
Black Widow Michelle

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Comrades, I am suddenly filled with a sense of dread borne of the realization that our Dear Leader's safety may be in peril.

This woman he is married too, like many women of powerful men, strikes me as a power hungry schemer. A Lady Macbeth. Already I have heard Dear Leader's regime referred to as Camelot. If that is so, then surely this woman must be Blackie O.

Have we forgotten what happened to our beloved JFK? Have we forgotten the role that Gwenivere played in the legend of King Arthur? Does not the Black Widow spider kill it's mate after getting what it wants?

This relationship does not bode well for our Dear Leader, we must urge him to divorce himself of this mad woman before it's too late. Let her be disposed of as Comrade Stalin dealt with his wife Nadezhda Alliluyev.

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Comrade Whoopie, I commend you for your keen eye. Well done comrade, indeed, very well done.

This shall be brought to the attention of the Inner Circle instanter. The Many Titted Empress must be apprised.

I am quite sure that Comrade Commissar Theocritus may have some kind words for you. Possibly, and don't quote me on this, but there may well be an extra potato for you. Or possibly a beet. Yes?

Oh, and Whoopie, do not deign to contact the inner circle yourself. Trust me on this. You may catch Pinkie in a foul mood, and you do not want to be on the business end of her shovel.

Keep your shovel at the ready comrade.

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Comrade Whoopie,

If Comrade Obama is fast enough with that GMC bailout, he can at least make sure one more bus gets built so his agents can throw her under it.

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Comrade Whoopie,

Leader One controls hundreds millions of followers. Not counting the billions in the New World. Surely he can handle one wife.

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Grigori E.R. wrote:Comrade Whoopie,

Leader One controls hundreds millions of followers. Not counting the billions in the New World. Surely he can handle one wife.

Ahh...Grigori E.R.

But our Obamessiah has but one wife! Surely, now that He has ascended to the POTUS, he may now take more wives, to keep Wife #1 in line, and to administer to his needs. (There are so many)LOL I can understand the comparison to a Black Widow Spider though. The NTE is a lawyer, after all.

Wolfgang, shoot that rat.....don't aim damn it..shoot! I'm surrounded by idiots!!!

Che' Gourmet

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B._.O. has modeled himself after Woodrow Wilson. Apparently he doesn't know about the part where his wife takes over. I understand Michelle has already instructed him to start calling her "Edith".

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Comrade Che'
I'm thinking "Billy" setting legal precedent oral sex not sex.
Is new One in making?

Spousal Unit:
What the hell is that? "Russian Girls Want To Marry You"? click

Comrade Red Bubba
New sitcom - Michael Moore as son in-law?

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It only gets bad for the male red orb spider when they mate, they get eaten after sex. So let us put cameras in the presidental bedrooms, bathrooms, and the Oval Office.