
Left Wing Whores: the movie

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Seems like there's a few too many left wing whores these days.

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Left Wing Whores

Uncle Joe, why did you repeat yourself?

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Perhaps the right wing bastard in the turquoise shirt was overcome by so many options.

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Extremely Equal JosephStalinthe3rd,

I enjoyed your latest documentary immensely.

I also reveled in your last documentary before it was disappeared down the Memory Hole ™. I think I understand why that one had to disappear. Perhaps a little too accurate for the masses. Know that I thought felt it was most awesome.

Even though gratitude is a disease of dogs, I want to thank you for your posts.

A swirl of blood in the Current Truth ™,

Red Salmon

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Thank you Komrade Red Salmon. I believe I may have eaten one of your relatives for breakfast, on an onion bagel, recently. He tasted like a heavy smoker.

I'm not sure which documentary you are referring to - having been lost...? I would be happy to look into it.

Thanks again.