
Notable/Quotable: CCP or Democrat Party?

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Letter to the editor in the WSJ in reply to their article 100 Years of Chinese Communism:

The Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Party sees the world as the Wild West, and its long-term sur­vival de­pends on its abil­ity to ob­tain a mo­nopoly on power. De­spite its rhetoric, the Party pledges no al­le­giance to any par­tic­u­lar ide­ol­ogy, be it com­mu­nism, so­cial­ism or even the fer­vent na­tion­al­ism that your ed­i­to­r­ial stresses. The Party will pro­fess what­ever ide­ol­ogy jus­ti­fies its power grab and helps se­cure its power at the mo­ment. But make no mis­take, power is the Par­ty's only be­lief.

The Party fol­lows no rules. Since its found­ing, it has not hes­i­tated to do what­ever it deems nec­es­sary to ob­tain and stay in power. We of­ten em­pha­size its re­liance on vi­o­lence, ter­ror and fear, but the Party is also a mas­ter of us­ing de­ceit and temp­ta­tion to ad­vance its cause. Which ap­proach it takes at the mo­ment de­pends on whether the bal­ance of power shifts in its fa­vor or not.

The Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Party has em­braced lim­ited eco­nomic re­forms only be­cause it rec­og­nized that eco­nomic growth was nec­es­sary to main­tain its po­lit­i­cal power. But the Party re­mains deeply hos­tile to lib­eral-de­mo­c­ra­tic val­ues. It sees every­thing that democ­racy stands for, such as free and open elec­tions, as threats to its mo­nopoly on power. Un­der no cir­cum­stance will the Party tol­er­ate any real or even imag­i­nary threat to its power. That's why the Party is a dan­ger to the Chi­nese peo­ple, global free­dom and democ­racy.

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CCP? or UniParty? shirley, Margaret.
