
Cher speaks!

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Last night Bruno came running into the room, squealing, "Theocritus! Cher is speaking!"

"You mean that she's not dead? That she's not actually buried after that video with her hunching the ship's guns and the dancing queens in navy uniforms?"

"She spoke! I swear it on Barbra's nose!"

The fact that he was so happy and swore by a Rushmore-sized thing and that he shook the mangos off his head convinced me. He pointed to an article in which Cher Sharknosian delivered herself of true Progressive beliefs:

Cher Sharknosian wrote: President Barack Obama's "intelligence" and "spirit" are "so great" he will be able to do "more than anyone could possibly do."

Leave it to Bruno's idol, Cher Sharknosian, to tell us that His O'liness can exceed even himself! Doing more than even he can do. Why did I not see this in His O'liness? On the 20th he was crowned President, but since he can do more than anyone else can do, including himself, there is literally no end to his power. Next month, the end to the financial crisis. The month after that, peace in the Middle East, the month after that, immortality, and a couple of months after that, Speaker Nansky Peloski's mother will say that she is clever.

Goddess Cher Sharknosian growled on, around her nose:
I just think he's totally the right person at this time in our history.

He brings something more in his spirit than maybe another president could be even with the same intelligence. There's something about him that brings more with his spirit, and that's what Americans need right now. Republicans almost killed me.

Cher Sharknosian was asked how the Republicans nearly killed her and she said, "George W. Bush was making a speech when I stuck my nose in a light socket. That was obviously the fault of Republicans."


"Republicans made me get a spider tattoo on my boob and made me have sex with an aluminum-foil jellyfish," continued on Cher Sharknosian, as she pulled out her jaw, which had collapsed into her throat.

"But most of all, I hate Republicans because my lesbian daughter Chastity has gotten too fat to work under my 2005 Bentley and that's why I had to sell it. And after I bought her an arc welder for her birthday!"


On seeing that last picture, Bruno sighed in contentment, "Theocritus, just look at those tools!"

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The evils of capitalism nearly claimed another victim. Thank Lenin she was not killed.

She seems to actually think her opinion matters to anyone but her. I guess that's what happens when you're a delusional narcissist.

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[ off ]
Have you listened to her? She's as dumb as a bag of hammers.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:[ off ]
Have you listened to her? She's a dumb as a bag of hammers.

At least the bag of hammers is good for something.

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[ off ]
And makes no noise sitting in the corner, nor a wet spot if left on a chair. Fleas and lice don't like it.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:[ off ]
And makes no noise sitting in the corner, nor a wet spot if left on a chair. Fleas and lice don't like it.

And I can use the hammers for pounding nails.

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[ off ]You could use Cher's nose for slicing lemons, although it would take a barrel of naphtha to degrease her hair. And speaking of that, just what is it? Has she had so many face lifts that...


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The only time I would have use for her is when I go shark fishing. Live bait.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:[ off] Toilet plunger.

Her head is too big.

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{microphone off}
Here's super-intellect Susan Sarandon's opinion on this subject:

“He is a community organizer like Jesus was, and now, we're a community and he can organize us.”

Yes, well, I guess Jesus also got his opponents thrown off the ballot for mayor of Jerusalem and got his mansion in Nazareth via a secret sweetheart real estate deal with Pontius Pilate, so the comparison is apt. Gosh, Obama is like JFK, Lincoln and now Jesus; is there anyone this giant amongst us cannot be compared to? I betcha he knows more about nucular psychics (sic) than Einstein and can hit baseballs better than Mickey Mantle. It's a good thing Gen. George Patton is dead cause Obama woulda showed him a thing or thirteen about how to lead an army across Europe and defeat Nazi Germany. I bet all Obama woulda have to do is say "Change" and Hitler woulda ran like a scared rabbit back to Austria. George Washington is the father of our country? Shiiit, Obama is the father of SEVERAL countries. Probably a few planets and stars also. So when the hell are we gonna get with the program and change the name of DC to Obamagrad?

With all due respect to celebrity geniuses Cher and Sarandon (chuckle), I found this quote on another site; it describes the true nature of the current situation:

"When small men begin to cast big shadows, it means that the sun is about to set."
-Lin Yutang

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"Obama has the confidence of a man who has never accomplished anything."--Thomas Sowell.

"He ain't run anything but his mouth." Jesse Jackson.

And His O'liness
Image comes into office with virtually no experience and that in the most corrupt city in America. He brings cronies of his rather parochial group, experienced only in one small area. I do not doubt that in Chicago unpaid taxes are not a problem, but in less-corrupt places, they'll be noticed.

How he must feel to find that his appointments are instantly known to be crooks--we all knew they were and Tom Daschle is to boot the biggest asshole the Senate has known excepting possibly George Mitchell or Pat Leahy. The good thing is that his ego is such that he won't want to be a fool and when he figures that Nansky is running him like a robot, he might, <i>might</i>, wise up and figure out that the economic destruction of the US will not be a good thing for history to hang around his neck.

Unless of course he figures that he can take us so far that history will be rewritten. Red knows a lot more about this than I do.

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The evil Charles Krauthammer is tacky to his O'liness in <a href=" ... f.html">an article here</a>.

He must be whipped.

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{microphone off}
Krauthammer leaves the worst revelation for the reader to infer: we have just left shore on a 4-year voyage. Two weeks away from port, the passengers are starting to discover that the captain is a narcissistic pompous fool and the crew is composed entirely of kleptocratic weasels. The "reasoned voices" we seek amongst the passengers are dominated by intellectual midgets such as overaged pop stars who present no last name (a tired gimmick or possibly they have now forgotten?) The weather report shows hurricanes ahead and we're sailing on a ship of fools. Aside from that, things are going fine.

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{ off }You're quite right but remember that Bill Clinton's actions, which were better than His O'liness's, caused the first Republican Congress in 38 years. But a politically sophisticated friend of mine thinks that Obama's ego is enough to work in his favor. A conversation with her is reflected <a href=" ... ">here.</a>

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{microphone off}
Possibly, but I sense a big difference between Obama and Clinton.

I don't think Obama's ego will permit him to even consider that he is mistaken about something. I don't think he has much, if any, capacity to absorb new information. He is a Harvard-learned bookworm who's never done anything or run anything. He's never had to taste being wrong and suffer the consequences of it and I don't think he has the flexibility to make adjustments. He's like Jimmy Carter in this regard; things didn't go well for Jimmy and so he blamed us.

I think Bill Clinton did have these abilities; after all, his nickname was "The Comeback Kid". One does not "come back" from failure unless one has the humility to admit mistakes and make adjustments. Clinton had a big ego because he had success; Obama has success (so far) because he has a big ego. Clinton's ego drove him to do whatever he had to do to be successful; Obama's ego is an albatross that will drag him down.

That is my sense, I could be wrong. My thought is that these two or three weeks will be the paradigm for his time in office. The idiots in Congress will basically drive policy and Obama will stand around and play president, become increasingly irrelevant but pretend he matters. I can envision him starting to act bizarre as the pressures build up. It will really get interesting if things continue to go south and the Republicans retake Congress in 2010. He's never had to deal with the enemy on an equal footing and I doubt he has the ability to co-opt them like Clinton did. JMHO.

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{ off }
You could well be right that his ego won't let him be wrong. I hope there will be Damascene moment but I"m not betting on it.

One of the problems is the unwillingness to speak truth to color. I do feel sorry for accredited minorities who are spared justified criticism for then they could easily have been given the view that their view or opinions were better than they were.

Nearly two decades ago I was fool enough to be in a gay chat room in AOL, when some queen was vaporing about how he wanted equal rights legislation. I said I did not believe in discrimination in federal jobs, thought discrimination in private ones stupid, but under no circumstances wanted preferential treatment.


"Look at what happened to blacks. They have to work twice as hard to prove that they know what they're doing and the presumption is that they benefited from being black."

I was bounced of course, although I did get very minor revenge. A friend did an article for <i>Playboy</i> on the first amendment and the Internet (that long ago) and my case was mentioned.

There's also the curse of the very intelligent. No matter how smart you are, you cannot possibly envision everything. I routinely handle millions of OPM in my business but only when the State audited a competitor (which they closed for defalcation of money) did I learn from the auditors some of the ways to steal.

Obama is parochial in practical experience (Chicago), privileged and has been in an environment where no one said, "You're nuts," and no matter how smart you are, you're sometimes nuts.

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I've been trying to come up with a difference between Madonna and Cher, and I'm at a lost. They are both libtards and they both have changed their appearance so many times, they put some escape artists to shame.

I take that back, I think I have a difference, Cher looks like a vampire.

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[ Off ]Madonna has made some songs that you might want to hear.

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Opiate of the People wrote:{microphone off}

That is my sense, I could be wrong. My thought is that these two or three weeks will be the paradigm for his time in office. The idiots in Congress will basically drive policy and Obama will stand around and play president, become increasingly irrelevant but pretend he matters. I can envision him starting to act bizarre as the pressures build up. It will really get interesting if things continue to go south and the Republicans retake Congress in 2010. He's never had to deal with the enemy on an equal footing and I doubt he has the ability to co-opt them like Clinton did. JMHO.

{out of Karakter}
Yup, Obama has a huge "image" but right now that image is being tested, and tested very hard. I keep waiting to hear him say "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." Hmm I detect a parody coming on. Comparing Obama to the Wizard of Oz. "I am Obama, the Great and Powerful Wizard of Chicago." Yup the similarities are there. Both are humbugs, both rely on flash and substance, and neither one has the power to really change anything. Plus both are really good with words, smoke and mirrors. We need a Toto to pull the curtain back...

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Commissar Theocritus,
That's true too.

Comrade 7.62
I'm glad to read about some else thinking the Obamasiah is nothing but an idol of religion.

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[ off ]I'm having a lot of sour fun watching this man realize that his mind just isn't sharp enough to anticipate everything. No one is that sharp. No one can, by sheer, lucubration, anticipate everything that can happen which why ideology doesn't work. He's being put through the mill by of all people Nansky. Some of those scumbags in Congress, although not as smart as he is, are much wilier, and he's a fool because he thinks that good intentions and honeyed words will work. Look where that got him with Iran, where they realized his weakness, gave him the finger and are very happy indeed to know that this American president is a nullity.

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I still see him trying to preserve his idol-like status. This is democratic ideology at it's most basic level, "Obtain power and/or image, preserve it, grow it, but don't lose it. No matter what, don't lose it."

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[ off ]Elliott, I do take your point but I think that ideology is really more of an insistence that the world will be a certain way. The power that you have to have is a tool toward your ideology. I think you're right that Obama is an ideologue, as is Our Many Titted Empress, whereas Slick Willie is not. He's just an overgrown child wanting attention. Obama craves attention too.

I figure that Clinton was willing to consolidate the Reagan agenda--welfare cuts and so forth--as long as he got to be in the White House. He was after all very flexible. Obama? I don't know.

Ideologues are always more dangerous than non-ideologues. That's where the concentration camps come in.

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Absoluty, I agree with you, like a lot of other times.

One thing I want to add to is, I think while you are right, Der Shlick Miester is an overgrown, horney teenager, he's got one thing many other overgrown horney teenagers don't have, fame. You know what I'm talking about so I will go no further.

One note, I'm trying my hardest to no longer call him "Obama", instead, I'm going with "The Obama". Much like how Rush calls Oprah, "The Oprah" because she's some sort of religious icon.

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I hope that I don't infuriate Catholics when I call him His O'liness.

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Just stress the "O" and I suppose you'll be fine, unless their Irish catholics, than you are screwed.

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Commissar Theocritus,

Cher is getting on in years. Maybe it's time for a new one?

Δέσποινα Βανδή - Γεια - Despina Vandi - Geia

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Nah, she's got a lot more boobs. And her costume, although made of rags, is better. And her hair is better. And she doesn't snarl around her nose. And I like trance a hell of a lot more than I like that video with Cher hunching the navy guns, pointed at the audience, like "Springtime for Hitler" in <i>The Producers</i> surrounded by the dancing queens.

These dancing queens look better than her dancing queens.

Oh. Are we back to ABBA?

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Back to ABBA? Always. Yes, I'm a longtime fan. Had front row tickets for the ABBA concert in D.C. so many years ago. Was walking in the front door when they announced they had to cancel. One of them had a bad case of the flu. Only concert they ever cancelled. Just my luck and they never performed anywhere near me again.

Speaking of naval guns reminded me of one more:

ВИА Гра - Пародия на "Raining Man" - Geri Halliwell

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I love it. That would have been the hit of any gay bar in Austin in 1981.

There's something to be said for people who just go out and work. I'm listening, for the 3rd time, to the CD of Douglas Adams's work. His mock rock band, Disaster Area, has a drummer who is found on a beach 100 light years away and he says he's been happy for a half hour and has found a rock that will be his friend.

A perfect parody.

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That first Cher, I regret at the risk of Siberia, I don't want to share. I want no part; other comrades, please share amongst yourselves.

I think Cher did contribute a reasonable sum of money for troops in Iraq, but I could be wrong. Yes, Scroogle could tell me, but my time is too valuable.

Didn't she and Sonny Bono tie a yellow ribbon around an old oak tree back in the '70s, a prediction of the Gulf Wars? Or was that Tony Orlando and Dawn?

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The Yellow Ribbon was Tony Orlando and Dawn. Tony has also gifted, a word I use with irony for "gift" is not a verb, "Knock Three Times." Most recently he's been advertising some sort of cure for fat, and gave us a picture of his stomach. Before.

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Commissar, I have been wondering where you have been, I haven't seen you about much lately (which has eased some of my worries infiltrating the Ranchero). Have you been on another Impaling tour?

I am surprised I never heard from you as I posted one directed just for you in regard to a previous statement I made to you.

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Pupovich, the Cube is a Many Splendored Thing and I did not know. But I have remedied that.

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I understand too well. There are only so many hours in a day, only so many collectives one can loot, only so many families one can "cleanse." I have been unable to read every worthy blog entry lately as there are so many. In fact, I have heard of some possible ThoughtCrime™ on the part of one Skinny Jay, but have been unable to discover where he was plying his ill begotten trade. Perhaps you could direct me?

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I don't know. Skinny Jay may have to be the subject of a purge. Do you want to open the thread? Or shall I? After all, he's making serious accusations.

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There's a chance I still commit thoughtcrime. I'm still young, but I'm working to be one with my Inner Comrade(tm). I see the good side of the party and believes there is no bad side to it (If someone says there is, it's propaganda). I also hate Israel because they got money. Plus, you know I'd like to run the Ministry Of Purity, making sure 11-years old boys start to masturbate and there are no virgins older than 20.

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Commissar Theocritus wrote:I don't know. Skinny Jay may have to be the subject of a purge. Do you want to open the thread? Or shall I? After all, he's making serious accusations.

This is what I have heard, but have not seen the thread where these accusations arise from. it you could lead the way?

However, from what I see above, clearly this Comrade is within the Party line in that post, though I am not comfortable with his ageism he expressed, too restrictive and could lead younger comrades to feel discriminated against.

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Skinnee Jay has proven himself to be a very progressive comrade. Living in Israel and having Israel and Israelis--I mean, doesn't that sound like the Upper East Side of Manhattan? Self-hating, country-hating.

Now that requires the gift of a show trial.

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I'm looking for a shovel to bury respectfully the victims of Cast Lead Genocide. I'm working on it.

By the way my accusation are pretty old-I re-educated myself since then alot more.

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Comrade Skinnee Jay, I have indeed heard that you have been cleansing yourself and burying your self so to speak, in the work of the People that is your Inner Comrade. Be that as it may, I would still wish to examine your earlier ThoughtCrime™ so that I can record your criminal tendencies in case it should come in useful in the future, and in case it has any prurient value to me now.

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Since I believe in submission, I will submit to your request:
<a href=" ... 2719">Look here.</a>

The accusation is there, by Che Gourmet. I've liberated those cards, by the way.