
Free Bryan Hathaway!

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Scientific evidence that necrophilia occurs in nature. Now it officially is a legitimate lifestyle!

I wonder if he had talked the other mouse into getting that piece of cheese in the first place...

Now, that's really getting F&#KED!
Flowers and Pussy for Algernon.


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It's a shame that Robert Stewart is being denied his reproductive rights with Daisy Bell.

HAL....sing the song!

There is a flower
Within my heart,
Daisy, Daisy!
Planted one day
By a glancing dart,
Planted by Daisy Bell!
Whether she loves me
Or loves me not,
Sometimes it's hard to tell;
Yet I am longing to share the lot -
Of beautiful Daisy Bell!

Daisy, Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you'll look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle made for two.

We will go 'tandem'
As man and wife,
Daisy, Daisy!
'Peddling' away
Down the road of life,
I and my Daisy Bell!
When the road's dark
We can both despise
P'licemen and 'lamps' as well;
There are 'bright lights'
In the dazzling eyes
Of beautiful Daisy Bell!

Daisy, Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage
But you'll look sweet upon the seat
Of a bicycle made for two.

I will stand by you
In 'wheel' or woe,
Daisy, Daisy!
You'll be the bell(e)
Which I'll ring you know!
Sweet little Daisy Bell!
You'll take the 'lead'
In each 'trip' we take,
Then if I don't do well,
I will permit you to
Use the brake,
My beautiful Daisy Bell!

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Mr. Lawton....another victim.
Who are they to say having sex with a goat is baaaaaaaaaad.

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Hillary wrote:Pravda Proclaimed

N.A.M.B.L.A. and the A.C.L.U. were instrumental in pushing through the legislation.

Don't worry Marshal!
The North American Man Bambi Love Association and The Animal Carnal Lust Union are hard at work on this groundbreaking civil rights movement!

Are you sure it's not groundbreaking bowel movement?

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The evil Bush regime will not let the People's Hero Brian Hathaway get off easily

Image Jan 5, 2008 3:54 pm US/Central
Man Who Had Sex With Dead Deer Gets More Jail Time

SUPERIOR, Wis. (AP) ― A Superior man convicted of having sexual contact with a dead deer has been sentenced to another nine months in jail.

BryanJames Hathaway, 21, had his probation revoked last month for usingalcohol and marijuana, lying to his probation agent, and havingunapproved contact with a minor child and sexual relations with anotheradult.

Douglas County Circuit Court Judge Michael Luccisentenced Hathaway to nine more months in jail during a reconfinementhearing Friday.

Hathaway was sentenced to probation in March. Itwas to be served at the same time as a nine-month jail sentence hereceived in February for violating his extended supervision.

Hewas found guilty in April 2005 of felony mistreatment of an animalafter he killed a horse with the intention of having sex with it. Hewas sentenced to 18 months in jail and two years of extendedsupervision on that charge as well as six years of probation for takingand driving a vehicle without the owner's consent.

Hathaway hadjust been released from prison for the killing the horse when the deerincident happened. He is appealing his conviction on the deer charge.

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Bryan James Hathaway, 21, had his probation revoked last month for using alcohol and marijuana, lying to his probation agent, and having unapproved contact with a minor child and sexual relations with another adult.

I'm not sure I want to know what type of person would have sexual
relations with this man. *<shudder>*


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Mikhail T. Kalashnikov wrote:I'm not sure I want to know what type of person would have sexual
relations with this man.

I am proud to show my support for this cause and provide a much needed voice for inanimate objects, plants, dead animals, and household appliances.

Rep. Tom Harkin, D-IA

HA!!!! WHO WILL EVER REALEASE THIS PIECE OF WORTHLESS SHIT!!!!!!!!! he deserves to burn in hell and he should get raped by a deer. :)

Foolish bigots! The capitalists and plutocrats have no right to tell us what we can and cannot screw in Our New Happy Life! Premier Obamavich has stated CATEGORICALLY that we should be allowed to express our sexuality freely with whichever toasters, fireant beds, Kraft E-Z Mac meals, and heroin syringes that we desire!

Only through complete promiscuity can we hope to have a government as equal and happy as The People's Paradise of North Korea!

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A note from the future (6 years later)

If Twitter existed then, we would've had #FreeBryanHathaway hashtag.

Bryan Hathaway: a man who came too early!