
Chrissy Blasey's Only Once Groped Band.

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Thirty five years ago they say,
Chrissy Blasey met a man that day,
But Chrissy's story is fraught with lies
So it's guaranteed to raise an eye.

So may I introduce to you
The act you've known for the last weeks
Chrissy Blasey's only once groped band.

We're Chrissy Blasey's only once groped band
We hope you will enjoy the show,
We're Chrissy Blasey's only once groped band.
Sit back and let the circus show.

Chrissy Blasey's only, Chrissy Blasey's only,
Chrissy Blasey's only once groped band.
We're wondering if she'll be here
Testify on the hill
She wants a specific audience
She'll never leave her home for us
She'll never leave her home

I don't really like to stop this show
We think she's not gonna go
And her lawyers going to sing her song
And they want to drag us all along

So let me introduce to you
The one that's not showing here
It's Chrissy Blasey's only once groped band..