
Amazon Thoughtcrime

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Our glorious Leader, Speakerette Nancy Pelosi, has just unburthened herself of a tome, <a href=" Your Power: A Message to America's Daughters</a>, which I am sure will redefine writing in elegance, wit, and style. I am sure that it displays Our Speakerette's lapidary wisdom and progressive vision for the Progressive World of Next Tuesday.

Unfortunately not every reader is as overwhelmed as I, this humble comrade, am by her Jane Austen-like precision of observation. Not everyone agrees that her sense of social analysis would make Henry James feel like a text on socialist tractor plants. In fact some of the readers were positively disrespectful of the Speakerette's book in ways that will stop come the Progressive World of Next Tuesday. They will have a hard time accessing the Amazon website from the psychiatric hospitals where their evident mental illness will require them to take up residence. For their own protection of course.

Our comrades at Amazon have carried a lot of water for the Speakerette--some of the reviewers, and here I'm being charitable, have accused Amazon of deleting over 200 unfavorable reviews of her book, and one went so far as to say he'd had <i>three</i> one-star reviews deleted.

And why not? Our Speakerette should be published and read--in fact in the Progressive World of Next Tuesday it will be mandatory that she <i>shall</i> be read, as part of a Progressive Catechism.

But Amazon has not managed to take down the discussion of this censorship, which may be found here

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I particularly enjoyed the comments left in the Amazon discussion by "TM." His views on the vast Hitler/Bush/Cheney conspiracy and their spying on Amazon's sales numbers to identify the thought criminals who will be packed off into the gulags before morning were quite encouraging. This was followed by the completely logical assertion that the low sales numbers were due to a phone call from either Bush or Cheney (between bouts of rolling in oily, blood-soaked hundred dollar bills) to Amazon, forbidding any further sales of the books. "TM" is truly proof that our re-education efforts have not been wasted!

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There is no doubt this book is as misunderstood by the unenlightened proles as it is astute in its observations. Like the author personhood who penned it, it defies easy explanation or casual comprehension. In a corrupt society addicted to instant gratification, there are few willing to contemplate the depth and subtlety of her wisdom.

Comrade Betinov's observation is on the mark - between feasting on Kung Pao Kitten and trolling for petrodollars, the criminal Bush is threatening the poor Amazon staff - and probably their families and pets, too. Barney Bush is known to be a little tyrant, full of the arrogance of his master. Oh, how I have dreamed of crushing his little bones beneath the tracks of my tank! The yipping little sycophant will be taught a lesson or two come Next Tuesday!

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Last night I had a dream. I dreamed of the ghosts of the evil Bushitler coming out of the White House and flying over the country like Ring Wraiths to threaten all good progressives. Let us resist these spectral emanations to the best of our abilities, and buy Nansky's fine new book--every restaurant with uneven tables needs a supply of them.

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Sickening, absolutely sickening! Nancy spent a fortune on ghost... err... ghost writers - damn, said it anyways! Crap! Someone edit that last bit out before Nancy shows up. Lenin knows she hates it when one of us is honest.

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Composure, Nancy… Composure. Big smiles. Always big smiles.

OK, to set the record straight – no offense to you, Theocritus – my book is actually selling very well. Also, my Congress is doing a spectacular job and our approval ratings couldn't be any higher. Oh, and John Edwards never cheated on his wife with a washed up no-talent Hollywood bimbo hack who produces web videos. Did I mention I'm only 32?

Now then, there are those out there – those who disagree with us – who will lie, cheat and steal (not that lying, cheating and stealing is a bad thing) in order to spare this country of the blessings of Socialism. Those people, whose names I will not mention (Bush, Cheney, McSame, Rove, Americans in general and Conservatives in particular), will do absolutely anything to make me, a helpless woman and grandmother to many, look impotent, weak and totally incompetent. Comrades, do not fall for such falsehoods!

To set the record straight – no offense to you, Theocritus – my Congress, under my leadership, has accomplished the following…

We ended the war.

We made gasoline cheaper.

Everyone has high-speed internet access in their home.

The energy crisis is solved.

Superman can walk again.

Poverty is no more

The world loves us again.

I'm 25.

Comrades, my New Direction for America™ is a resounding success!


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A good 'book burning' always warms the heart.

Pages filled of ThoughtCrimes.

Theeeee, Holy Prophet killed many poets that thought, and questioned, as well. It is good to see the People continue on the path of righteousness.<br> salute the wise and secret comrades that threatened to "incite acts of violence" and prevented this hateful assault on the..... "tiny minority of collective extremists".

Comrade DeniZ Spellbergovich is truely a honorable Commissar. Let us celebrate becomming...... "Frantic!..... and Upset!".

Do you see?... We Can Crush the First Amendment! This is possible NOW!

Praise Allah! .....and his DhimmiKrat.

I am Sheik Abu Ibn Ali Moham son of Fakhr

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Nansky, my darling, you have my abject, groveling apologies. How could I ever think otherwise? All this time I thought that the sun shone out of our Many Titted Empress's ass and I find that it is <i>your</i> ass instead which illuminates the world. The sun, which is four billion years old, shine out of your fifteen-year-old ass.

How do you get your complexion like that, dear Nancy? Meow and I have been engaging in some serious art fraud restoration and that technique of craquelage would be perfect--it would let us sell chocolate-box tops as Rembrandts.

But do beware of Pupovich. He made some growling noise about "a rag, a bone and a hank of hair."

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Nancy! That is the most wonderful, fact filled, easy to read (took me less than 20 seconds) book that I have ever read. It is an award winner if I have ever seen one. Pay no attention to any naysayers here such as we see above....

I will point out that one of the Commissars above tried to taint your image by wrecking the site with some more than equal link, but I took care of that problem for your viewing pleasure.

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That he does!

But oh, the rewards are glorious, like a glimpse into the heavenly eternity only he can make possible!

To get my name entered for a drawing to win a candy bar containing a golden ticket to the Obamessiah's coronation and anointing at Invesco Field, I have to do the following by this Friday: I have to lick 10,000 envelopes, stuff them (still awaiting instructions on where), assemble 100,000 jewel cases for CD's of Obamessiah's speeches; and thread 50,000 strings with 100 beads each to make them into necklaces for the Obamessiah to toss to all women who bare their boobs as he makes his grand procession through Invesco Field.

The neocons jeer and tell me I'm a dupe slaving away in a sweatshop, but their comment is obviously racist and false, for it's a known fact the Obamessiah does not sweat. Besides, I'll do anything for him! Anything to catch a glimpse of him as he makes his glorious, triumphant entrance into Invesco Field! My leg can hardly wait.

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Pinkie, would you be interested in a joint venture to make an Eau des pieds d'Obama? The finest of toilet waters. If the French can get aroused by body odor, why not the Obamessiah's stinky feet™?

And just think of the market in religious relics too. We know that he, sorry, <b>He</b> will never die, thereby by some sleight of logic making Heaven on Earth for ever and ever, so there never be the odd finger or toe like St. Francis of Assisi. You know: the one they've been pulling apart for centuries.

But we can sell his toe-nail clippings.

And here's a thought: since we're all COPs now, we might sell something else.

With gloves though.

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Er.... we are not all COP's now Commissar. My dedication remains as always to the Party, for only the Party is eternal, the Alpha and Omega.