
Obama uses pen and phone to cancel Putin's Netflix account

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Dear Leader was left with no other choice but take it to the extremes:
"Vlad, you have finally crossed the red line! You should have known better..."

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Dear Leader (PBUH) is a gifted student in the ways of lines and boundaries, as depicted in this training film footage from the Department of Stazi...

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The world has taken notice of Dear Leader's "red lines". No doubt Lord Obama is feared by none all and respected by few many.

Just look at what the Russian Deputy Prime Minister had to say.

Screen Shot 2014-03-19 at 10.44.13 AM.png

The Prankster in Chief
th 2.jpg

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I am hoping in favor of our great fearless leader that this extremely cruel reaction that had been drawn out of his otherwise cool and collective nature will not cause the loss of his well deserved Nobel peace prize.


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iNo Noooooo!!!! I can't believe Dear Leader could be that cruel!!!!

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Let this be a lesson for all to learn! This is what happens when you awaken the sleeping giant. This is how you turn a seemingly mellow and peaceful being into a heartless wild animal! Watch and learn from this "teachable moment" !!!

Putin crying.jpg

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Comrades we do have another "open mic" incident on our hands. It's just downright distasteful I say.
ps:I am glad we are giving away the rights of controlling the internet.... Finally global justice will be done and this will probably end the culture of hacking....won't be necessary!


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The-HUN wrote:Comrades we do have another "open mic" incident on our hands.


Oh, you meant "open mic" incident like Reagan announcing, "We start bombing the Russians in five minutes"!

For a second I thought you were announcing Dear Leader's performance of the rap songs he's written at the Dew Drop Inn. Of course....I would attend and applaud. But I'm somewhat relieved that that's not the kind of "open mic" you meant.

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келя ивановна it is my fault. This was an accidental leak of an internal memo trying to clean upshow the world our transparency. I take full responsibility for my actions, and the buck stops here, on the other hand at this point what difference does it make??? It won't happen again....damn I hate the Siberian winter.......

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This is just pure bullying! Someone STOP HIM!!!
