
Boy Scouts Finally Submit to Change and Bend Forward

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Yes it's true Comrades,This once backwards thinking group of Bible thumping Conservatives, Boy Scouts of Amerika, has finally accepted the destroyed fundamentally changed society, Comrade Barack Hussein Obama (PBUH) promised us all in his last back stabbing, vile, hateful, pack of lies brilliant and truthful bid for President. I know some of you may be thinking, 'But Comrade Walrus, what about the Cub Scouts, when will they come to their senses, and the Brownies and Girl Scouts?' Do not fret most equal followers of The Great One™ (PBUH), they have, we simply don't have a decent press release yet. After all, isn't it wonderful that 8 year olds, of all genders and species, can now come together and tell one another of their sexual preferences, sitting around the campfire, roasting weenies and marshmallows. I say it's about time. Take a look at one of the recent "get togethers" from The Eagle Scouts

Image ~
They so represent the morals and values of today's Progressive Thinkers in The Scouts, and exemplify everything sick and unholy good and Godly that our Nation and The Boy Scouts of America was founded on. Am I proud, you bet, who wouldn't be? I have been thinking of calling for a complete ban coaxing my nephews into joining before all the spots are filled. Just look at the fun they are having. And here we see, a gathering of some of the more 'senior members of the scouts', getting prepared for a fishing excursion off the coast of San Francisco.

So who's with me? Shall we pass out propaganda flyers (see below) at our local malls to see how many we can recruit?

Remember, scouting is an asexual organization and will remain that way, despite what evil Conservatives do or say. "FOR THE CHILDREN". . . . Forward Comrades, bend over forward.

Yours truly,
Red Walrus

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Oh my Lenin!!! Wonderful, I see Comrade R.O.C.K. is with the collective, who else is brave enough to stand up to those toothless Hannity followers?

And such a wonderful placard Comrade R.O.C.K.


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Thank you, Comrade Walrus - MY, the fun that could have been had back when I was a Boy Scout if the Boy Scouts hadn't been so primitively intolerant then! Can you just imagine the new merit badges?!?

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Yea buddy, I bet they want to 'roast some weenies'. Is there a merit badge for that? Comrade Walrus, if I may respectfully suggest, shouldn't your headline read 'Change and Bend Over'?

The fellow on the right with the blo sux blu sox is kinda hot, wish I'd had a 'pack' leader like him


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ImageAhh yes, good times...good times. If only The Great One (PBUH) had the man in the blue socks as umm, lets say. his personal body guard, that sure would make me feel invulnerable to any harm, be it foreign<----(ya right) or DOMESTIC. Or how about having him tuck the little ones in at night? Can't complain there. We need a woman's perspective on this matter . . . too bad Comrade Mooshell does not qualify.

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Comrades, once again progressives have stepped forward to lead America out of the Stone Ages, and what a wonderful opportunity for GLBTHBP community to lather up and come together. This will no doubt give an air of legitimacy to the chorus of .... “GOD SAVE THE QUEEN''

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Well, this is a start. Obviously we cannot continue to have our collective The Children™ scouts categorized as "boys," "girls," "cubs," "webelos," or "brownies." They must simply be the Collective Scouts: all equal; no differences; and, certainly no hint of a religious or moral aspect in the indoctrination wonderful educational opportunies and experiences to be gained from the diverse pudding which will be the scouting experience when there are no more differences. Another step FORWARD!

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trashmouth wrote:Comrades, once again progressives have stepped forward to lead America out of the Stone Ages, and what a wonderful opportunity for GLBTHBP community to lather up and come together. This will no doubt give an air of legitimacy to the chorus of .... “GOD SAVE THE QUEEN''

We must be careful not to grow this "GLBTHBP community" much larger by accidentally allowing an "N for Normal" into the acronym or it will encompass EVERYONE leaving nobody to protest and march for!

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A comrade can only wonder at the assortment of new merit badges that will be coming soon....

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Commissar Wahoo wrote:A comrade can only wonder at the assortment of new merit badges that will be coming soon....
There will be no "merit" <spit> badges. There will only be one Participation Badge™
We can't have anyone feeling less equal than another, no matter how much harder the other works to be more equal. In the same way, these silly tenderfoot-to-eagle rankings must be abolished. Our Collective Scouts must be inducted as Peacock Scouts (unless another network wants to pay us more, then we can think about it) ... and remain that way.


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R.O.C.K. in the USSA wrote:
Did someone say "bumperstickers"?
Comrade R.O.C.K., yes, stickers for the rear ends ... of low-emission wind or battery powered vehicles will be appropriate. We may, however, need to eliminate any reference to "my" in the child-of-the-village/parental unit context, as well as any reference to gender (i.e., "son"), since all are equal in the GLBTNRETC. commune on Tuesday™ and we only differentiate when it suits our purposes. So perhaps the sticker would read "One of The Children™ of the village that occasionally may or may not ride in this low-emission wind or battery powered vehicle is a Peacock Scout!"

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Comrade R.O.C.K.,

You are getting very close. There still is some suspicion regarding this birthing issue. Just because the village child came out of a collective member, did said collective member really give that child anything? Can you apply the word parasite on your new bumper sticker?

Red Walrus

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Comrade Captain Commie,

Thank you for helping me purge the capitalistic beef I had for dinner. Your graphics did the job. I denounce myself for eating beef while The One™ , Comrade Obama (PBUH) is forced to hunt and eat House Hippo.

Thanks again,

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Good Lenin. Some Walruses are never satisfied...


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Capt. Commie wrote:[album]Image[/album]

Image the problem with these two is we don't know who gets help first...
Image FORWARD, back, FORWARD, back, (lather, rinse, repeat)

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Tovarichi wrote:
Image the problem with these two is we don't know who gets help first...
Image FORWARD, back, FORWARD, back, (lather, rinse, repeat)

I am wondering if Comrade Commie has graced us with a sample from his art collection, and if so, what might be next?

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Comrade R.O.C.K.,

Thank Lenin for all the work you do to make each and everyone of us feel most equal. Your latest 'bumpersticker' is sure to raise some eyebrows along with a few extra burlap sacks overflowing with beet seed . . .


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I.M. Craptek wrote:
Tovarichi wrote:
Image the problem with these two is we don't know who gets help first...
Image FORWARD, back, FORWARD, back, (lather, rinse, repeat)

I am wondering if Comrade Commie has graced us with a sample from his art collection, and if so, what might be next?

IF I had an art collection, it would be of Fraulein Frankenfeinstein, Commissarka Pinkie, Olga Photoshopova, Pamalinsky, Comrade Putout, Princess Nookie (wherever she is) and like minded Comradettes. And no, I would NOT share them with anyone.

The above photo was "borrowed" from the Biden gallery at the White House.