
Dems. Prepare for "Entitlement Awareness" Campaign Blitz

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You, Krasnodar, are nothing but a racist. Yeah, that's right. I can see right through your little coded picture there, racist. "Gravy Train?" Did you really think you could get away with posting such an obviously racist sentiment here on the People's Cube? Let's just decode your little offering here, shall we?

"Gravy:" While some would argue that gravy is merely a delicious addition to a wholesome meal, right-thinking people know that when used in any kind of political context, what you are referring to is chicken gravy, which comes from pan-fried chicken. Fried chicken. Can you get any more racist than degrading the very essence of soul food? Why don't you just light a cross?

But it gets even worse.

"Gravy Train:" We have already established that your use of the word "gravy" is racist code, but here you compound your guilt by combining it with the word "train." Don't pretend you didn't deliberately do so. Gravy is an essence of what kind of cuisine? Go ahead, look at the previous paragraph. SOUL food, my little racist friend. So not only are you mocking a great cuisine, you are also mocking an icon of African American heritage, Soul Train. Gravy Train? Soul (food) Train? Did you really think you could possibly slip such a blatant racist attack by the ever-vigilant watchdog that is the People's Cube?

And on a White truck, no less. You disgust me.

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Dearest Brain in Jar : What can I say....your powers of logic and figuring out stuff exceed that of poor buff-tone (closer to white than black) Krasnodar.....especially the "pan-fried chicken gravy " deduction. Normal people would never have made that discovery. Perhaps your immersion in four quarts of Stoli has made you into the progressive you are today. Now, if you will excuse me, I feel the need to go stick my quasi-racist head in the oven.....

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Ivan Betinov wrote:You, Krasnodar, are nothing but a racist..........................
.....................And on a White truck, no less. You disgust me.

Glorious Comrade Betinov,

I hereby award you this glorious token of The Party's appreciation for your ever vigilant work towards progressive change.

You should be ashamed Comrade Krasnodor, utterly RACCCCIIIIISSSSSTTTT Gravy Train's disgust me!!!! Let The Party™ know when your robotic head is fully baked to a metallic crisp -- and maybe, JUST MAYBE we'll give you your union card back.

Image ROT-Dacha-FLM-PartyApproved-AO!

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It is undisputed fact: anything that can be even remotely construed as being critical of Democrats in general and His Obamaness in specific can ONLY be motivated by racism. The codes are always there, comrades. All you have to do is deconstruct the item sufficiently and decide unilaterally that you know what the thought criminal was REALLY thinking. Then you have indisputable proof of the thoughtcrime and can adopt the proper sense of outrage.

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Ivan Betinov wrote: "Gravy:" While some would argue that gravy is merely a delicious addition to a wholesome meal, right-thinking people know that when used in any kind of political context, what you are referring to is chicken gravy, which comes from pan-fried chicken.

Comrade Ivan

Do you know any right-thinking people? I hope not. I believe that this must be some Freudian slip of the tongue.

Here at the Cube we are all left-non-thinking people.

You were almost denounced!



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Krasnodar will give penance and pray to the M.T.E. for guidance, for she is very wise and powerful........and always lurking behind the curtain ..... patiently waiting for 2012. Krasnodar have input for following comrades :

To Com. Neotrotsky......Nice segway.

To Com. Dig4Utopia .....Keep digging before the ground freezes. You're almost there, by the look of things.

To. Coms. Ivan Betinov and Red Rooster......You both are gifted in the art of subtleties.
Have either of you given thought to working as counselors on a suicide hotline ?

To. Com. Obamugabe...... You're just plain scary this morning ! Perhaps the collective could use you as a good will ambassador.

Go to the Progressive enclave of New York City and ask them what "gravy" is.

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Racist??! *&%$#@!!!!!! (and I was waiting for my train to be delivered!)


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Don't fret Frau, I snuck over to the valve and made a little withdrawal of that so-called gravy to pour over my roast beef sandwich. Trust me when I say it wasn't gravy at all.

(perhaps it was gravy at one time, but not anymore)

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Slight error on the side of the truck. As shown is says "Yes we can", It was ordered to say " Yes we Cram". So we let every one know they will receive according to their needs.

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Go to the Progressive enclave of New York City and ask them what "gravy" is.

Or go ask the Quebecois.........


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Ivan Betinov wrote:You, Krasnodar, are nothing but a racist. Yeah, that's right. I can see right through your little coded picture there, racist. "Gravy Train?" Did you really think you could get away with posting such an obviously racist sentiment here on the People's Cube? Let's just decode your little offering here, shall we?

"Gravy:" While some would argue that gravy is merely a delicious addition to a wholesome meal, right-thinking people know that when used in any kind of political context, what you are referring to is chicken gravy, which comes from pan-fried chicken. Fried chicken. Can you get any more racist than degrading the very essence of soul food? Why don't you just light a cross?

But it gets even worse.

"Gravy Train:" We have already established that your use of the word "gravy" is racist code, but here you compound your guilt by combining it with the word "train." Don't pretend you didn't deliberately do so. Gravy is an essence of what kind of cuisine? Go ahead, look at the previous paragraph. SOUL food, my little racist friend. So not only are you mocking a great cuisine, you are also mocking an icon of African American heritage, Soul Train. Gravy Train? Soul (food) Train? Did you really think you could possibly slip such a blatant racist attack by the ever-vigilant watchdog that is the People's Cube?

And on a White truck, no less. You disgust me.
Thank you Comrade. I was unsure how to be offended by this pathetic garbage.