
About Time They Came To The Party!

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Now #MeToo Is Coming For Your Thought Crimes

Most Equal Komrads,

I read the above referenced article and thought felt like #MeToo really needs to catch up. Karol Markowics betrays her own thought crime in the last paragraph:

But when an editor is forced out of his job because he published something controversial, or a friend of the accused suffers professionally for his kind words, we've gone to the crazy place and need to come back from it.

So many incorrect thoughts. Of course editors should be forced out of their job (and into the boxcar) if they publish articles not in alignment with the Current Truth™! It is insane to think otherwise. Friends (and family) of "the accused guilty" should suffer professionally as punishment for their bad judgement in making friends or relations.

Finally, calling the Glorious World of Next Tuesday™ a "crazy place" and suggesting it is not where we should be is beyond the pale. I can't be the first to denounce Komrad Markowics.

Detecting a sudden warmth in the Current Truth ™,

Red Salmon

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Comrades, Editors (not on the party payroll) are all criminals. Observe:

Student editor canned for saying ‘women don't have penises'

Where do they come up with this crap?

What's next, pro-life rhetoric? Innocent until proven guilty? Due process?

Current Truth is all we need.