
Carol Costello : Obama would not look as weak with one enemy

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CNN's top anchorettes Fareed Zakaria and Carol Costello were lamenting Dear Leader being portrayed by racists as "less than strong".
Carol opined, "Some might argue it's easier to appear strong when you're fighting one known enemy like Japan during World War II or Osama in Afghanistan after 9/11."

To which Ms. Zakaria chirped, "You might think of the Facebook term frenemy or, you know, some kind of in-between category where we have to be able to figure out a way to engage with the world, resist certain kinds of bad behavior, but at the same time not launch some kind of grand crusade. I think the president's frustration comes from the fact that the critics seem to be saying, 'You're not doing enough, you're weak, you're giving in,' when I think his feeling is, 'Well, I'm doing lots of things that are deeply engaged and take a lot of time, energy, and effort.'"

If we were only smart enough to see Dear Leader's grand design.......sigh.

And were they really the Greatest Generation for beating Japan in a war? Dear Leader has to deal with many problems and enemies not of his making: Syria, Libya, Egypt, Russia and Ukraine, Racists, China, The Tea Party, Capitalism and the free market.... FDR had one lousy enemy, and the Great Depression caused by Millionaires and Billionaires.

Do you think she named her cheek implants?

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Costello wishes Dear Leader to take on the one enemy he has a chance of vanquishing that really matters.... Bud Abbott!

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Obama wouldn't look as weak if he wasn't leaving it up to his wife to sign bills into law.

Did Carol Costello ever think? Uh, I mean, think of that?

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Comrades, Costello and Zakaria may have a point. Perhaps Obama is possibly the most misunderstood President ever! Let us look at the real history unfolding before our very eyes. The simple fact is, our leader, much like Jimmy Carter, who by the way also received the Nobel prize by ending the cold war, has perfected leadership into a true art form.
It comes as no surprise that our Dear leader knows that the best way to deal with bullies and tyrants is to show the world how he can draw creative lines in the sand but not just any line, but a strong emotional imaginative lines in a politically correct sandbox of time. Our number one priority and question has always been, how many Gay/Transgendered Americans have we tortured by refusing to celebrate their diversity in the armed forces? In just a short time ago, in his effort to win back the praise from Russia, he directed Hillary to create a reset button to be played with over and over again creating a litany of wonderful conversations and picture moments. Later when the Soviets began rattling their guns and showing force in the Ukraine, or China's challenge to his Asia pivot, Obama continued to encourage military budget cuts and propose troop reduction. After all, when bullies realize that you are no real threat, the simple fact of making yourself appear to be smaller will give your enemies pause so they don't feel threatened and only then, will they we realize that we don't need to confront them. It is no coincidence that applying this diplomatic process prepares the best way to gain friendship creating a deep spiritual bond and a spiritual journey. This is not a sign of weakness but leading fromhis behind

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Soooo .... our Annointed 0ne would look less less strong if fewer people thought he was a wimp? Perhaps Comrades Costello and Zakaria need a train ticket.
