
It's Marx's 200th birthday - and there is nothing new to say

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Today all progressive humanity celebrates Karl Marx's 200th birthday with a spate of new books, articles, proclamations, and denunciations of capitalism.

We, however, will follow Marx's own legacy (he created a new teaching by combining two pre-existing philosophies by Hegel and Kant), and so instead of writing a new story will simply use the pre-existing ones.

Karl Marx to resign, ditch legacy due to sexual misconduct


Marxism Coffee: Smell The Revolution


Karl Marx's Concept Of Alienation Result of Genital Boils


Sometimes a Karl Marx is only a Karl Marx


Sexy Lenin, e-smoking Stalin, and Marx the Terminator

And finally, saving the funniest piece for last - Karl Marx's own writing.

Nothing debunks Marxism better than the actual reading of his archaic Communist Manifesto (1848) from the vantage point of 2018. Those who disagree have probably never read the damned thing. It didn't age well.

Read it - it's not that long.

The Communist Manifesto (original text)


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I denounce that image of Marxists wearing blue jeans which are symbolic of cultural appropriation American cultural imperialism.

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Here's a good one:

The 45 Communist Goals as read into the Congressional Record 1963

Later inquiries on the Rense site include the word Zionist. I never saw that before. The one I posted is cleansed of this word.