
Comrades Undermine the Man-Made Global Warming Theory?

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Comrades, I was sickened to read this these FORMER comrades realize the damage they have just done?........

Hurricane experts admit they can't predict hurricanes early; December forecasts too unreliable

WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??? Why would they admit these things? Who put the gun to their heads? Maybe you comrades think I'm going a little over-board here; so let me explain the potential consequences. This could absolutely destroy our most beloved cause.....Anthropogenic Global Warming! Before I continue on why, I must expose what these two traitors said to try and ruin us.

Two top U.S. hurricane forecasters, famous across Deep South hurricane country, are quitting the practice of making a seasonal forecast in December because it doesn't work.
William Gray and Phil Klotzbach say a look back shows their past 20 years of forecasts had no predictive value.

GULP...... Do you comrades see the parallel yet? There's more.....

The two scientists from Colorado State University will still discuss different probabilities of hurricane seasons in December. But the shift signals how far humans are, even with supercomputers, from truly knowing what our weather will do in the long run.

I literally PUKED when I read that, it turned my stomach so bad! Why did they admit this fact? Don't these 2 goons realize that the entire Anthropogenic Global Warming Scheme was based off of.....supercomputers, from truly knowing what our weather will do in the long run. I'm troubled by this admission by the two traitors, Bill Gray and Phil Klotzbach, they need to be held accountable for this lucid admission that just might ruin our beloved AGW Scheme.

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I thought this microcephalic denier had been institutionalized for his moronic statement a few years ago, when he claimed that global warming doesn't cause bigger or more numerous hurricanes, when we all know that global warming causes whatever Al Gore says it causes. Did Gray escape?

The environmentalism and animal liberation are an outgrowth of the social justice movement that results in criminalization of many acts including animal ownership. For example, this new solution was created by exploiting everyone's abhorrence of animal cruelty. The problem is an ever expanding definition of animal cruelty that results in the legislative creation of a public communal interest in everyone else's private property interests in animals. Underlying the legislative transformation lies the ardently held belief that abuse of animals in the form of eating meat, wearing leather and riding horses can be stopped by changing our culture. There is a lot at stake.
Animals can't be liberated without destroying unique American rights to private property together with much of America's wealth and means of wealth and job creation which could very well be the unspoken purposes of this foreign-born resurrection of the concept of human-like consciousness in animals known as "sentience".
"Sentience" is the central tenet to animal liberation, so let's test the idea that animals are sentient beings. Sentience has been described as being able to feel pain, but is more accurately described as a human-like self awareness or consciousness of self. Let's say that an animal is any living thing visible to the naked eye that is not a plant. This means that sponges are animals. This also means that Sponge Bob Square Pants could be real. Does this seem silly? One animal activist voiced the character of Fern Arable who saved the life of Wilbur the pig in the 1973 movie Charlotte's Web.
On the other hand, Descartes (1596 -1650) the father of modern philosophy and creator of the healthy skepticism of the Cartesian analysis, denied that human-like consciousness explained the behavior of animals. He also rejected the then conventional wisdom that the earth was flat. But let's ignore philosophy for a moment and instead apply a little common sense to what we see with, for example, the canines that we love so much. Only with the greatest of difficulty while under constant supervision do they resist succumbing to all manner of bodily impulses. Otherwise, anywhere in public, they eat and sniff and roll in all sorts of putrid matter. They sniff the parts of every living thing, lick their own parts regardless of who is looking, refuse to do as we say, bite our loved ones, sport-kill cats, eat from the floor and eat dead mice and baby birds whole. When dogs are set free, they get hungry and quickly go undomesticated, become very dangerous and constitute a serious public safety hazard for the very least of us, our little children. This abbreviated list of bad acts, common among their species, proves that animals have no human-like consciousness of self; otherwise they would not do such things, and certainly not in public. Adopting a view that includes some but not all of human-like consciousness is no less arbitrary or less capricious and does not result in any fewer constitutionally infirm denials of private property rights in animals. Moreover such consciousness has never been, and cannot be, proven in animals.
Furthermore, animals are incapable of establishing or learning a moral baseline. Such incapacity absolves animals of moral responsibility. Therefore animals cannot be guilty. Because they cannot be guilty, they also cannot be innocent. In fact, the application of human on human relationship words such as guilt, innocence, murder, adoption, foster, boy, girl are just as inappropriate to use on animals as words like marriage and love-making.

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Komrad Phobianov, I beg to differ...... I have met many dogs (a type of animal) that are more intelligent than some humans I've met. Also, wild wolf packs, in many ways mirror large human families. There is a dominant male and female (mother and father) and also other wolves (kids). They eat, sleep, shit, fight, just like humans. They have a sophisticated language that only THEY (the wolves) understand. The wolves "own" a territory that has boundaries; much like humans own private property, with property lines. The wolves urinate to define the bounds of their property, humans don't; that's the only real difference between us.

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Comrade FARC is on to something. When will HUMANS learn? Don't they know there is a right way and a wrong way to mark your territory? Image

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Tovarichi you should add the caption... "TIME Magazine's Person of the Year."

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What is happening here?

The Gaia warmongering neo-cons, thats what...
Now they have overturned the ban on Edison (racist old white guy) incandescent light bulbs.

What can we do now, in the name of the Goracle, to make the senseless bloodshed stop?
