
Media Matters Seeks To Silence Rush Limbaugh

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Stand with Media Matters, organize a Rush Limbaugh book burning.

The Story

The Associated Press reports this morning that Media Matters is launching a radio campaign against Rush Limbaugh, hypocritically refusing his apology and using his Sandra Fluke comments as a club to destroy his platform. As AP reports:

The liberal Media Matters for America is using a past campaign against Glenn Beck as a template. In Limbaugh, however, they're going after bigger game. He's already fighting back and the group's stance has provoked concerns that an effort to silence someone for objectionable talk is in itself objectionable. Media Matters is spending at least $100,000 for two advertisements that will run in eight cities.

Media Matters is also pushing seminar callers, who will tell local stations “we don't talk to women like that” in our city. For some odd reason, Media Matters seems less concerned about Ed Schultz's radio show, despite Schultz calling Laura Ingraham a “slut” on MSNBC.

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Progressive Plagiarization:


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Oooooh, a bonfire! Let's throw in some other stuff! I have a hunnert year old Constitution thingy we don't use anymore.... It just gets in the way.

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Rep. Alan Grayson stares at an amazing hard object made of thin white sheets that burn awfully well when thrown into fire

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There was a comment on Facebook link to this post, to which I answered and would like to reproduce it here.

The author of the comment is not a leftist, and yet for some reason he used a widespread logical fallacy that leftists successfully employ to their advantage:

"Marxists were victims of Nazis, therefore they must be on the opposite side of the political spectrum."

This leads to a misconception that the political spectrum ranges from the far left (communists) and the far right (Nazis). But in fact, nothing could be farther from the truth.

William W wrote:The first books the Nazis threw onto the fire were those written by Karl Marx.
My answer:

The Nazis saw Marx as competition. Marxists were strong in Germany and fighting for the same territory as the Nazis - which is who would be building socialism in Germany. The tragedy of the time was that socialism didn't have any alternative. The choice was between the National Socialism (Nazis) and the international socialism (Marxists).

In fact, nobody destroyed more books and killed more Marxists than Marxists themselves, when they were fighting for power. Once they took power in Russia in 1917, Bolsheviks began to purge all the Mensheviks, the SRs, and other fellow communists who had a slightly different view of how to achieve "progress." The purges continued all the way to the 1940s, killing and imprisoning Trotskyites and other former comrades.

Trotsky was a Marxist - and what do you think happened to all his books and the books written by his allies after Stalin was done with him? They had all been extracted from libraries, stores, and people's homes - and destroyed. Most likely they were burned. So when it comes to killing Marxists and burning their books, Hitler was a limp-wristed pansy boy compared to Iosif Stalin - the biggest Marxist of the time and simultaneously the biggest murderer of Marxists and probably the biggest book-burner in history.

Mao was doing that during the Cultural Revolution as well, but considering literacy levels of the time, China probably didn't have as many books to burn as Russia had.

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Red, as Party Academician and general nitpicking nogoodnik, I applaud your schooling of this fellow traveller, but I am appauled by your failure to file Party Form PF1127/Waiver (Academic) before doing so. We cannot have unqualified people (that is to say, persons who have not had their grey matter thoroughly washed in the pure fountains of State education) teaching anyone anything for any reason, without supervision and without paying union dues. We are of course always eager to grant waivers (following the great example opf Dear Leader and ObamaCare waivers) to properly credentialed Party officials like yourself, major campaign donors, and anyone willing to boycott a company that advertizes on Rush Limbaugh. That being said, it isn't done until the proper paperwork has been filled out and mailed to the People's Central Paper Processing Proccessing Center of the People's Papers in Mud Butte South Dakota.

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Red Square wrote:The choice was between the National Socialism (Nazis) and the international socialism (Marxists).
I approve this message.

Many discussions about the feasibility of communism/socialism deteriorate into the difference between communism vs socialism. I find the international vs national comment insightful, original and more contextually scintillating than my usual hard line of, "there is no difference" or "the difference is only degrees".

One patient may have melanoma and the other lymphoma - but both have cancer.

Should we now discuss the fine points of Suni vs Shia?

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Our Collective has been required voted to make all of the "books" by Thought Criminal "Rush" Limbaugh into our new Green Energy Source! All Hail The World Of Next Tuesday!

Will all nearby collectives be so kind patriotic as to load these traitorous tomes into trucks oxcarts and bring them to our convenient Central Nutritional Facility in support of Commissar Obama's Green Energy Plan? We can assure you all that every single volume will be ridiculed, besmirched, laughed at, defaced, and publicly ridiculed before fueling our cooking and heating fires.

Grilled beets, anyone?

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Red Square wrote:In fact, nobody destroyed more books and killed more Marxists than Marxists themselves, when they were fighting for power.
Just as nobody kills more Muslims than Muslims themselves, when they are also fighting for power. Evil eats its own.

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Vrag Naroda wrote:
Red Square wrote:In fact, nobody destroyed more books and killed more Marxists than Marxists themselves, when they were fighting for power.
Just as nobody kills more Muslims than Muslims themselves, when they are also fighting for power. Evil eats its own.
The Official Stamp of Approval


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On the order of placement chart for the proper display of awards on the uniform, is the Order of the Teabag higher, equal to or lower than Beet of the Week?

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My reading included a recent article stating the burning of books was only a cover for the burning the mandatory mental health treatment records of all the leadership of the German Workers Party, later called Nazi, just like the former speaker of the house.

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PROG off:

Golf cart man is thinking " Dam that white guy got a big cigar, wish my cigar was that big".

PROG on: Who does that Jerk with a big cigar I think he is, he can't have a job as good as mine.

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Comrade RedSquare, to further my infiltration of the "Tea Party" I have updated my FB status to include your analysis of the NAZI's and Marxists fight for power, surely I will get a nice dacha an extra beet rations as I further infiltrate the reactionary tea partiers.

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I had a Pol-Sci prof that was a member of the CPUSA, actual card carrying member, he would laugh about the American NAZI Party as being anti-communist yet agreeing with "National Socialism", his comment was these ignorant fools don't realize they are socialists. His position was as long as socialism was furthered, the means justified the ends.

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Comrade KK,

Sounds like he could be a graduate of People's Institute of Theology [PIT] in Moscow.
Called by attendees "the pit."
Graduates are hard to identify.

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Vrag Naroda wrote:
Red Square wrote:In fact, nobody destroyed more books and killed more Marxists than Marxists themselves, when they were fighting for power.
Just as nobody kills more Muslims than Muslims themselves, when they are also fighting for power. Evil eats its own.
Perhaps we should just let them do their own thing, you know, like effing goats and killing each other. And, who are we to decide this for them? Let them keep it up, I say! It's what they want and I am all about FREEDOM OF CHOICE! Just a thought!

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Comrade P,
I was strongly caution you against either of such disgusting words as freedom and/oor choice.

You have 100% freedom of choice as long as it 100% agrees with the General Secretary.
If this was not a momentary lapse, you are eligible for a "scholarship" to a reeducation camp for an indeterminate period of time. Understand?
Last edited by General Confusion on 4/17/2012, 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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