
Boehner, The Turd Burglar, fighting back tears, re-elected

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Yes, Comrades! Another victory for the proletariat! We are so familiar with Weeper of the House Boehner's close resemblance to a Bassett Hound. Crusted teardrops just go with the breed.

This headline was inspired by a friend who owned a dog by this name, AKA "Gwen". She was renowned for stalking all the other animals in the house in order to eat their excrement. True story!

Alas, the poor thing was overtaken by tumors and had to be put down. Was it because of the excrement she ate? We'll never know. A coincidence? I don't think so. We assume it was her way of claiming her territory. After all, she was quite well fed.

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So many similarities...Bassett/Boehner, Boehner/Bassett, excellent catch Pamski! But the true test, is what is the appropriate theme song? (and dear LENIN don't offer up "Crying" by Roy Orbision...YuuuchhhK!)

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Myself, I can't help wondering if Boner has a bedroom in the Obamas' quaint and humble little Hawaii Vacation Bungalow.


Maybe a garage apartment, if nothing else.

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Hey, Tovi,

I won't give you the awful "Cry" by Roy Orbison. I understand this concern.

Here's my substitute, right from Woodstock, 1969, Live!: Janis Joplin's "Try"

Hope this works for you. (quite similar to "Cry". huh?) Pfft! At least it rhymes!


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ROCK, frankly I suspect Boehner actually does have a "special" room in O's Hawaiian resort. We will never know because they don't want us to (know) (Sorry for the dangling participle)

As for you, Tovarichi, I actually like Roy Orbison. Seemed like a decent guy, and very operatic in his style. I appreciate this style, I guess, because, among other things, I toured with the Metropolitan Opera National Company when I was only 20 years old. Later, I became enamoured with jazz.

Still, I posted the Janis Joplin thing because there is much more symbolism that is appropriate for today than one might think in this video of her. That's why I posted it. I don't post videos because I want to share my "favorite songs."

Sometimes I hit it, sometimes I don't. I try to use my knowledge and love of music to express myself. That's what I have going for me and I'm going to use it! Thank you for understanding this about me!

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I will thank you to keep your dangling participle properly covered, young lady. While we may have no religious morals at the Cube, we do have standards. Imagine if Fraulein Pulloskies saw you wandering around the halls of the KMTC with your participle dangling out for all to see? And let's not even go where former president Clinton might with such an opportunity.

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I thank you, dear Ivan Betinov, brain in jar, for noticing the most important part of my post, my dangling participle.

This is what we need! Focus on the most important things in life!

Tell Fraulein Pulloskies I love her. She rocks! And, she knows I do but will not acknowledge this.

This is because I was banned by Red Rooster and she doesn't want to "touch" me.

I'm back, dear Fraulein, and have found the love of my life in Comrade Tovarich! Been living with him for several years now. I am so happy! Oleg is very happy about this.

Please, feel free to communicate with me. I welcome it!

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For clarification to my fellow Cubists, it's not me that's putting the twinkle in Pamski 's eye... Image
sadly, she doesn't know what she's missing.

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Not me either, Comrade Tovarichi - just so it's understood.

Anybody else it's not?

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Traitors! Traitors all! Pfft! You think I care? Gotcha suckers!

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Ah yes, turd burglar indeed. It's absolutely disgusting to watch one dog sniff the rear of another, but I digress. Maybe there's just something appealing about orange skin that makes people stoopid.

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B-b-b-but, Sugar Daddy Bear, that's just the way dogs roll! I mean, aren't we supposed to be tolerant of any and all ways of communication and behavior?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "orange skin". Can you clarify? I'd really like to know what you mean by this. (I think)

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Its enough that we have orange-on-orange violence in the streets, now we have hatred on the interwebs! Sombody is getting denounced over this one and I mean SOON!

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Oh, I get it! Re: Orange skin. Racism consists of ALL COLORS! Wow! What a concept! So, according to my understanding, anyone who says anything negative about anyone they don't agree with is a racist! That is so comforting. So, now that we are at an impasse, what's next?

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Pamalinsky wrote:So, now that we are at an impasse, what's next?
Well, now, isn't THAT just a raaaaacist question to ask???

Comrade Sharpton - Pamalinsky said "impasse"!!

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Oh my goodness, ROCK. I just give up! Trying to be fair and all. It's pointless. Sigh.

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Ahhhhh, Comrade - you begin to see the Current Truth™...

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It's true, you all have worn me down, despite my protests.

Thank Stalin's ghost! I am now a helpless, dependent prog. No longer do I have the burden of actual, curious, thought.

Not sure I'm happy because I can't feel a thing. Beginning to see this is a good thing. I just roll over and do it again. The repetition puts me into a trance. Wow! I'm really blissed now!

Hey, thanks, ROCK! WOW!

I used to think I was "blessed". Now I know the difference!

I am now, "blissed."

Amazing how just one letter changes everything!

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Pamalinsky wrote:B-b-b-but, Sugar Daddy Bear, that's just the way dogs roll! I mean, aren't we supposed to be tolerant of any and all ways of communication and behavior?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "orange skin". Can you clarify? I'd really like to know what you mean by this. (I think)

So Pam, what would you propose: dogs have a "right" to marry, too? We ARE tolerant because we are incapable of being intolerant, even though our non-judgemental judgments may indicate differently. We cannot choke on our own hypocrisy. Just ask Father Prog if you need further clarification.

And what I mean about "orange skin" is someone who is narcissistically and vainly consumed with their own strange skin color that they find a peculiar need to draw attention to it by highlighting the fact it is ORANGE.

Is this "racism" to say someone is strange just because they have orange skin? Of course not! He's a RETHUGLIKKKAN!

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Thanks, Sugar Daddy Bear, I can really dig that!

Image Just when I start to "like" them, they show themselves to be racist, orange, white, black, brown, yellow, green, chartreuse, puke-pink, homophobic, war-mongering, fish-mongering, hate-mongering, life-mongering, oil-mongering, women-haters, love haters, fresh air/water haters, wild-animal haters, I mean, there's just no end to their hating! Haters!

The hard part is they project their own viewpoints and stances upon me, A Rethugglican! I just don't know what to do. I realize I can do nothing to bring them closer to me. Hate is a hard foe. Patience is, once again, my friend. Patience is our friend but, can seem like another hard foe. It's not. Trust patience. Remember the hare and the turtle.

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This has been a mentally exhausting thread. Physical exercise is what's required to keep the prog mind dull and listless. Not thinking.

Brain Fitness.png

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I.M. Craptek wrote:Physical exercise is what's required to keep the prog mind dull and listless.

Of course you're referring to the exhausting "physical exercise" that is required to actually stand in the free soup line, or walk to the mailbox to get the free O'bama-stash™ check, or even having to decide which O-fone doesn't clash with a brown paper bag.

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Sugar Daddy Bear wrote:
I.M. Craptek wrote:Physical exercise is what's required to keep the prog mind dull and listless.

Of course you're referring to the exhausting "physical exercise" that is required to actually stand in the free soup line, or walk to the mailbox to get the free O'bama-stash™ check, or even having to decide which O-fone doesn't clash with a brown paper bag.

Quite so, comrade. But as CNN™ reports: "...Instead, welfare recipients swipe plastic cards through a registerside terminal to pay for groceries, much like shoppers using bank or credit ..."

It is unfortunate that the joy of crawling over empty vodka bottles to one's mailbox for the monthly "O Check" has been obviated by such futuristic devices as the "O Card". The Party should consider the effect this lack of exercise has on progs. (not that I wish to complain or anything!) I wonder...when will home deliveries begin?

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Comrade, I STILL have to climb over empty vodka bottles to get to my government-subsidized, party-approved electric car!

Of course, some of these welfare recipients may not have gotten on the Cash for Clunkers bus in time...

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I.M. Craptek wrote:Comrades,

This has been a mentally exhausting thread. Physical exercise is what's required to keep the prog mind dull and listless. Not thinking.

Brain Fitness.png

I know what your mean, Dear Crap,

I had to turn down a factory job at Amazon that required four 10-hour shifts (M-T Th-F) with mandatory overtime on Wednesdays and Sundays. It paid well, too! $12/hr.

The required 10-hr shifts mandated standing for that amount of time, with 15-minute "breaks."

Many years ago I knew a friend, who worked out diligently, very young, about age 28 and did body building as her routine. She had a job at a bar, cutting garnish, serving clients. She was exhausted at the end of the day.

She said she couldn't hack it.

Evidently, physical exercise doesn't cut it.

AND, actual humans have their limits!