
Hillary Beaten, Jailed For Anti-Bush Activities

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IOWA - A day after Russian police beat up and arrested the opposition leader Garry Kasparov, the Bush Administration followed suit and ordered a beating and arrest of Hillary Clinton, Ushanka news agency reports. Former First Lady Hillary Clinton was picked up and sentenced to five days in prison on Sunday, during a campaign stop in Iowa that ended in clashes with police. One of Bush's harshest critics, she was charged with organizing an unsanctioned procession, chanting pro-Big-Government slogans and resisting arrest, court documents said.

Image Third World leaders find Bush's attack on America's freedoms alarming.

ImageHillary's coalition, which includes radicals, Democrats, and Nixon-era dissidents, has drawn wide media coverage but generated little public support. Its ranks have expanded, though, as more foreign dictators complain that officials have excluded them from freely contesting the upcoming U.S. elections.

The violence came amid an election campaign in which Russian and American presidential candidates alike have complained of being sidelined and hobbled by official harassment. Following Kremlin's example, the White House has mounted a major campaign to orchestrate a crushing victory for Bush's Republican Party in 2008 presidential elections, to ensure that Bush can continue to rule the U.S. even after he steps down as president.Hillary and dozens of her supporters were forced to the ground and beaten, her assistant said in a telephone interview from outside the police station where Hillary was held, as men in black coats who refused to identify themselves circulated through the crowd shooting video.

At the hastily organized trial, two local police testified that they had been ordered before the rally to arrest Hillary. "I didn't hear any orders from police," Hillary told the court, "unless you count the strike of a police club as an order. Bush's brakes don't work. What you read in the Bush-controlled mainstream media is the fruit of a fantasy dictated on orders from above."

The fracas happened at a time of growing concern over the state of democracy in America, with critics in Third World dictatorships saying freedoms have been curtailed during Bush's seven years in office. Bush accuses the Third World dictatorships of meddling in U.S. politics.

Among the dozens of demonstrators arrested was Ron Paul, Hillary's closest partner in a coalition of anti-Bush organizations, who was later released after flashing his GOP credentials. Police in other American cities, including New Orleans and Los Angeles, detained local opposition leaders, according to the Ushanka news agency.

On Friday, the Arlington, VA offices of Hillary for President Committee were searched by police who seized campaign materials, as the headquarters of the opposition Democrat Party was vandalized by Young Republicans, the DNC Chairman said.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean and DNC Black Caucus Chair Virgie Rollins called Hillary "one more victim of the authoritarian regime of Bush, where the physical destruction of your political opponents has become the norm."

Shapka tip to Karl from

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No doubt this will fail to be reported in the MSM. But comrades, this will work to Hillary's good, you watch. Hmmmm, come to think of it, I wonder Hsu's behind this? On the other hand, she does look good in hand over face.... Great Stalin's Ghost! What caused that? Damn Bush! He did it!

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:No doubt this will fail to be reported in the MSM.

Of course not! As good Progressives, we all know the meme: the media is owned by large corporations; large corporations operate for profit motive; operating for profit (capitalism) is inherently right wing; therefore, the "mainstream media" IS right wing.

Of course, many "people" in Wingnutlandia will contend that the ideology of the reporters, news writers, publishers, editors, producers, etc. is overwhelmingly Leftist, therefore the media is left wing. BAH! Yeah, right! The news people of today are ideological voids; drones who simply repeat whatever their right wing capitalists bomb merchant corporate masters order them to say. None of them would risk their nice fat corporate paychecks to tell The Real Truth. At best, they are little more than useful idiots that The Party can sometime manipulate to our own ends.

Now, as to the subject at hand. Much as I predicted, King George will not go quietly in to the dark, cold night of his own infamy. The power and the wealth he has stolen for himself and his friends in the corpocracy are simply too great to easily let go. As the Bush Error draws to a close, I fully expect his storm troopers to head out into the land to begin consolidating his imperial reign. This is why we must immediately impeach and arrest the entire Bushitler regime. Otherwise, Red November 2008 will not arrive and our Beloved Empress will not be able to ascend to Her rightful place as leader of our Utopian People's Republic.

Comrades, this begin our struggle to Revolution in earnest! Fortunately, well placed Party officials are claiming that Bushitler's storm troopers did not actually get the real Empress but merely a decoy. This trick was learned from our new director of security, Walid. Apparently he used to work for something called the Mukhabarrat. I'm not too sure what that means (must be some sort of Progressive think tank) but Her Highness was quite pleased to hear it and hired him immediately.

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We must break her out of jail! I don't care if we already rigged the court and bribed the jury, we must free her through the blowing up of a police station! We need to send a message that can only be conveyed through the destruction of a large building. We rig court cases all the time, and they never get reported. We must send a message to the masses!

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Those filthy Rethuglican pigs stole all the letter "H"s off all the keyboards in MY campaign headquarters.
Where in the hell is all the Air Force One I mean ahhhh...expropriated goods for The Common Good™?
First my good friend Ron Paul has all his Liberty Dollars stolen by the evil Feds and now this! Thank goodness Meow converted all of MY Liberty Dollars into greenbacks before this outrage happened so I could post bail.

<shhhhh....don't tell anybody. It was all a setup. I recently had a private Zogby poll taken that said I was lacking in what is known in prole parlance as "Street Credentials". The Suggestion?....Get arrested. Now I'm like Martin Sheen, Cindy Sheehan, and that ugly hag (she's even too ugly for me) Lynne Stewart. It seems you're not "Left" enough if you haven't been "Busted by The Man". Now watch my polls surge!>
illery '08

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Commissar M wrote

Bushitler's storm troopers did not actually get the real Empress but merely a decoy. This trick was learned from our new director of security, Walid.

Commissar M:

"Canvasback ducks are the oldest decoys ever discovered in North America. The decoys were discovered in a cave around 1930 in Nevada . It is believed around 200 to 300 B.C. canvasback decoys were made by Tule Indians, now an extinct tribe of Nevada Aborigines, predecessors of the Northern Paiute" (these guys actually ate big worms). "The decoys were made of wrapped tule reeds adorned with canvasback feathers. When the first settlers arrived on this continent they saw the Tule Indians using decoys. Realizing how useful they were the settlers took the decoys back to Europe".

So I agree with you that Comrade Walid is certainly a person of interest,
(undoubtedly a plant) it is possible that Hillary is really some type of Kucinich Tule space alien anti-being deposited here in the 200 BC era? Did the many Tittied Empress actually arrive here with only one Teet then transform herself to ensure the Progressive Movement™? Or was it Evolution that brought on the many Teets?

Too think there are two Hillary's is exhilarating! We can move forward at twice the velocity! No wonder Bill has stayed with her!

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The fracas happened at a time of growing concern over the state of democracy in America, with critics in Third World dictatorships saying freedoms have been curtailed during Bush's seven years in office. Bush accuses the Third World dictatorships of meddling in U.S. politics.

It is interesting Komrades... Communism is like cooking Bacon...You cook and cook and it seems like nothing happens...Then all of a sudden all the Bacon is done! We must keep our diligence! For like Bacon, soon, Communism will take over the world and the end of Democracy will be done!! Kapitalism will be Kapoot!!

Heil Hillary!!

Commissar M:

"Canvasback ducks are the oldest decoys ever discovered in North America. The decoys were discovered in a cave around 1930 in Nevada . It is believed around 200 to 300 B.C. canvasback decoys were made by Tule Indians, now an extinct tribe of Nevada Aborigines, predecessors of the Northern Paiute"

I am sorry comrade, but all we native Nevadans know that it was our glorious leader, Herr E. Reid, that first developed the canvasback decoys. They were first used to entice other tribes such as the Ma-Fee-Yah to the more barren areas of our state, such as "Lah-Stway-Jaws". The first pioneer in this region was Herr E. Reid's soul mate "Bugzees-sea-gull. As of this date Nevada still has no income tax (GASP!) but Herr E. is trying to rectumfy that situation.

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filthywhitemaleheteropig wrote

I am sorry comrade, but all we native Nevadans know that it was our glorious leader, Herr E. Reid , that first developed the canvasback decoys.

Yes, I do believe Harryass E-coli Reid has been helpful, with his gentile soothing voice, in suppressing the real identity of the Empress, but do you believe this limped wristed weasel, land swindling, soft spoken wantabee, will ever partake in the resources of the many Tittied Empress (formally known as “Prince”™) I think not!

For he may also be a Kucinich Tule space alien anti-being deposited here in the 200 BC era, trying to lay claim on the decoy thing (simular to our honorable Gore and the Internet) and without a doubt, I am sure the Clinton machine was probably well in place to keep him in fear of having to actually suckel her nipples!

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Not only was our Many Titted Empress Beaten and jailed, but now is being accused of having a lesbian affair with her assistant Huma Abedin.

Although we all know that our Lizard Queen has had many "intimate relationships", this one simply cannot be true. Just look at her! Would our future great dictator engage in sexual relationships with someone who looks like this?

Of course not. We all know (based on her past experiences) what kind of womyn she likes.

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There is no damned way that... that WOMAN is one of us! No true Progressive womyn look like that. Besides, gay affairs are only shocking and immoral (and news worthy) when the gay person is a repuglican.

How dare they villify and torture our beloved Empress!!! This unwarranted treatment must NOT be allowed to go unchecked!!!
She, no doubt, is forced to spend time in a Cold jail cell. The Bush is keeping Her there to deprive Her of much needed heat, with which to warm our beloved Lizard Queen's blood, and keep Her out of the campaign. We need Her to save us from capitalism and freedom of choice, speech and thought.
We will save you, our Beloved, from the Evil that is Bush/Cheney (Lord Vader). We will spring you, our Great Iguana, from jail immediately!!!

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I'd be lost without Huma Resources.

Mmmmm Good! Tastes like tuna and goat cheese on sprouts with pita.
Talk about Muslim Sensetivity Training! Whoa!

Just don't break it to Mr. Reno. I haven't composed my "Dear Janet" letter yet.

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As long as you Keep Your Clothes On (I just know there is a story here) a good progressive should have no problem anywhere, and people will gladly wait in their food lines caused by Bush.

Reminds me of one of the suggested questions for the YouTube RepugliKKKan debate I read, "what will you do to restore American civil liberties and privacy?"

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Commissar Pupovich wrote:As long as you Keep Your Clothes On (I just know there is a story here) a good progressive should have no problem anywhere, and people will gladly wait in their food lines caused by Bush.

Hmmm...that would take even less time...I like it!

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Branish wrote:Reminds me of one of the suggested questions for the YouTube RepugliKKKan debate I read, "what will you do to restore American civil liberties and privacy?"
Or "When did you stop having quickies with your wife or some other important other around Amtrak waiting rooms?"

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Red Square wrote

Or "When did you stop having quickies with your wife"

The day we were Married!

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Comrad Bubalasky wrote:[Hmmm...that would take even less time...I like it!

Made we wonder just how cold did those progressive bystanders get outside....just a little cold, or really frozen? LOL! I still can't imagine everyone just standing around outside, Did they applaud afterward?

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Hillary wrote: Just don't break it to Mr. Reno. I haven't composed my "Dear Janet" letter yet.

Oh hell!

I'll warn Theo that Mr. Reno may be headed his way.


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Hillary wrote:I'd be lost without Huma Resources.

Dear Lenin, didn't she used to be the late Great Jackie Gleason's "Ralph's" mistress? I remember he used to always say "Huma Huma Huma..."

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Comrades, we must rally to the repressed. Free Hillary! Stand up to the repression of Bushitler! He and his bourgeois capitalist lapdog Cheney must be stopped!

Comrade Hillary will give the Socialist State one more chance to succeed. As we all know, there is no problem with just has not been implemented the way the great Marx and Engles intended!

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Welcome to the Cube collective, Comrade Ivan!
Your zeal has been noticed. We trust you keep your proletarian shovel in good repair, displayed prominently on the wall of your hovel right next to your hammer and your sickle.

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Meow must have gone off the deep end........

Police: Suspect holding hostages in Hillary Clinton campaign office 1:26 PM CT

01:26 PM CST on Friday, November 30, 2007

Associated Press

ROCHESTER, N.H. - A man claiming to have a bomb walked in to Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign offices Friday and took hostages, police and witnesses said.

The man had what appeared to be a bomb strapped to himself, said Bill Shaheen, a top state campaign official. He took two hostages, both volunteers, and released others, Shaheen said.

Witness Lettie Tzizik told television station WMUR of Manchester that she spoke to a woman shortly after she was released from the office by the suspect. The woman was carrying an infant, and crying.

"She said, 'You need to call 911. A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape," Tzizik said.

Clinton was not in the New Hampshire office Friday. She was scheduled to give an address at the Democratic National Committee meeting in Vienna, Va., but it was unclear if the address would go forward as planned.

Authorities were sending a tactical bomb unit to assist local police, and the area was evacuated, said Maj. Michael Hambrook of New Hampshire State Police. A nearby school also was in lockdown.

The Clinton office is located in the downtown area in a strip of several storefronts.

Workers for Sen. Barack Obama's campaign office in Rochester also were evacuated, a campaign spokesman said. The office is four doors away from Clinton's. Staffers in John Edwards' office, a few buildings away, evacuated as well.

Anyone seen Meow Lately?
Paybacks are hell u know.

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Don't do it Meow; don't blow up! Just think of what our MTE will do! Not even death can save you from her wrath! Just think of all the toasters that have never known the touch of a person like you! We need you! Just give yourself up and go with the nice policemen, we will make sure the judges are bribed properly and then purged for your release.

<out of the corner of mouth>

Dibs on his estate.

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Relax everybody! I was at the Party conference in VA with Her Excellency when the news broke. Obviously this guy is something far sinister and in no way, shape or form do we plan to capitalize on this situation politically by blaming any Republican candidates, the White House or the Obama campaign.

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The attacker has been identified, it's Chairman Snowball.


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Is he on one of his LSD binges again? What are we going to do about him?

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He got into the Paxil stockpile again, he knows it's for The Peopletm. After our MTE becomes Maximum Leader it will be doled out to The Peopletm but he's never gotten over his Primary loss to the unmentionable one. I think the best thing to do is to send in some merlot & smoked gouda, let him come down slowly.

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Clearly this is yet another brilliant campaign strategy no doubt instigated by the Chairman at the behest of Hillary! What better way to prove the "politics of personal destruction" campaign being waged against Our Many Titted Empress by the VRWC? I applaud you Chairman!

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Comrades! All discussions regarding the recent Right-wing hate-talk-radio-induced hostage crisis must be conducted in the presence of appropriate Commissars in a specially dedicated topic:<h3>A Special Statement on the Clinton Campaign Hostage Crisis</h3>

You are hereby directed to repost all your relevant comments in the said thread.