
Biden's Drop-Out Letter

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2 PROGOFFandON.jpg

Yesterday, Joe Biden's handlers wrote an open letter to America and placed Joe's signature on it. The letterhead is not on White House stationery and does not indicate that Biden is President. Further, the letter's bad punctuation belies that it was originally written for a teleprompter but hastily repurposed as a letter.

All that aside, here's the actual letter* as viewed without "They Live" glasses:


Joe Drop Out Letter.jpg

And here's the letter viewed through "They Live" glasses:


They Live Drop Out Letter.jpg

* Yes, Comrades, it's real and not a parody.

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Colonel Obyezyana wrote:
7/22/2024, 10:17 am
Uh-oh! This just dropped at 7:45 a.m. ET: ... signature/

Not to worry, comrade.  That's just his signature when he's off his meds. He dashed it off in a rare moment of lucidity.

- SK

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Most Equally Esteemed Comrades,


Would it surprise ANYONE if the letter was a fake?  What the heck else were they going to do?  Everything up to and including an assassination attempt was tried and failed.  Time to approach the problem from the other end. 


We have always been at war with EastAsia.  Of course I believe President Biden would give up his second term without so much as a press conference.  And then he would remain sequestered out of sight for days afterward.  Sounds perfectly plausible to me.  But then I would bite a #4 Silver Vibrax or Russian River Fly. 

Eating it up with a spoon in the Current Truth™,

Red Salmon