
CAUGHT! Tea Party's Closet Members

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Nothing — and I mean nothing — can ever be worse than being aligned with two words: TEA PARTY. The most vile, despicable, hateful, pathetically ignorant group of unorganized mouthbreathers ever to disgrace the human race and pollute Mother Gaia just by existing.

It's bad enough to actually know and see these retards in real life and action. Their constant braying about... "smaller government", tax cuts for the rich, repealing Santa O'bamaclaus' greatest free gift to the New Plantation™, personal responsibility, and a >spit< "constitutional government" — whatever the HELL that's supposed to mean.

I mean, we had one of the worst government shutdowns, thanks to the TEA PARTY, since The Gingrich stole X-mas from Herr Schleickmeister's decade of fraud and deceit booming trickle up economy through higher taxation!

Aside from the fact that we have the lunatic TED CRUZ showing us all how a crazy, insane, bomb-strapping, hostage-taking terrorist can talk for 21 hours about Dr. Suess while baby seals are endangered, O'bamaFones™ are on hold and counting down the collapse of the world in Michael Medved's Moderate Macrocosm, we know who these people are who spew hatred and utter contempt towards the glorious utopian New Plantation Of Next Tuesday™.

But, comrades, what's really troubling, shocking and even inducing vomiting in ones' mouth are those CLOSET TEA PARTY PEOPLE; the ones we would never suspect; the ones we ALWAYS thought were fighting for us — the little guy — on OUR SIDE always representing our socialist views, spending OPM like Bruno in a Payless Shoe Source; the ones who we would NEVER EVER even dream of hearing such poisonous, tainted, vile, traitorous — even treasonous — words of >spit< common sense, fiscal responsibility and restraint.


Comrades, feel the cold, steely chill of the gun barrel pressing against your temple as you peruse these transcripts, keeping you hostage with threats of fiscal responsibility and lower debt.

“Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America's debt problem.

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can't pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our government's reckless fiscal policies. Over the past five years, our federal debt has increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion. That is ‘trillion' with a ‘T.' That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers. And over the next five years, between now and 2011, the president's budget will increase the debt by almost another $3.5 trillion.

“Numbers that large are sometimes hard to understand. Some people may wonder why they matter. Here is why: This year, the federal government will spend $220 billion on interest. That is more money to pay interest on our national debt than we'll spend on Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program. That is more money to pay interest on our debt this year than we will spend on education, homeland security, transportation and veterans benefits combined. It is more money in one year than we are likely to spend to rebuild the devastated Gulf Coast in a way that honors the best of America.

“And the cost of our debt is one of the fastest-growing expenses in the federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy, robbing our cities and states of critical investments in infrastructure like bridges, ports and levees; robbing our families and our children of critical investments in education and health care reform; robbing our seniors of the retirement and health security they have counted on.

“Every dollar we pay in interest is a dollar that is not going to investment in America's priorities. Instead, interest payments are a significant tax on all Americans — a debt tax that Washington doesn't want to talk about. If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we would see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies.

“But we are not doing that. Despite repeated efforts by Senators [Kent] Conrad and [Russ] Feingold, the Senate continues to reject a return to the common-sense pay-go rules that used to apply. Previously, pay-go rules applied both to increases in mandatory spending and to tax cuts. The Senate had to abide by the common-sense budgeting principle of balancing expenses and revenues. Unfortunately, the principle was abandoned, and now the demands of budget discipline apply only to spending.

“As a result, tax breaks have not been paid for by reductions in federal spending, and thus the only way to pay for them has been to increase our deficit to historically high levels and borrow more and more money. Now we have to pay for those tax breaks plus the cost of borrowing for them. Instead of reducing the deficit, as some people claimed, the fiscal policies of this administration and its allies in Congress will add more than $600 million in debt for each of the next five years.

“That is why I will once again co-sponsor the pay-go amendment and continue to hope that my colleagues will return to a smart rule that has worked in the past and can work again.

“Our debt also matters internationally. My friend, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, likes to remind us that it took 42 presidents 224 years to run up only $1 trillion of foreign-held debt. This administration did more than that in just five years. Now, there is nothing wrong with borrowing from foreign countries. But we must remember that the more we depend on foreign nations to lend us money, the more our economic security is tied to the whims of foreign leaders whose interests might not be aligned with ours.

“Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

“I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit.”
His O'liness B. Hussein
Excuse me, I need to hurl.

“Given the explosion of debt in recent years, it is long past time for Washington to change the course and adopt a new fiscal policy. After all, the future of our economy and our Nation is at stake.”

“After all, I repeat, the baby boomers are about to retire. Under the circumstances, any credible economist would tell you we should be reducing debt, not increasing it.”
Dingy Harry Reid
Such utter betrayal of the Peoples Trust™.

"But part of the Democrats' plan is a call to require fiscal responsibility, following pay-as-you-go rules that prevent deficit spending. And they note that it is under a Republican president and Congress that the federal deficit has soared to new levels. ‘This is the path we were on when President Clinton was president, and we would have been debt free as a nation if we had stayed on that course of pay-as-you-go, no deficit spending, debt free as a nation in 2008. ‘Instead, we have a debt ceiling of $9 trillion.'”

“Democrats plan to use the debt limit debate to highlight the massive annual deficits run up during the Bush administration. Many will oppose the measure, especially in the House. The bill is expected to be approved anyway, with the Senate voting Thursday night and the timing of the House vote uncertain. Its defeat would threaten an unprecedented federal default and stymie the government's ability to write Social Security and other checks. ‘We just can't give a blank check over and over and over again to this administration,'

“In the course of the President's administration now, this 4 years, it will have been raised $2 trillion. This is absolutely astounding in terms of these figures.”

“So I urge all of my colleagues to support our motion to commit which will accommodate, will give the government a chance to go forward, but also to put a limit on this profligate increase in the debt. I hope at the end of the evening, though, that everyone who stands up for fiscal soundness will vote against this irresponsible lifting of the debt ceiling unless there is a responsible discipline thrust upon it of pay-as-you-go or a plan from the President to say how he intends to reduce the deficit.”
Nanski Peloski
And this is the woman who Andrea Mitchell waxes orgasmic over the fact she was inducted into the Womens' Hall Of Fame for the criminally insane.

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It is just me or has Comrade Nanny's face taken a turn for the worst?? Thank Obama for Obamacare!

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Comrades, comrades relax! Our Marxist leaders made these foolish statements before they saw The Light™ . All is well in Amerika.

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I'm not so sure it was our marxist leader making these statements. I think it was Tea Partiers who broke into the Frau's stash of marxist Halloween masks to impersonate our beloved marxist leaders in order to smear them just like how Alan Grayson smears the Tea Party calling them the modern day KKK. It's tit for tat!

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I've seen my share of ...nevermind that, What's a tat, and does the party want me to have one if i dont already?

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Comrade Tovarichi - A few months ago you introduced the term "nibbles" to the collective. I see you are pressing ahead with your efforts for a more equal vocabulary.