
Athiest proclaims "America loves it in the rear"

Patrick G a anti-christian athiest defended the right to take it where the sun don't shine in a debate with National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination (An athiest wants to debate director of NAACD) I admire his courage to stand up against the capatolist oppressors who deprive the working class. We communist should be fortunate that our leaders provide us with plenty.....ouch I need a pillow to sit on.

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.....ouch I need a pillow to sit on.

No pain, no gain. Suck it up comrade and take it like an omni sexual organic life form.

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Does this have anything to do with the onus? I recall that Beloved Leader HRC's onus was quite inflamed in another thread yesterday before a Party-approved mix of Oxycontin, roofies and Stoli was used to medicate her. Perhaps there is some connection?