
Millionaire NFL "Men"

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Millionaire “men” boo-hoo
Malign our flag – eschew
The little ordinary things everyone ought to do
They're clinging to a lie that's mainstream
They're lacking self-esteem
And foolish schmoes – break up teams
Extreme – their everything

Careers – BEsmeared
They blew — the longing here to view
Now we all know – their doughs – about to go
‘Til they're destitute —
Enough of race – STAND UP – don't blather
Arise – no stars – just duds
Millionaire “men” boo-hoo
Millionaire “men” boo-hoo – what cruds!

Enough of race – STAND UP – don't blather
Arise – no stars – just duds
Millionaire “men” boo-hoo
Millionaire “men” boo-hoo – what cruds! ... eh2xr7F7Ss

I tried to warn them Komradina -- straighten up or face the mocking wrath of Fifties-era domestic goddess, Doris Day

But they wouldn't listen .....

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LOLOLOL! Yes, my dear Comrade Callmelennie, it's not a good idea to make dear Doris Day mad - no telling what will happen! :) ... o1_400.gif