
Carney on Another Obama 'Red Line'

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White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on not negotiating with Republicans over the debt ceiling: “We're talking about turning the full faith and credit of the United States into something that's an open question every year, every quarter, it could be every week, and that's just unacceptable, so, the president is drawing a line here. He cannot do it, he will not do it.”

Oh boy, Obama's drawing another red line. And you know what that means…

obama redline.jpg

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Good! Red is our favorite color of line here at the People's Cube!

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Silly Republicans...they just do not understand how democracy works. A chairman is appointed by the political elite and his word is law. Then the People's Republic can run smoothly without all this "will-of-the-people" crap. I'm pretty sure the whole idea was invented by a bunch of dead white guys to keep themelves in power.

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Comrades, Red line, green line or any line it all come down to the simple fact that our founding fathers were intentionally vague when writing the process of funding our government, for fear that strict adherence to a concrete set of rules would lead to a fascist dictatorship. Congressional and Presidential laws were only meant to be suggestions, like a parking meter or traffic signal. Senators, our Dear Leader and Carney are acting out of compassion for those inferior to them and simply held back, in fact they really didn't sneer hardly enough. Standing firm will no doubt convince the intolerant jingoist biblethumping rednecks who talk to some invisible deity that if they ever want to work again, ever want to eat again, ever want to walk again, they damn better well support Progressive Democrat Political Rights!

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I hope I'm not out of line with this, but shouldn't we be using blue lines instead of red lines?
And why are we even using lines at all? Aren't we the ones who insist that all the national border lines be erased so we can all just be citizens of the world?

"Imagine there's no countries/It isn't hard to do." --John Lennon, Imagine

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Excellent point comrade Dedhedvedev!

obama blueline.jpg