain, and verse 17 says that only took them through the end of that year. But the famine wasn't over, was it? So the next year, the people came before Pharaoh and admitted they had nothing left, except their land and their own lives. "There is nothing left in the sight of my lord but our bodies and our land. Why should we die before your eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land for food, and we with our land will be servants to Pharaoh." So they surrendered their homes, their land, and their real estate to Pharaoh's government, and then sold themselves into slavery to him, in return for grain.

What can we learn from this, brothers and sisters?

That turning to the government instead of to God to be our provider in hard times only leads to slavery? Yes... That the only reason government wants to be our provider is to also become our master?

Yes. But look how that passage ends, brothers and sisters! Thus Israel settled in the land of Egypt , in the land of Goshen . And they gained possessions in it, and were fruitful and multiplied greatly." God provided for His people, just as He always has! They didn't end up giving all their possessions to government, no, it says they gained possessions! But I also tell you a great truth today, and an ominous one.

We see the same thing happening today - the government today wants to "share the wealth" once again, to take it from us and redistribute it back to us. It wants to take control of healthcare, just as it has taken control of education, and ration it back to us, and when government rations it, then government decides who gets it, and how much, and what kind. And if we go along with it, and do it willingly, then we will wind up no differently than the people of Egypt did four thousand years ago - as slaves to the government, and as slaves to our leaders.

What Mr. Obama's government is doing now is no different from what Pharaoh's government did then, and it will end the same. And a lot of people like to call Mr. Obama a "Messiah," don't they? Is he a Messiah? A savior? Didn't the Egyptians say, after Pharaoh made them his slaves, "You have saved our lives; may it please my lord, we will be servants to Pharaoh"? Well, I tell you this - I know the Messiah; the Messiah is a friend of mine; and Mr. OBAMA IS NO MESSIAH! No, brothers and sisters, if Mr. Obama is a character from the Bible, then he is Pharaoh. Bow with me in prayer, if you will..

Lord, You alone are worthy to be served, and we rely on You, and You alone. We confess that the government is not our deliverer, and never rightly will be. We read in the eighth chapter of 1 Samuel, when Samuel warned the people of what a ruler would do, where it says "And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day..."

And Lord, we acknowledge that day has come. We cry out to you because of the ruler that we have chosen for ourselves as a nation. Lord, we pray for this nation. We pray for revival, and we pray for deliverance from those who would be our masters. Give us hearts to seek You and hands to serve You, and protect Your people from the atrocities of Pharaoh's government. In God We Trust...

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You didn't say that... the teleprompter made that happen!


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I don't have time to read it all, I am a busy bee, but I do want to say my opinion.

We scientists say "in order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first build the universe." And that takes 4 billion years to do.

I repeat: "you didn't build the business that you own" is plain preamble to the loot.

From my viewpoint, even Social Security, even the social programs, Obamacare and everything, they are nothing more than sugarcoated looting. And we swallow like suckers, for lack of frontal lobe (involved in long-term planning.)

The bigger the pie, the more room for the looting is there. That's one reason for the government to tax us to death. Another reason is that the wealthy people are much less manageable. If you are hungry (or choking for air, for the matter) you won't care about anything else but get by this immediate pain.

Apart that the tax system is very lopsided and twists the free market. The tax rate works this way: as you increase the tax rate, you increase the revenue. Up to here nothing genial, everybody agrees. Then there comes a point that as you increase the tax rate, you DECREASE the revenue. Guess what. We and many other countries in the world are way past this point. Which means that the government is not only interested on the big pie. They are also interested in keeping everybody poor.

What has Obama himself done in one lifetime, other than climbing through red carpets that were laid there for him? He must feel guilty at some level about his incompetence, and he spreads his incompetence around.

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
John Frum wrote: "you didn't build the business that you own" is plain preamble to the loot.

From my viewpoint, even Social Security, even the social programs, Obamacare and everything, they are nothing more than sugarcoated looting. And we swallow like suckers, for lack of frontal lobe (involved in long-term planning.)

Indeed, sir. You are correct. It is a pre-amble to loot.

Mr. Obama is delegitimizing the personal wealth of individual citizens to desensitize others to the forthcoming larceny. After can it be stealing if it is not theirs?

His ploy bares no difference to the propaganda used by the Nazis to dehumanize the Jews (et al.) with films, posters and classes using Darwinian arguments to classify them as “untermenchen” (sub-human). If they are not fully human -- and can be blamed for the ills of the state and the economy (sound familiar?) -- Then we can herd them into ghettos, and then herd them into labor camps, and eventually into gas chambers. After all, how can it be "murder" if they're not really human? Of course the wealth of the “deported” Jewish populations was also redistributed -- after all the Jews came by it illegitimately.

And everywhere a demagogue has used such sophistry to delegitimize individual wealth for the sake of redistributing it; the next step is to dehumanize those who dare to question it and will not remain silent. And once dehumanized… Well, I will let you sort the obvious destination of this little train ride, provided you have the courage to know the Truth. How foolish are WE to believe that it could never happen here?

In the meantime, ponder the source of Obama's rhetoric…

And Jesus said: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44)

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Q: How do you slaughter 11 million people?

A: You LIE to them.

Q: How do you get your own countrymen to steal from and kill their neighbors?

A: You LIE to them.

Who is Obama's REAL father????


User avatar
Bill Ayers said it plain that he'd kill 25 million un-reeducable people like me, who just happen to be the most productive members of the society. That he hasn't done it is because he hasn't been able to.

We have to be more aggressive. More power to the states, less power to the feds. Drag somebody to the voting booth. Convince somebody, talk to somebody. Make them think a little more long-term. Tell to the young "by the time you need Obamacare, it will be squandered like Social Security. We better delay its enacting."

Now I think that this country is so successful because its founders were educated farmers. A farmer is a long-term planner who works, produces and defends.

Wherever honey, there are flies. As America became wealthy, looters boomed. They can't help. It's not only for the sake of the loot, it's also for degrading the others. To begin with, looters despise the looted.

Any doubts now about the alliance Marxists-Nazis-Muslim ? Any doubts about what will the winner do to the allies?

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Truer words have never been spoken! But back to our show...


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Any doubt why Dems are so obsessed with the Second Amendment? For our own safety. For the safety of the helpless brainless human cattle that needs Dems.

Another point. The decisions of the Supreme Court can be overruled by the Senate and Congress. Yes. The Supreme Court in a sense has no power whatsoever. If the Congress + Senate decide that something means this rather than that, this is the definition of it. Congress + Senate + States alone have the legislative power. Most of the time, Congress + Senate.

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Yanno, Obama does remind me of a yappy shivering little rat- like Chihuahua.

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Manny Festo wrote:Nice article, comrade...who wrote it for you?


AHAAAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHHAHAAAAAAAH! AWESOME! Haven't laughed so hard since next Tuesday...


Actually... I wrote it... Well... not really... but I once got a Government grant to write something, so I'm gonna take the kollektive kredit for it...

... off building a 4,500 year old pyramid

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If Dear Leader had been around back then, this sadistic capitalistic hellhole would never have come to fruition. I suggest we get the Colonel working on it.
