
Celebrate the Oktober Revolution, 97 years ago today!

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Comrades, this day in 1917, in the town of Petrograd (now St. Petersburg), a group of Bolsheviks led by a young V.I. Lenin estimated at 30 to 40 thousand soldiers and sailors went to pay a visit to the Winter Palace which was guarded by about 1000 cossacks, students, and of course, 1000 ladies of the 1st Petrograd Womyns Battalion. (Please note, had the attack begun between the 24th and 28th of the month, the results may have been far different.)

Ok, we all know there was this change in government, the Soviet Union is formed, on and on...usual revolution stuff.

Here's the takeaway....the wine cellar of the Winter Palace was looted. It took a MONTH to do it.

Bolsheviks were dumping wine down the drains (causing crowds at the palace drains), and even tried pumping it straight into the Neva River.

Until Martial Law could be established, Petrograd spent a month in the "Greatest Hangover in History."
(Do you see where this is going yet?)

Go home this night, storm your own Winter Palace, put the Cadets to bed, overwhelm your Womyns Battalion commander and loot your wine cellars, Praise Lenin, and celebrate your own Oktober Revolution!

(Note: Rethugglikkkans shifted the calendar, pay no attention to what we now call November)

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A return to normalacy is a revolution. Toast.

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Thank you, Tovarish Tovarichi for the reminder that this was indeed a great massive, spontaneous, popular uprising of the toiling workers, peasants, and thoroughly drunk sailors. Of course, the bourgeois revisionists would try to rewrite history using such reactionary tools as Wikipedia:

Wikipedia wrote:More contemporary research with access to government archives significantly corrects accepted Soviet edited and embellished history. The archival version shows that parties of Bolshevik operatives sent out from the Smolny by Lenin took over all critical centers of power in Petrograd in the early hours of the night without a shot being fired. In fact the effectively unoccupied Winter Palace also was taken bloodlessly by a small group which broke in, got lost in the cavernous interior, and accidentally happened upon the remnants of Kerensky's provisional government in the imperial family's breakfast room. The illiterate revolutionaries then compelled those arrested to write up their own arrest papers.

The stories of the "defense of the Winter Palace" and the heroic "Storming of the Winter Palace" came later as the creative propaganda product of Bolshevik publicists. Grandiose paintings depicting the "Women's Battalion" and photo stills taken from Sergei Eisenstein's staged film depicting the "politically correct" version of the October events in Petrograd came to be taken as truth.

Later official accounts of the revolution from the Soviet Union would depict the events in October as being far more dramatic than they actually had been. (See firsthand account by British General Knox.) This was helped by the historical reenactment, entitled The Storming of the Winter Palace, which was staged in 1920. This reenactment, watched by 100,000 spectators, provided the model for official films made much later, which showed a huge storming of the Winter Palace and fierce fighting (See Sergei Eisenstein's October: Ten Days That Shook the World). In reality the Bolshevik insurgents faced little or no opposition.

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My compliments to the boys in agitprop for their historical imageries of this glorious but overlooked aspect of the forging of the road to Next Tuesday.

Most historians focus on this stuff...

Redistribute the People's corkscrew this way when you have a chance, please...

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I personally celebrated the Great Oktober Revolution by publishing an article in the November 7th edition of FrontPage Magazine. I'll re-post it on the Cube in a couple of days.

The Great October: A Revolution Financed By an Enemy Government


It's a story of how the supposedly selfless revolutionaries were generously financed by the German Kaiser who saw the communists as the Ebola. So he weaponized the communist virus in order to destroy the Russian empire, with which he was fighting a war. The rest is history. ... overnment/

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Tractor Barn #2 will not be open for "political discourse and enlightenment and singing of marching songs" followed by fermented light refreshments this evening, as Krasnodar didn't sober up long enough to brew a fresh batch I will be taking my own advice at my own Winter Palace and spending some time with the Lovely Mrs. Tovarichi (who truly keeps keeps my Borscht hot...) Image Happy Oktober Revolution to all!

It was 97 years ago today
Sergeant Lenin taught the bund to play
They've been going in and out of style
So nobody's going to crack a smile
So may I introduce to you ...
The act they've blown for all these years ...
Sgt. Lenin's Lonely Gulag Bund!