
Identity of Anonymous "Peach of the Week" Finally Revealed!

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My fellow comrades:

After watching Clint Eastwood argue with that empty chair last night, I think I finally know the identity of The Mime's Anonymous Peach of the Week!

July 12, 2006
Peach of the Week: Anonymous
Filed under: "Peach" of the Week — Mikael @ 10:41 pm

The Peach of the week this week is you. You know who you are. You haven't attended a meeting yet. You haven't given any money. You haven't yet shown up for a protest, a parade, a protest march or even e-mailed or called to let us know you support our work. But you will. You know you will. Your integrity, your honor, your ethos won't let you not. You are the one you have been waiting for. You and you alone will tip the balance and make this essential movement succeed. You haven't committed yet, but when you do..? Watch out world, there will be no stopping you. There will be no stopping us. We will always keep an empty seat available at our meetings and there is no time too late or too early for us to recieve your call when you are ready to step forward and announce: “I am ready to change the world”.

Chances that the above description is a perfect match with Barack Obama are believed to be in the upper 96th percentile.

P.S. “Peach of the Week” was the inspiration for the Cube's more wildly successful “Beet of the Week.”

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Commissarka, He is, indeed, The One. And I don't mean the 1%, no matter how many millions of dollars he's made in the last few years. He's the peach, I'd swear to it!

Raum Emmanual Goldstein
R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:Commissarka, He is, indeed, The One. And I don't mean the 1%, no matter how many millions of dollars he's made in the last few years. He's the peach, I'd swear to it!

So... it would appear that you are implying that our Dear Reader (AP&PBUH) may be found in the "pits." Or perhaps you may be implying that our Dear Reader (AP&PBUH) ascended from the "pits" of hell?

Your evident thoughtcrime is running dog and most counter-revolutionary in every classical sense of these terms. Now I am forced to mindlessly apply a most horrendous state-subsidized post-natal contraception technique upon you.

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Oh, how I miss the dear folk at Impeach for Peace. Such fond memories. Such incoherent gibberish...

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Some damn Teabagging knuckle dragging KKKonservative Rethuglican sent me this ...
