
Noted Pauper Eyes Presidential Run

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Vice President Joe Biden, a near-destitute pauper who describes himself as “the poorest man in Congress", is reportedly considering seeking the Party's presidential nomination in 2016.

What's striking about his ambition is that he is not only not ashamed of his financial ineptitude, he seems almost genuinely proud of it.

At a recent White House summit for working families, Mr. Biden told the enthralled audience "I'm so broke I can't even afford to pay attention!"

"My wife Jill is always complaining because I use the morning paper to line my shoes before she has a chance to read it!"

"I'm wearing a mildly expensive suit", Mr. Biden noted. "I had to donate four pints of blood to get the money for it instead of my usual three."

"Now eat up, folks, I have to bus the tables before I go back to my office. Thank you very much, I'll be here all week!"

2_biden-1_mugshot_four_by_three_s640x480 copy.jpg
Mr. Biden's reported net worth of $800,000 is considered extremely modest in a Congress where members with less than half his wits seniority earn considerably more by peddling influence working odd jobs evenings.

In the past, a candidate's failure to achieve financial success would have been considered a handicap to his attaining a shot at the presidency. But thanks to attention focused on income inequality in the nation by socially conscious groups such as Occupy Wall Street and Organizing For America, being near-broke is now considered an asset.

This shift in attitudes has many politicians scrambling to play down their wealth in an insincere attempt to identify with the lower classes, as if to say "What difference does it make?" But for VP Biden, no dissembling is required: "He really is as poor a candidate as he seems", said one admirer.

"Joe Biden has always been a man who lived hand to mouth, sometimes even foot to mouth", said one old friend. "He's always been an average guy, you know, the kind who would hand-load his own shotgun shells before firing them thru a door."

This "average guy" image was further burnished in 2009 when Senator Biden became Vice President under Barack Obama, a humble community organizer of means so modest he once took to sleeping in church pews on Sundays while his pastor ranted obscene diatribes.

"In the past, Americans sought the successful, the competent, the talented to lead them", said one government-funded social scientist pretending to live in a cardboard box so as to keep up with the latest trends. "People wanted a leader they could look up to."

"But Barack Obama changed all that. Now Americans have gotten used to having a leader who makes mistakes and blames someone else for them. Someone who sneaks out of work for a golf game and pads his expense account by flying to Brazil on the company's dime. In other words, Americans have gotten used to a leader they can look down on!"

More than anyone else perhaps, Joe Biden is that man:

"I was walkin' down the street the other day, an' I sees this panhandler. So I took out my wallet and handed him a five. He looks at me and instead of sayin' "Thank you", he takes a ten out of his hat and hands it back to me, an' he says, "You look like you need this more than I do!"

Thank you, Mr. Future President.

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Upon learning the theme for Pauper Joe Biden's nascent campaign to win the Democrat Party's nomination for President in 2016, President Obama called a press-conference to comment on Pauper Joe's campaign.

Block-quoted below are salient excerpts of President Obama's comments supporting Pauper Joe Biden's Campaign for the 2016 Nomination:

I have consistently stressed the importance of rewarding hard work rather than merely the typically-illusory goal of success.

I've always said, "If you work hard, you're entitled to a living wage, which means an income sufficient for a comfortable standard of living."

This is the essence of the Pauper's Manifesto which undergirds the intellectual foundation of Pauper Joe's campaign.

What's wrong with capitalism is that it discriminates against those who work hard but merely fail to be productive, and fairness prohibits us from worshipping at such altar of productivity.

Fairness means government must avoid eliminating barriers to productivity because to do so merely incentivizes the supervising class to discriminate against those who work hard but fail to be productive.

Thus, fairness requires that the government reward hard work that merely fails to be productive.

Goverment must stop the unfairly redundant practice of enacting policies permitting the rewarding of success because success is its own reward. Thus, for the government to permit the rewarding of success is discriminatorily redundant and ignores the need to reward hard work that fails to yield success.

That's why we must change the name of the Department of Labor to the Department of Hard Work to more emphatically stress that a stardard of fairness values effort or intent rather than the shallowness of judgmental demands for mere results.

In furttherance of our diligent efforts to support workplace equity, the Department of Hard Work must develop a comprehensive system for recognizing, and defining, what constitutes "hard work."

Simply stated, the New Department of Hard Work must formally recognize that all human activity evincing a desire for self-satisfaction constitutes "work."

Such approach elevates the importance of effort over the unfairly discriminatory capitalistic practice of using the result of hard work as the measure of its value.

For example, who would deny that it's hard for an applicant for governmental benefits to stand in line to submit an application?

Who would deny that it's hard for an applicant to thoroughly read and accurately complete such application?

Who would deny that it would be unfair for the desired benefits to be denied despite an applicant's hard work in attempting to complete it if such non-completion were deemed a "failure" merely due to such applicant's failure to properly and accurately complete it?

Other equally illustrative examples abound to show how millions of jobs heretofore sacrificed on capitalism's altar of productivity could now be restored. Here's just one such example:

Factory workers who just several decades ago worked hard making eight-track audio cassettes. Just think how the elimination of those jobs by the capitalist system not only deprived those workers of their livelihoods but also deprived consumers of the choice to continue using eight-track tapes rather than being forced to use the two-track cassets and then compact disks, and then Lenin-knows what may come next.

We must stop rewarding success, because success is its own reward. It's when people work really hard without success that fairness requires government to then step-in and reward unsuccessful hard work.

If government doesn't do it, who would? Isn't that why we have government-- to do for us what we can't do for ourselves? Thus, when we can't succeed (or when our hard work fails to yield what capitalists describe as productive results), isn't it government's responsibility to reward our hard work?


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Oh, Mr. Biden. Hillary Clinton has you beat in the poverty department. SHE's been bragging about leaving the White House "flat broke," and recently, having to pay "...regular income tax.." (not those fancy taxes that rich people pay) and just not caring about money at all!

Obama has successfully transformed the American spirit so that now, "broke" or better yet, "in debt" is the new chic! Pretty soon, the nominees for elected office will come from the rosters of the collections departments of Chase, Citibank and American Express. In the glorious world of Next Tuesday, the people will be proud to be led by society's bankrupt deadbeats. And Barack Hussein Obama can take credit for leading the way. Forward!

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If poverty is such a valuable asset...then shouldn't we be clamoring for it to be taxed?

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Comrades in equal poverty,

Mr. Biden and wife Jill reported $407,009 in adjusted gross income in 2013, including $230,700 for his salary as vice president. They also have been receiving [highlight=#FFFF99]$2,200 a month in rent from the Secret Service[/highlight] for its use of a small building on their property in Delaware.


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One of US!
JOE in 2016
We poor unwashed masses must stick together

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Comrade Craptek, I believe your photo must haven been taken before the secret service actually moved in ....


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Tragically, I have actually been to the World Famous Boobie Bungalow in Elkton, TN.

In the mid-1980s, TWFBB advertised on Huntsville radio. The ad featured sleazy bump-and-grind background music and an announcer who said (in the greasiest of voices) "He-e-ey swingin' bachelors...are you lonely tonight? Then come on up to the World Famous Boobie Bungalow Club in Elkton Tennessee."

Being a swinging bachelor at the time (as opposed to the stationary bachelor I have become), myself and a couple of buddies ventured north up I-65 on a Saturday night to explore TWFBB.

It was a low, cinder-block building with a garish sign. Upon entry one faced the bar, where beer was available. Not a particular brand, just beer. From a spigot coming out of the back wall. A spigot, not a tap. Having claimed beer, we ventured deeper into the establishment.

I'd never seen a stripper on a walker before. She explained that her boyfriend had run over her in an argument a few weeks before, and she had hospital bills to pay.

We finished our beers, left her a generous tip for managing to stand upright and immobile, and fled into the night.

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Ivan Betinov wrote:Image
Tragically, I have actually been to the World Famous Boobie Bungalow in Elkton, TN.

In the mid-1980s, TWFBB advertised on Huntsville radio. The ad featured sleazy bump-and-grind background music and an announcer who said (in the greasiest of voices) "He-e-ey swingin' bachelors...are you lonely tonight? Then come on up to the World Famous Boobie Bungalow Club in Elkton Tennessee."

Being a swinging bachelor at the time (as opposed to the stationary bachelor I have become), myself and a couple of buddies ventured[highlight=#ffff99] north up I-65[/highlight] on a Saturday night to explore TWFBB.

It was a low, cinder-block building with a garish sign. Upon entry one faced the bar, where beer was available. Not a particular brand, just beer. From a spigot coming out of the back wall. A spigot, not a tap. Having claimed beer, we ventured deeper into the establishment.

I'd never seen a stripper on a walker before. She explained that her boyfriend had run over her in an argument a few weeks before, and she had hospital bills to pay.

We finished our beers, left her a generous tip for managing to stand upright and immobile, and fled into the night.


If it's not too much trouble - will you provide more detailed directions?

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Bentinov's story about the stripper with the walker reminds me of a story about a woman who really should've chosen a different line of work.

I have never been one to frequent strip clubs and similar places - I say that not to imply any judgement of the places or those who attend but just to give you an idea of where I'm coming from - but one time I was visiting some friends and they invited me to come with them to a go-go bar so I went along. I had on a raincoat because it was raining out.

The bar was OK but there was this one lady who was dancing and you could just tell she was someone who had been very heavy at one time and lost a lot of weight. Although she was now slender, she had a lot of loose flesh that was just dancing on its own, so to speak. It would take quite a few beers to make that vision work for you, if you know what I mean.

So this woman dances up in front of me and is shaking and jiggling for quite a while and I don't know quite what to do. She was looking down at me like she was expecting something from me (like I said, I didn't go to these places often) but I wasn't quite sure what - I didn't find her at all appealling but I didn't want to let on so I just stood there drinking my drink and feeling awkward.

Finally, the woman says to me "I don't flash for free" and dances off in front of someone else (at last I understood what she was expecting from me.) I wondered if my friends found her as unattractive as I did. I turned to them and said "I was just about to give her 5 bucks to go away." They burst out laughing so I guess they did.

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[color=#C0392B]Captain Craptek[/color] was trying to BS us all when he wrote:

If it's not too much trouble - will you provide more detailed directions?

Craptek... you guys were just up here last week-end!
There's something you don't see very often... a brain in a jar drinking from a mason jar. Anyer Marx gets a little blotchy when he drinks too much.

(BTW - I drink/retain a lot of water when I pole dance... I like to stay hydrated.)



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Like the sign says, Craptek: Tennessee exit 6 on I-65. If I recall, there's a gas station with about a fifteen foot tall plastic chicken out front at that exit.

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Comrade Putout wasn't kidding when she wrote:I drink/retain a lot of water when I pole dance...
