
Biden Offers Afghanistan Humanistarian Infrastructure

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After 21 years of ineffective effort, Biden is proud to announce his plan to provide humanistarian infrastructure for the newly liberterrorgated Afghanistan.

Infrastructure such as airports, runways, forts, and defensive outposts will be provided to the Talib of Afghanistan through this humanguishtarian effort.

Further, all technical equipment necessary to maintain these basic provided buildings and roads necessary for a newly liberterrorgated nation to exist is included. The secure fenced off areas will be put to usefulness to provide a secure place for Amerifidels, and traitorizens to shelter as the process to determine reasoning of those wishing to leave Afghanistan.

Military equipment is also included in this massive humanguishtarian plan. F-15's, Blackhawk's, and as many as possible missile launchers will be provided with Javelin missiles. In order to better train the Talib Military, F-15 flight simulator training equipment, including manuals and training materials are right now, in the hands of the Talib Military. So, the military equipment is getting into the hands of the Talib Military forces who need this equipment as soon as possible.

Through this humanguishtarian effort to support this newly liberterrorgated nation with the basic infrastructure all governments require within their national constitutional fundamentals, the Future promises to be far more chaotic than we have ever dreamed of becoming.

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It's just so irresponsible to donate all this equipment to the Taliban... without providing training, service contracts and spare parts!

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Comrade Minitrue, we've had the Rethugglikkan War Machine providing salaries, training them, servicing them, and providing spare parts since October of 2001. Sock puppet Premier Cho Bai-Din and the party says it's time.

Our Taliban Afghani Comrades are finally ready to spread their religion of peace worldwide, bringing the love of Sharia (and with it; minimum living wages, women's healthcare and a love of diversity toward all belief systems, orientations, genders and pronouns) to all who will receive the taquyyia truth ™

except fruit-based beverages.

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There is talk of a giant Afghani Talib Pillage Sale.

This Talib Pillage Sale will be like an Ameriland Garage Sale to raise money to send The Collective's High School Band to D.C. to march in the upcoming MarxDay Parade. The entire collective joins together to re-sell and re-purchase certain goods for a worthy cause. It's the same idea but for a destructrule purpose.

That means all proceeds of the Afghani Talib Pillage Sale will go for charitblislamist purposes, only!

ALL projects emanating from the proceeds of the Afghani Talib Pillage Sale will go directly into funding and executing infrastructd'aster projects. Directly!!!

The Afghani Talib Pillage Sale promises to execute infrastrud'aster projects everywhere; executing the peace of the Brotherhood.

Many Talib thanks for the Biden Humanguishtarian Plan!!!

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Howbow – for starters – a cute entry-level replica of Little Boy '45 ?

(and I sure as hell don't aim at bacha bazi here)