
Chairman Obama kills a fly

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A People's Rifle(TM) for anyone who can figure out how to embed this video...

Our Beloved Leader of the (not)Free World, Chairman Obama has killed a fly!

This raises many questions. Normally this would upset PETA to no great end, but The One did it so it is ok. Even so, I suspect PETA will be outraged. Could it be this fly was really a flying drone sent by Dick Cheney to attack our Dear Leader?

I must study on this matter further, perhaps Chairman O isn't far from simply dispensing Revolutionary Justice, as shown with his summary execution of the fly.


I wasn't able to embed the CNN video but was able to find a use for a Faux News video of the same event. It shows why our Dear Leader and Commander in Chief is a force to be feared.

<embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src=' ... bedded.swf' id='mediumFlashEmbedded' pluginspage='' bgcolor='#000000' allowScriptAccess='always' allowFullScreen='true' quality='high' name='undefined' play='false' scale='noscale' menu='false' salign='LT' scriptAccess='always' wmode='false' height='275' width='305' flashvars='playerId=011008&playerTemplateId=fncLargePlayer&categoryTitle=&referralObject=6066132&referralPlaylistId=playlist'>

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Well Colonel, PETA has weighed in and they are not amused.

When asked for comment, here's the statement PETA released:

“He isn't the Buddha, he's a human being and human beings have a long way to go before they think before they act.”

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Nice one, RedPundit. Why don't you put your stamp on it in case someone wants to link it?

On a different note, I always thought Obama couldn't hurt a fly.

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Just posted in the News section:

Obama hurts a fly, forgets to read Miranda rights
ACLU: fly murder by slapping unconstitutional

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Red Square wrote:Nice one, RedPundit. Why don't you put your stamp on it in case someone wants to link it?


Red Square wrote:On a different note, I always thought Obama couldn't hurt a fly.

I think Chairman Obama is pumped-up now!


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Now if only he would apply his policy on flys to N. Korea and Iran!

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Bad news for our Dear Leader Comrades:

A photograph has leaked out showing that he killed a MUSLIM fly!! Ahmed Mohammed Islamofly Akbar worked at a fruit stand in Washington D.C. and left behind thirty wives and six hundred and fifty eight children.

The Islamic world is in an uproar.

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I was making a joke to some friends: "Somebody call PETA!" At least I thought I was only joking...

PETA wishes Obama hadn't swatted that fly
PETA is sending President Barack Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher,™ a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside.

PETA needs to stop with their wholesale slaughter of dust mites! Thousands of innocent dust mites,who only want to live out their simple lives in peace(on our skin),are being killed each and every day when these barbarians engage in that ruthless endeavor called showering. This is genocide,people! Or maybe,MITICIDE!!
But just tragic,no matter what it's called. I denounce PETA,and anyone who showers. You are nothing less than murdering terrorists! Organism terrorism is an abominable practice and must be stopped. All you clean people out there....shame,shame on you!

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I denounce PETA for organism terrorism!

LnT - what happened to your full name (Lenin'n'Thingies) and your avatar? I hope there hasn't been any domestic violence on Lenin's part while we slept and you're not hiding a black eye by suspending the use of your avatar. But even if Lenin did it, what could we do to Lenin?

From the days of Communists for Kerry - the legendary Lenin and the Wifebeaters!

<img src="/images/lenin/Lenin_Wifebeaters.jpg" width="500" height="358">

"So, you want flies with that?"

Dang.....offered opportunity for post title...then title didn't appear.

What I MEANT to post was....

Experience-based Post-Presidential Job Opportunities....

"So, you want fries with that?"

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Red Square wrote:I denounce PETA for organism terrorism!

LnT - what happened to your full name (Lenin'n'Thingies) and your avatar? I hope there hasn't been any domestic violence on Lenin's part while we slept and you're not hiding a black eye by suspending the use of your avatar. But even if Lenin did it, what could we do to Lenin?

From the days of Communists for Kerry - the legendary Lenin and the Wifebeaters!

<img src="/images/lenin/Lenin_Wifebeaters.jpg" width="500" height="358">

Thank you for your concern,Big Red,but I am peachy(for now-read my first can add graphics for me..hint,hint). I was just too lazy to log in after i started my comment and realized that i wasn't logged in.The spousal unit would never even try to hit me...he knows what i carry and we've gone target practicing together ,so he knows what it can do :)

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They just can't help gushing about this guy; everything he does astonishes and amazes his adoring followers. Can he shave himself without getting cut? Does he brush his own teeth?

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Komissar Blogunov wrote:Image
They just can't help gushing about this guy; everything he does astonishes and amazes his adoring followers. Can he shave himself without getting cut? Does he brush his own teeth?

Don't get started with the bathroom, next thing you know, the media actually will follow him in there.

"(Andrea Mitchel, NBC News, Washington) (Thank you Rush Limbaugh) Obama today, took a huge bowel movement, and turned it into solid gold to sell to the Chinese. . ."

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Red Square wrote:Iowahawk's instant classic:

Widow of Murdered Fly Seeks White House Apology, Shit
I denounce IOWAHAWK for being sexually incorrect. Good Progs know it's the female flies which bite, therefore, it's the widower who will face the ugly legal battle.

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The shit-eating bitch. How dare she try to sue Dear Leader? It was her husband's own fault for buzzing around Obama's head and making a pest of himself.

We need to mobilize the MSM at once to dig up garbage on Mrs. Vvzzvzwwzzz. I'm sure there's plenty to be found. Like maybe her husband owed some back taxes. And a few million of her maggots were fathered by some other fly. Surely we could trace a few disease epidemics back to her. And I don't think a name like that can be real.

Here's a picture of one of her "maggot daddies." As you can see, he boasts all the features of a typical neocon Republican.

Let's Palinize her!

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Commissarka Pinkie wrote: Let's Palinize her!

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Stock Moskvitch
The fly was obviously an agent provocateur. I have people looking in on his past income, both fecal and refuse.

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Reports and conspiracy theories about the fly accident are still coming in...

Reader SGBELL from sunny south Canada sent us this version of events:

He did not smite it. The truth was concealed. He captured it, spoke to it in his clenched fist in an unknown tongue and released from his fist a talking butterfly. It flew across the ocean and middlebeast to the supreme leader of Iran's bedroom. It spoke to the great mullah in perfect Farsi and declaimed, "my lord I am sent to you as a holy emissary from my lord The Obama, he sends greetings of respect and a sincere desire to submit er rather engage you with his genius". The supreme leader replied, "you must be tired my child will you rest upon my knee while i fetch refreshment". "Why yes my lord " it replied, "I am as weary from my flight as the holy winged ass that bore Muhammad blessings be upon him to Jerusalem." A slave was listening at the closed door as they often do. This is what it heard: SMACK, "shaitan!" Fortunately our great child king will not be deterred and he will continue to send magical creations until His will be done.

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I knew it. I knew that fly was a Muslim. Well, at least he was given a glorious peace keeping mission by our Dear Leader.