
God, lightning accused of racism

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In a new lawsuit, God and lightning are co-defendants accused of burning black churches in the south. The NAACP has filed a civil lawsuit claiming the defendants targeted only black churches in the small amount of time since that weird kid opened fire in one.

While some Investigators say that these types of fires aren't unusual, the media is not buying it and is also blaming the Klan along with God and lightning.

No word yet if the Egyptians plan on suing God for the Seven Plagues.

As SC Fire Investigated, Stats Show Church Fires Not Unusual

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Wait just one minute here! Hasn't the NAALCP received the memo that Jesus/God is... BLACK!? They're the ones who made that claim (just look at their stained glass windows depicting Jesus as a brutha)! So what we have here, comrades, is yet another case of black on black crime blamed on the white, liberal elitists.

Wait...we believe in God now? Must update my Current Truth cheat sheet.