
An Easter Bunny Discussion

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Dear People of The People's Cube, It's Easter once again with talk of eggs, bunnies and the immoral aspects of feeding sugar to your children. But enough about that, I wish to share an amusing cartoon from earlier internet days that always made me smile. Namely the "My butt hurts / what cartoon. It still makes me chuckle.


But I am forever loyal to the State and see everything through the glorious achievements of President Obama. I couldn't help seeing a reference to Obmacare even in this childish piece of humor:

butt fixed 2.jpg

To quote, I'm getting my butt fixed with Obamacare / I can't hear you, IRS took m ears for Obamacare mandated payments.

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The Death Panel made its decision for the better good.

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The American Dental Association reports several heart attacks among dentists who viewed that graphic! The AMA is trying to destroy the customer base for ADA, because of the higher alphabetical listing.

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You must be more careful Comrade, you may have exposed one of our double agents.
Always remember - loose lips sink dictatorships.
