
Non-enforcing existing laws to further the Party's goals

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Comrades, I must be growing up -- the genius of non-enforcing (some of) the existing laws has dawned on me... (We are safe from eavesdropping here, right?)

As long as the Party has to operate within a soft Democracy, it can ill-afford to alienate the voters -- or else decades of conditioning by public schools and media will be at risk of being undone. So we have to manipulate encourage the voters into demanding the measures, that we want to pass -- for The Greater Good, of course.

And what better way to make people demand real laws, than by sabotaging enforcement of the existing weak ones? Take "National ID" -- which would have to be carried by law-abiding citizens on their persons for police to inspect at their leisure... The voters hate the idea... But they hate out-of-control immigration too. So, let's sabotage enforcement of the existing immigration laws until they sincerely demand, that a hard-to-fake National ID of some sort be implemented. They'll want it to separate "illegals" from "legals". We'll use it for that, alright, and then for better control of the citizenry's movement. Arizona is showing the way and nobody -- friend nor foe -- suspects, that the Party is behind it...

Works with the gun-"control" laws too, for another example. Most gun-related crimes involve guns, that are already illegal under the existing -- just sloppily-enforced -- legislation... So, every such crime makes for stronger demand for ever harsher limitations on gun-ownership, and states like New York show the way on this one... Because clearly the existing laws don't work and, with any luck, that dangerous Second Amendment will be removed by the next generation...

We can target the very Capitalism itself in a similar fashion. By forcing Fannie and Freddie to lower their standards for mortgages they would buy, and the private banks -- to issue bad mortgages in the name of "non-discrimination" (they stopped resisting as soon as they found they could off-load such loans to Fannie and Freddie), we can demonstrate, that "Capitalism does not work" and proceed to dismantle it by bailing-out or flat-out nationalizing financial institutions.

Obviously, the senior members of the Party have figured this out long ago -- and worked hard to implement these plans. I'm posting this now so that my fellow Party-members can better appreciate the Politburo's work...

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These are glorious ideas, Comradess Mi but, I err, umm, I thought the Obamaregime administration that already implemented this very agenda?

well, sweet Stalin, I missed your last sentence. These glorious plans have been working for ummm, decades? Teddy Roosehothevelt was one of our first proud Progs, was he not? It is sad that we'd had to wait so long for the The of Obamoa ™to emerge, but then, we also know - HE is the One we've been waiting for.
So sad, that Comrade Stalin didn't live to see the stupendous arising of his Kenya brotherhood!

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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Comradess Mi

Tovarisch Pulloskies! Thank you for your kind words and understanding.

One question, however, remains unresolved... They may be covered by fur and thus not showing on the avatar, but there really is a pair of perfectly functional, uhm, cojones under that tail. Stereotyping all cats as pussycats is rather unbecoming of a properly gender-neutral comrade, that we all strive to be, don't we?

If you are, in fact, as attractive as your new avatar suggests, perhaps, we should meet in a private corner of the People's Barracks -- under the "glass of water" theory -- to put an end to this (once-resolved) question of what sex this cat really is?

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Comrade Sir Mi, I must beg forgiveness. Alas, your glorious tail was blocking my view of, err, your endowments. Henceforth, I shall remember, you are not of the pussycat variety but of the un-neutered maleness variety. "things" are much clearer now.
Hail Obama!


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Fraulein Pulloskies wrote:Comrade Sir Mi, I must beg forgiveness.
Oh, no offense taken whatsoever. I posted only for clarity's sake.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:Frau, that's not his tail.

Blushing... Blushing... Thinks, whether it is really a handle of an ice-pick protruding from Whoopie's avatar, or... Goes all red and high-tails runs away...

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Comrade Whoopie,

That reverse picture of mi helps create a lovely metaphor for mi's thought provoking essay. When his back is to us and his tail is swishing, that's the government turning it's back on a law, but the picture of mi facing us, well, that's the government, well, you know what the government is going to do to you, then.

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The method described continues to be put into good use, comrades! Witness the Federal Housing Authority relaxing its requirements to help the market of luxury condominiums... A short-term reward for the Party's donors in New York. And long-term -- another nail into the coffin of Capitalism, right next to the shining nails of relaxing the rules of Fannie and Freddie and the subsequent crisis of the entire financial system.

Under disguise, I ran this topic on another forum. Maybe, a worthy rebuttal will be posted there, helping us find a worthy comrade!

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Oh, mi, I am so proud of you for venturing outside of the collective. Just think, once everyone defaults on those loans, which they will, especially if they are located in Manhattan, they will revert back to the state, and, who knows, perhaps, one day, a bureaucrat will assign one to us.