
Schiff quotes his Party Founders (Lenin & Stalin) to Senate

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Comrade Schiff dazzled dozens of CNN viewers by deftly quoting the Founding Fathers in the well of the Senate. His devotion to the Party will not go unnoticed as he is looking to the California Soviet for increasingly higher postings in the new post-Trump government.

His timely references to Lenin were heartwarming to this news reporter:

  • There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.
  • Crime is a product of social excess.
  • The government is tottering. We must deal it the death blow at any cost. To delay action is the same as death.
  • The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.
  • To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics.

As a direct result of this assault, the criminal Trump fled to the streets where he rounded up hostages at a workers' demonstration. CNN reported that Trump took masses of women and children as hostages. "These are the best human shields, EVER," he ranted.


Comrade C2G босяк
And makin' thugs out you suckas.
From the cradle to the grave.
Эпштейн не убивал себя.

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Man, what is wrong with that guy? He looks like a bug-eyed buck toothed jungle weasel. I wonder, does he have.....Schiffilis???

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Cradle to Grave Marxist said

To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics.

'pelipsky had to take another hit --- ok, it was more than one -- of some opiate of the masses --to concede to this reality and just s.t.h.u. and stop thinkin'.

Maybe Criminal Trump will take 'pelipsky hostage as human shield and just get it over with.

forelock tug,

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When I hear any of the Dems talk about the Constitution, Founding Fathers, sacred duty or protecting the children.


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Most Equal Komrads,

First, thank you Cradle To Grave Marxist! This was a most equal post. Delightful.

Second, since when does the Party care about "human shields"? I thought we were supposed to aim "For The Children ™".

Swimming in an eddy in the Current Truth ™,

Red Salmon

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If it hadn't been for that meddling Michelle Obama reading her book SCIFF would have gotten best spoken word grammy.

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Speaking of Adam Schiff, impeachment, Donald Trump and acquittal, an important historical "Schiff Hits the Fan" vignette from the Schiffsonian Institution documenting momentous encounters between Wiley Coyote and Road Runner a.k.a. Schiff T. Coyote and Trump Runner belong here:


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Don't believe the lies! If Hillary were president she would've been impeached for real high crimes and misdemeanors!

It's never too late to vote Hillary!

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Notice how the Dems flipped 180 on Russia, from love to rabid hate. Reminds me of the Communist Party USA who in 1939 were pro-Hitler & anti-war because of the Nazi-Soviet pact, but in 1941, when Hitler attacked the USSR, they flipped 180 & became rabidly pro-war and anti-Hitler.

That's because the both parties share the same Marxist moral philosophy: "Good & moral" is what helps the revolution, and vice versa. And since they represent the revolution, anything they do becomes "good & moral" in their eyes. And we, who oppose them, become "bad & immoral."

Hence "Orange Man Bad."

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Red Square wrote:PROG OFF

[highlight=#ffff00]Notice how the Dems flipped 180 on Russia, from love to rabid hate.[/highlight] Reminds me of the Communist Party USA who in 1939 were pro-Hitler & anti-war because of the Nazi-Soviet pact, but in 1941, when Hitler attacked the USSR, they flipped 180 & became rabidly pro-war and anti-Hitler.

That's because the both parties share the same Marxist moral philosophy: "Good & moral" is what helps the revolution, and vice versa. And since they represent the revolution, anything they do becomes "good & moral" in their eyes. And we, who oppose them, become "bad & immoral."

Hence "Orange Man Bad."

[PROG OFF] as well

I think it might have something to do with Vladimir Putin. The left hates strong men with balls.

And a couple days ago, when he was speaking with a group in the Russian government that was working on constitutional reforms, he said "As for ‘parent #1' and ‘parent #2', I have already publicly said it and I will repeat it once more: as long as I am president, we will not have parents #1 and #2, it will be ‘mother' and ‘father'." This echoes the majority of the letters the Russian public sent to the group, which said that they would like the definition of marriage to be protected by the Russian constitution as being between a man and a woman.

Oleg, I know you have hard feelings towards Putin, being from Ukraine, a country he bent over the barrel without vaseline. But being a younger American who grew up seeing nothing but spineless presidents, politicans, and prime ministers, seeing a true man with brass balls who's willing to put his country first and not give a damn about the opinions of weak leaders and countries is nothing less than a supreme joy. It's precisely why I like Putin, Trump, and Nigel Farage.