
The Dhim Tries Shari'ah


After all the votes are in their pockets
And The 'Berg has just gone to bed
You can hear happy Arabs cheering in the street
For a mosque that mocks the dead
But The Dhimm crawls to ... Shari'ah

A tower is falling down, smashing
All the illusions of yesterday's life
Somewhere a widow is weeping
Somewhere a pol lost his wife*
But The Dhimm he tries .. Shari'ah

The morning light it gleams on the water
And cast no more shadows after the dawn
An ugly pit scars the West Side
'Cause Towers that stood .. are gone
And The Dhimm scrapes to .. Shari'ah

Will The Dhimm ever remember
The lives that were lost in the past
And with our shock and outrage and our wisdom
We cry out, "No, this disgrace will not last"
While the Dhimm tries .. Shari'ah ...

*Theodore Olsen, Solicitor General for George W Bush, lost his wife Barbara Olsen on 9/11. One of my sisters knew her.

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Your grasp of the spiritual is without equal...

I thought I wouuld bump this up today, seeing as how it's completely on point with this day. Song parodies don't have to be funny; they can also be poignant

Seems like only yesterday that you wrote that, Mare Zilla. Doesn't time seem to fly on by in the reign of Barius Obaminus Caesar. Has it been another year?

Guess it's that time of year to bump this back up to the top

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These works in many cases are in fact timeless.. It is difficult to resist the temptation to bring them back to the fore as their message still speaks to us...

Carry on most equal comrade.

Groucho Marxist

Almost forgot that I had a song for this day. Apologies, Comrade

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I have been in quiet contemplation on this day. Your tune is quite fitting ... no apologies needed comrade.

Nothing to read here, Just the requisite comment needed to bump this back to the top of the charts to commemorate this sad day

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Thank you Callmelennie.

America should have finished this job long ago. But, Professional Politicians got in our way. God be with us and I will think upon the innocent victims of that horrible day.