
A Random Statement

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Amph. Sqd.2 .jpg

I've been wanting to do that !

We now return you to our regular program.

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Comrade Krasnodar,

Some days I wake up, and switch on the People's computer, and eagerly hook up to Comrade Algore's Internets to see what amazingly witty things have been posted on the Cube.

Other days it's best to just sleep in until it's warm enough to tend the beets.

Happy trails...

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The Gorecle is of the brilliance, is he not ?

Amazing that he was of inventing the Internets and the global warmings.....climate change...... global climate disruption. I am confuse-ed by this name.

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Comrade Gore is above the common citizens, but only a dangling chad shy of Dear Leader!

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At first glance, the number of stars in Commissar Algore's halo might at first appear to be... ummm... excessive. However when one counts the number of Independent States Soviets in Europistan plus the 57 + 1 + 2 "states" in The Nation Formerly Known As "The United States", well, the number of stars is obviously totally politically correct...

And if the number of stars does not appear to be "correct" to you, well, better to keep your [highlight=#ffffff]incorrect[/highlight] opinions to yourself - "if you know what is good for you - and your family"...

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Comrade Unkulturny,

Gott'a love the last sentence in your post .....

I haven't felt that kind of warmth and compassion since Stalin !