
Big Brother gets a hand from Wu-Flu

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Police Called to Home After Classmate Spots a Toy Gun on Zoom

Comrades, is glorious day! The five year plan is working, and our indoctrination centers (schools) are still functioning even in times of Coronavirus. We now have a new way to check on each other and report violations of social offenses and thoughtcrime, and can now look into homes without warrant or due process <spit> and go on about Party business!

From the article: "A husband and wife in Pennsylvania were harassed by police earlier this month after someone at their son's school spotted a toy gun during a school-related Zoom call.

Sheila Perez Smith recounted the incident on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. She said that her 7-year-old son had just completed a Zoom class when she received an email from the son's teacher. Apparently, another parent had spied the toy in the background and had called the police.

“Another parent had been very uncomfortable by the fact that the gun had been in view of the zoom call,” Smith told Starnes. “It's such an innocent thing that someone used to make a judgment and an accusation.”

A few hours later, police knocked on her door and asked Smith and her husband to step outside...." (emphasis added by Ivan the S.)

And we all know the rest...accusation, guilty verdict, sentencing, all followed by a speedy show trial. Lets get back to the beetfields after we open up bunkspace for our new comrades who will be joining the gulag community!

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Regarding the parents of the child participating in a ZOOM session with classmates (during the lockdown for the CCP Wuhan Virus aka CoVid-19 aka Coronavirus aka WuFlu) were struck with fear upon seeing a toy gun in the background of a classmate participating in the session and then sent police to terminate such danger, perhaps it would be helpful if such parents' fears of guns could be calmed by a skilled instructor:
