
AK-47 now 'Weapon of PEACE'

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Company rebrands the AK, calls it ‘Weapon of Peace' (VIDEO)

The AK-47 is now re-branded a weapon of peace, as our Mooslimic comrades have rebranded Islam as the Religion of Peace...

Its inventor, Kalishnikov, is extremely proud, but unavailable for comment as he is dead and buried underground at the present, but like his rifle--pull him out of the dirt, pour a bottle of water on it and he will function flawlessly.


The embedded video is all in Russian, and goes pretty fast, but gun porn is gun porn in any language....


Let us spread "peace" worldwide, and let it begin with me...

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[img]images/clipart/Prog_Off.gif[/img] Wow, that's a sweet commercial! It might make everybody want an AK (or Baikal, or Izhmaz or whatever the competition one is called). Do you think if we showed it to the progs they'd back down on gun control?

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Ivan the Stakhanovets wrote:Let us spread "peace" worldwide, and let it begin with me...
Happiness is a warm piece.

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Many of our enemies have become peaceful after one or more "inoculations"
with high speed peace "inducers". Using the AK at close range is beneficial.

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This is fabulous news! Thank you for raising awareness about the true nature of the beloved AK-47. I own two of these fine instruments of peace. Can I now look FORWARD(!) to using them on in support of those rioting for peace? I sure hope so.

Peacefully pursuing the Current Truth

Red Salmon

Rifles are strange creatures indeed, chameleonic in nature.

When an American citizen wants to possess one, Dear Leader says it is an Assault Rifle or a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

When a counter-revolutionary wants one provided free by the United States, Dear Leader says it is Small Arms.

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Did they steal that music from the Missing in Action movie series?