
94 People's Cube Operatives Charged in Medicare Scams

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Breaking news here.

OK, who of you smart Alexes was involved? Fess up! How many times do I have to tell you that after the Revolution the entire country will be yours to loot with impunity? Until then, exercise caution!


Getting caught and humiliated before the proles undermines the Party! Exposing the essence and the consequences of progressive government programs delays the long-awaited takeover! Using one of our posters for this purpose undercuts and demoralizes the Visual Agitation Directorate!

Nobody - I repeat, NOBODY - has the right to be caught red-handed prematurely - except Chairman Punchenko, who has proven through tedious litigation that stealing from other people and from the government fulfills his BASIC NEED, and that questioning his need constitutes hate speech.

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It's a red herring for all the capitalists. They are being warned to keep their costs low as to not waste the precious resouces of our dear governments healthcare.

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I told 'em Red Square, gun jumping will not be tolerated.

Now you must excuse me, I'm late for a doctor's appointment at one of our many backroom clinics where I'll supposedly get a battery of expensive tests along with some very expensive treatments for a plethora of non-existent maladies, all paid for by the taxpayers. ObamaCare is great!

(and the kickbacks aren't bad either)

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What!!!!!? That sign says "Do not Gossip?" I thought it said "Tell all Your Friends, Come One, Come All. The Picken's is Good!" Darned immigrants. They come here, and take advantage of my government programs. Oops.

I know nothing. I saw nothing. I heard nothing.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote: Now you must excuse me, I'm late for a doctor's appointment at one of our many backroom clinics......
I pray send out good vibes that your ailment will not keep you from producung for the benefit of the greater society.

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"The so-called "kickback" room had a Soviet-era propaganda poster on the wall..."
Nothing wrong with that.

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Tavarish Red Square. Give me OK and I will dispatch a number of illegals (spies, not landscape workers) to find and subvert the operations of these dispicable foes of ours. The Main Enemy does not want to stop the actions against our glorious struggle. We must stop them by all means. Give me ok and I will get to work. I will dispatch them with the Red Army Choir singing "Let's Go" on their Ipads and a plate of beef strogonoff in both hands. If all operations do not work, they can knock them out with many rounds of "silent but deadlys", thanks to the great work of Russian beef strogonoff. Three cheers for Red Square!

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Red Square wrote: ... Chairman Punchenko, who has proven through tedious litigation that stealing from other people and from the government fulfills his BASIC NEED, and that questioning his need constitutes hate speech.

Comrade Red Square,

You bring up a good point here. We could learn a lot from comrade Maslow and his pyramid of needs. His hierarchy of needs is batshit insane bullshit which is mostly spoon fed to zombie business students these days but it has its uses. Maslow's pyramid happens to be totally relative. He just filled in stuff he wanted to see there without doing any research on human nature apart from a couple of university students. We like that kind of work. I have discovered that Maslow's relativity pyramid of needs can be altered to suit anybody without losing its validity (since it never had any to begin with).


Here we see the original Maslow fantasy pyramid. Next to it is the current pyramid for the Chairman, which happens to be the type of pyramid we should all strive to make our own. Lastly, we have the ideal pyramid for our entire population (proles) in the future. Each pyramid functions as a justification for all actions. Say the Chairman decides to get drunk and rob a bank, he can always say it's just how he is and it's not his fault. If our proles have to deny facts, live in fear and conformity and show slavish love for the Party before they are allowed to breathe and eat ... well that's just how things should be. It's been represented in a pyramid. Can't argue with that.

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I DID NOT DO IT! I know the suspicion will get around to me. I'm the oldest here (I think) and you all know I'm on Medicare. All I know is that Specialist after Specialist I've called immediately hung up the phone after I told them I'm on Medicare. Now I know why.

I've a fundraiser for Healthcare to tend to so I'll bid my Comrades good night.

Ivan, fire up the Gulfstream. We're headed for Miami right after the show.

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Grigori, you should take a lesson from our friends in N. Korea where the medical care is free and they amputate limbs without anesthesia and the doctors work for what we'd call minimum wage.

When a citizen of N. Korea needs medical care they bring the Doctor a bribe, usually cigarettes, food or vodka. That guarantees top notch treatment in a timely manner.

So bring a live chicken with you next time you have to see a specialist.

(psst, don't tell Red Rooster I said that)

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How many times do we have to remind the proles? The first rule of kickbacks is to not talk about kickbacks? And how many times can you go in for an emergency appendectomy anyway? Sheesh.

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hehe... good I not to be of Russian or to be of living in the Miami. And since no one to know where is cave I think I to be of safety.

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The picture that HuffPost used has some vaguely familiar faces.

I'm sure these people can be fully trusted with protecting us from government waste!


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Groucho Marxist wrote:It's a [highlight=#ffffff]red herring[/highlight] for all the capitalists. They are being warned to keep their costs low as to not waste the precious resouces of our dear governments healthcare.

Comrade Groucho, I be not for Capitalists. I denounce you, before you denounce me!

LOOK beets!

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We do it for the children comrade Director.

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Yes Comrade Whoopie, the chiiilllldren.

I was in attendance merely to assure that things didn't go too far (9mm in hand), i.e. a pesky FOX News reporter asking questions like, "why is Dear Leader going after his own?" or "what's the involvement of ACORN?"

Cubans, Russians, HIV... oye!

Me thinks More Equaler is spot on. Be careful Comrades, the redistribution can only continue with a *spit* patriotic face.

Appearances are everything. The party may have to throw a Panther under the bus if this carelessness continues.

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MediCare?!?! Is it not the Duty of The Peoples who are suffering strong illness to go out into the fields to lay body down on ground to die, thereby increasing the local soil's fertility, in order to help fulfill the latest 5 Year Agricultural Plan? (And can I get some of their stuff before it goes on capitalist ebay?)

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Mrs Al Czarweary wrote:hehe... good I not to be of Russian or to be of living in the Miami. And since no one to know where is cave I think I to be of safety.

Careful Czarweary... Olbermann is looking to make an example...

Olbermann Czarweary.jpg

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Товарищ, я не знаю, что вы говорите.

Я никогда не был нелояльности по отношению к нашему делу.

Кроме того, эти хулиганы были действительно капиталистических свиней в Советской маскировке.

Может быть, товарищ Фидель всегда был капиталистических свиней.

Если мы хотим, чтобы сломать хребет Америки мы должны сделать это тонко, изнутри, как дорогого лидера делает совершенно в этом именно в тот момент.

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I hear nothing. I see nothing. I speak nothing.

As for the $2M in cosmetic surgery I received last fall, it was for THE CHILDREN™ . Actually, it was to look better at fundraisers for the Party, I make no apologies.