
"Carbon-free" expedition to Greenland rescued by oil tanker.

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An peoples expedition team which set sail from Plymouth on a 5,000-mile carbonemission-free trip to Greenland have been rescued by an oil tanker. . ..

Raoul Surcouf, Richard Spink and skipper Ben Stoddart sent amayday because they feared for their safety amid winds of 68mph(109km/h)...In one incident Mr Stoddart hit his head and the windgenerator and solar panels were ripped from the yacht.

If the oil tanker had not been there the world would be less populated/polluted today. This is NOT a good ending to the story. Why is it capitalist oil pigs feel it is their right to interfere with our beloved mother nature?.

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Beria, <i>vous avez raison</i> as the French who sank the <i>The Rainbow Warrior</i> would have said. Sigh. The French are such a wonderful people, stabbing us in the back, making our lives difficult, spitting on America, but then they sink an environmentalist ship! What were they thinking?

We all know that the worst pollutant in the world is not the internal-combustion engine, as the Holy Gore (PBUH) said, but people because people invented the internal-combustion engine.

People are the cause of all the troubles on earth. My only worry in letting that ship sink would have been if some fish ate some poison bits of the sailors. Because I know for a fact that self-righteousness is pure poison.

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68mph winds? Cowards. That my dear comrades is a normal day off the Oregon Coast! Ok, not quite that bad, but I can truthfully say, been there, done that.

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I am only astonished that Gaia allowed that to happen. The Mother Earth is supposed to protect her acolytes, isn't she?

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Perhaps Comrade Gaia was astounded at their inept stupidity. There is a great book about an an expedition that managed to travel from Ireland, via Greenland and Iceland to North America. And they did it in a leather hull sailboat.

A most equal read. This is why I am not impressed with these whimpering cowards who with every modern and fashionable convenience still had to get their dumb arses rescued. If Comrade Severin could do it in a leather hull boat, then anyone should be able to sail those waters.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:I am only astonished that Gaia allowed that to happen. The Mother Earth is supposed to protect her acolytes, isn't she?

Looks like Mother Earth is no match to a Viking Draugr. We must bring them to the party and teach them our superior religion of the Green world of Next TuesdayTM. Did I get that right?


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Very close, Leninka--the party-approved line is the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™. But among the party faithful minor variations, as long as they do not destroy the collective and coercive aspect, are permitted.

I also recall as a fifth grader reading <i>Kon Tiki</i> to my fifth-grade class to give the teacher time to grade papers. As a mere stripling I was impressed that people could travel all that way on a raft built of as I recall balsa wood. And make it. Also how were the various islands populated?

Did the Goracle's family, the Roswell Space Aliens, drop down little Gore seedlings?

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:Very close, Leninka--the party-approved line is the Progressive World of Next Tuesday™. But among the party faithful minor variations, as long as they do not destroy the collective and coercive aspect, are permitted.

I also recall as a fifth grader reading <i>Kon Tiki</i> to my fifth-grade class to give the teacher time to grade papers. As a mere stripling I was impressed that people could travel all that way on a raft built of as I recall balsa wood. And make it. Also how were the various islands populated?

Did the Goracle's family, the Roswell Space Aliens, drop down little Gore seedlings?

Of course, that is exactly how the islands were populated.

Thank you Theocritus for not hitting me over the head with a shovel. I fear that a Viking of yesteryear may have been so large (like my cousin descended from the Huns) that the weight of one of them alone would have likely sunk the Green idiots' people's solar boat.

According to the Religion of the Green Goracle it seems that any past activities by humans (including the Kon Tiki method of travel) were too archaic and primitive for these superior and progressively minded "I care more and I am greener than you because I own more solar panels" comrades.

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From my dacha I am luxuriating too excessively to trouble myself with Google, so I will beg pardon to enquire: Did this same group by any chance contain the character who attempted to reach the North Pole by engine-less boat only to get trapped in ice and find that polar bears were overly interested in taking revenge for AGW out on him?

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Leninka, I see that you have tumbled to the secret of being a Made Progressive. I once accused Pupovich of being prolier than thou, and he snapped his teeth at me.

There are tests, you know, for being a progressive. Get enough of the green merit badges and you become a Made Progressive. Ed Begley, Jr., has a pogrom, er, program on television in which he explicates his views. He rides a bicycle enough to compensate for the energy of making a piece of toast. If you've ever pedaled a bike to light a light bulb you'll realize that this slight man has more strength in his legs than the Dallas Cowboys.

And such devotion--he doesn't waste the brain cycles to worry about how inefficient a motor the human body is for outside work. A environmentalists' environmentalist. He'll give you the hair shirt off his back.


Tovarich, it is <i>impossible</i> that the polar bears are doing anything other than swimming in melted arctic water melted from ice flows. Because even though all the scientific evidence states that the earth is cooling owing to natural cycles, the Holy Gore has told us that that is not so.

Here is a way to remember how this goes.

An Irish woman comes home to find her husband Paddy in bed with Bridget.

"Paddy! I don't believe it! You're in <i>our</i> bed with my best friend!"

"Kate, I'm here alone."

"I <i>see</i> here there!"

"Who are are you gonna believe: me or your lying eyes?"

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Comrade Commissar Theocritus,

You have a very valid point. It is politically impossible. However, it is not impossible that Comrade Gore had the guy fed to the polar bears--a la Michael Crichton's eco-savior groups that use a poisonous octopus to distribute eco-justice--to keep quiet an inconvenient truth (ah, but what is truth, comrades?) so he could get his Nobel and more for An Inconvenient Truth.

With this method, the lying eyes are effectively plucked out and nobody is left to ask the question. Which, come to think of it, is what Gaia wants, right?

It's like I'm progressing progressively!

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"With this method, the lying eyes are effectively plucked out and nobody is left to ask the question. Which, come to think of it, is what Gaia wants, right?"

Your point is well taken. If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it make a noise? When I was foolishly trying to be rational, thinking that the world wasn't all about me, like a good Progressive, I said, "Sure, it does. Fool." But now I know that reality is a construct.

Since reality is what we say it is, and since Gaia is better unbesmirched by humans, the burden of making a construct in which we deliberately ignore reality is just too vexing. And so I'm going to take the European view of being just too..sophisticated...and do anything but hand them the gun.