
China has betrayed us!

Fellow comrades,
The PRC (People's Republic of China) has betrayed us! While we are continuing to take over the USSA and making it the best for the People, the PRC is continuing to move to becoming a capitalist piggy society. Of course, the source from where I am getting this information is the notorious "Newsweek," which is capitalist propaganda anyways. Here's the propaganda.

I suggest that we require the members of the PRC, especially the party leaders, to be re-educated for their lack of security in standing for the People. They will end up harming the People because of the move into becoming pigs.

PRC, visit the People's Cube and re-educate yourselves before you get a free march up to the Institute for Re-education!

Guarding against pigs,
Vladimir Ivanov
Red Journalism Headquarters, Moscow, USSR

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If the re-education doesn't work, then off to the gulaug with them so they can accomplish something that we can benefit from!

Comrade Betty wrote:If the re-education doesn't work, then off to the gulaug with them so they can accomplish something that we can benefit from!

Excellent point Comdrade Betty! It looks to me like its nothing the gulag can't fix!

Kommissar Betty and Komrade Koz,
Both of you have shared an excellent point! The Gulag must be used on these betrayers! Excellent work. (If you want a free guillotine as well, let me know!)

Vladimir Ivanov
Moscow, USSR

Vladimir Ivanov wrote:Kommissar Betty and Komrade Koz,
Both of you have shared an excellent point! The Gulag must be used on these betrayers! Excellent work. (If you want a free guillotine as well, let me know!)

Vladimir Ivanov
Moscow, USSR

Vladimir Ivanov,

As part of my recent promotion to Komissar, the party saw to it that the workers toiled throughout the night to build a fleet of them for me in my Nashville stronghold! Ah, you should have seen the glorious sight, Komrade Red Square was there to present to me this glorious gift!

-Komrade "Komissar" Koz

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Vladimir Ivanov wrote:Kommissar Betty and Komrade Koz,
Both of you have shared an excellent point! The Gulag must be used on these betrayers! Excellent work. (If you want a free guillotine as well, let me know!)

Vladimir Ivanov
Moscow, USSR

Ah yes, how great it would be to have my very own guillotine. The most perfect device ever constructed, allong with the shovel, and gun.

Kommissar Betty wrote:
Vladimir Ivanov wrote:Kommissar Betty and Komrade Koz,
Both of you have shared an excellent point! The Gulag must be used on these betrayers! Excellent work. (If you want a free guillotine as well, let me know!)

Vladimir Ivanov
Moscow, USSR

Ah yes, how great it would be to have my very own guillotine. The most perfect device ever constructed, allong with the shovel, and gun.

The shovel and gun go hand in hand dear Komissar! But of course, you know that. ;)

Da! The Guillotines are being shipped right at this moment. (Maybe I'll send a bonus with a shovel and a gun, if you want it!)

Vladimir Ivanov

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Thank you Vladimir, you will be rewarded with an extra ration of bread this winter!