
Blow Your Whistle For Obama!

POLL: Are we doing enough to stop racism?

You may select up to 5 options

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Comrades, compatriots and compadres:

Obama'S Anti-Whistle-blower Program Requires Federal Employees to Report Suspicious Employees or risk punishment.

I do not think this is going far enough. Why should we stop with fellow government employees? After all, how many millions of people are out of work so we cannot blow a whistle on them? What is a good comrade to do, you ask?

Thus and so, your Fraulein has decided we must start a campaign to Blow The Whistle On Your Neighbors As Well campaign!

Take for instance, I was enjoying a free lunch with my almost adopted daughter who has the free school breakfast, lunch and dinner card. A neighbor who was enjoying a free lunch too, said "I have a black neighbor who helped me with my sick dog Saturday". I almost screamed "RACIST COMMENT!!" but I was choking on my lobster bisque at the time.

But I started thinking -- all such racist commentators, in thought or deed, must be reported to Eric Holder's Re-Justifying Department of Injustice, do they not?

It is our duty, if not our obligation, to report racist and subversive anti-Obama racists comments.

For instance if a neighbor, friendly or stranger eats or sells watermelon they are presumed racist!

If a neighbor, friendly or stranger owns or looks at a monkey, they are being racist!

If a neighbor, friendly or stranger eats fried chicken . . . they are being RACIST!

If a neighbor, friendly or stranger stares at a monkey, they ARE BEING RACIST!

Comrades, we must be alert and aware and TURN IN RACIST. We must save dear leader and jail all subversives! Call 1-800-holderwillpunishU now and Report A Racist Today! I have reported my neighbor -- you should do the same!





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Comrade Fraulein,

Since The People's Poll did not have a choice for my baby seals, it virtually makes it impossible to choose from the existing 5 choices. Therefore, since I must vote for all 5, my vote get's disqualified!

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Now, loyal Comrade Walrus, this is the Official Obama Polling Station, where multi-votes is not just acceptable, but required! (as long as it is the correct vote!!).

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Understood my dear . . . FORWAAARD!!!!Well I'll be a elephant seal's uncle. They wouldn't let me do a write in for my seals. Yet, I was capable of voting for the closest issues on my mind, next to my seals of course !!

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SOME SNEAKY RETHUGLICAN WAS MESSING WITH MY POLLING!! Now we are all set to vote and re-vote as many times as needed to achieve equal equality of thought.

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Putin on the Ritz wrote:Ahhh!! Comrade Frankenfeinstein!!!! You must be from the Peoples Republic of Minnesota, specifically the St. Paul Provence. We have now incorporated the glorious Ranked Choice Voting system, similar to your Poll. It is nice to vote for all!!! I digress.....
And if voting more than once is insufficient, we always have our trunks filled with emergency ballots to appear later.