
429 Truth Comes Out!

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The second time in history that fire has melted steel... Don't be fooled. What seems simple is usually a complicated conspiracy.


“Oakland Harbor's Pearl Harbor” appears to have been a grand and successful hoax perpetrated by high government officials of America and (perhaps) other countries. When a crime is committed the first thing that should be done is to look for a motive. Who benefits? Who gained the most after the crime was committed?

The collapse has severely restricted private automobile users' access to highways while state government was quick to offer free public transit at taxpayer expense. This was a massive coup for Bay Area Rapid Transit, figuratively and literally. NPR recently broadcast a public transit employee saying that “as it happens we have a new ad campaign starting up — we made the media buy weeks ago, of course, so it obviously wasn't in response to the fire…” All too convenient if you ask me: why ask drivers to ride public transit when you can use terrorism?


- Cheney Witnessed Fleeing Site of "Accident"
- The Sunspot Connection
- The Secret Second Crash
- Who Benefits?
- The Weslaco Connection
- The Tanker Menace

Get the Truth Out!

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The Jooooos and the Gaaaaaays together in an un-holy alliance?

Meanwhile E. Howard Hunt dies and leaves a written statement and a voice recording that LBJ had Jack Kennedy murdered and Hunt was indeed one of the 3 tramps picked up in the train yard behind the grassy knoll.
The Revolution never devours it's own, does it children?
Not LBJ! The Great Socialist of The Great Society!

Is it just that nobody cares or would it make Democrats look bad?
I never would have known about it if it wasn't for Glenn Beck on his Thursday show two days ago.
The last time I picked up a Rolling Stone was 1994.
There are some lefties reporting it.

Some links: ... ession.htm ... oward_hunt

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I'm still skeptical on this whole fire melting steel idea that has been circulated by the Plantation House and it's Resident for life, Bu$hitler. We all damn well know that only Global Warming™ can melt steel (among other things)!

Here is another culprit in the henious crime! wrote:Sources tell us the explosion of the gasoline tanker on the Oakland Bay Bridge this weekend was a “black bag op” carried out jointly by the CIA and the Office of the First Lady. This operation was designed to counter the growing criticism of the official account of 9/11.

Aha! So the Chimp's wife is in on it too, huh?! I knew she was up to no good, especially with the biased MSM jacking up her approval ratings! I am more than certain that all of these truth theories are linked together and will ultimately lead the Amerikan people to embrace the Party as the appropriate "moral" alternative for Amerika's future. I know the Amerikan people are dumb enough to accept our truth at face value and are willing to follow Rosie into the sea if she so commanded!

The whole truth and nothing but the truth can be found here!

I went to the ballpark today, and they dared to asked to see what was in my camera bag! I almost asked the security personnel if they were so naive as to believe that "terrorism" is actually a threat- even the Party in Congress has ordered us all to stop using the term "war on terror." Then I realized... he had to search bags to ensure no RepubliKKKan operatives were smuggling bombs inside for an inside job and blame the freedom fighters for it. After all, Cheney threw out the first pitch here a few years ago, and I'm sure his explosive ball was found before he tried to throw it.

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Chairman, once again I doff my hat to your dedication to truth, and Branish I know that its very substance flows through your veins. Because truth is what we say it is, and if you think about that too much it causes the head to hurt but then the NEA has insured that no one is capable of thinking for that might interfere with their job security and make them learn how to think.

Branish, it is possible that they were not concerned with terrorists' weapons in your camera bag, rather something containing refined sugar. I have found that whenever you want to sneak in something that you really want to eat, place some tofu on top of it, or perhaps a piece of Silestone which looks like it. It has just the same taste, although the texture is a bit different, I'm told, but then no one who has ever eaten tofu has lived to tell about it.

If you really want to sin, beside the tofu get a jar of wheat germ purchased from Whole Foods Market, and put it beside the faux tofu. This will give you green cred enabling you to smuggle and entire pizza franchise.

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Why is Cheney driving a politically correct Peoples Luxury Overly Expensive Bowel Movement Wagon instead of an evil kkkapitlaist SUV?

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Premier Betty, I will let you in on a secret. I have found that Party Members who are not sufficiently, er, rigorous in their adherence to the party line make nice compost, yielding methane. That is why I have converted my Strassenkreutzeren to run on natural gas.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Premier Betty, I will let you in on a secret. I have found that Party Members who are not sufficiently, er, rigorous in their adherence to the party line make nice compost, yielding methane. That is why I have converted my Strassenkreutzeren to run on natural gas.
damn! Why didn't I think of that??!! You can't imagine how many kulaks have gone to waste...tsk tsk...oh well there's always the next occupation!

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Field Marshall, since I wrote that I have good news to report. I have suggested to some of the scientists at Archer Daniels Midland, the biggest industrial-strength welfare queen in America, that they figure out a way to efficiently render the kulaks up. They did not want to, but a few post cards from children that they were fond of persuaded them. I'll never understand this; after all, can't you just get another child from GUM? When I flog a peasant to death, there's always another one just around the corner. Sometimes they run fast but that's why I have the cheetahs. Have to get the right muzzle size, for if too much thigh muscle is taken out, they're not good for anything except operating weaving machines and we're up to our asses in Chinese rugs.

But I digress. I have perfected a method of rendering up kulaks for fuel oil and have even instituted a marketing system for it. Some oil is marketed to the DNC, as 100% virgin, cold-pressed kulak oil raised on tofu, and it is used to heat Algore's mansion. (He doesn't like to close doors even in winter.) It's really all the same oil but they can't tell.

What is left I compost, but shortly will add another step by harvesting the bones to sell to medical schools.

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Can't buy peace anymore at Ben and Jerry's ????

Smersh Head of KGB sec. 9