
Cube-BOOB-Quake Alert: Tea-Bagger Double Agent on Prowl

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Cube-BOOB-Quake Alert: Tea-Bagger Double Agent Attempting to Discredit Progressives.

Fellow ComradesIt is with great urgency that I'm issuing this RED ALERT to warn all Progressives that a Tea-Bagging Double Agent is attempting to discredit us by posing as a Progressive (she's even holding Progressive icon that rivals the revered image of Che in the hearts of all true progressives) while staging Cube-BOOB-Quake attacks on our friends (i.e., the enemies of our enemy Tea-Baggers) to mock the proclamation by Iranian clerics that women dressing "immodestly" cause earthquakes (and thereby spread the false belief that Progressives are mocking the cultural diversity so clearly evidenced by that proclamation. By hacking into the Tea-Bagger headquarters for their "BOOB-Quake PsyOps" covert operation, we've obtained time-lapse video touted (on otherwise hidden elements of their website) by the operative (show above) as showing her success in staging a culturally intolerant "Cube-BOOB-Quake" attack on a prominent holy-man from another culture-- i.e., Iran.
How can we expect the world to support sanctions if these Tea-Baggers succeed in convincing Iranian dissidents that we don't respect their holy men's fatwas-- especially the fatwa that women dressing immodestly cause earthquakes. As enlightened scientists, however, we know that such activity contributes not to earthquakes but rather to Global Warming-- i.e., hot women exposing too much skin to the eyes of too many males causing the males to become overheated and then focusing their activity on the women thereby making the women even hotter-- it's a vicious cycle from which there can be no escape until the climactic climatic point at which it actually causes the women to merely think that the earth moved (or at least pretend to have felt it move), which actually gives them the delusion that when they finally cool down, it is because they have cooled Mother Earth.

What can we do to counter this covert operation by Tea-Baggers to not only discredit the Progressive cause for tolerating cultural diversity but to also cause our friends (the enemies of our enemy tea-baggers) to suffer dangerous hormonal imbalances? We must use the captured video to understand their methods and learn how to counter their covert operation. What a disaster it would be if one of their operatives succeeded at infiltrating an ACORN or SEIU or other Obama rally?


For the sake of the Collective, we must all study the images we captured from the Tea-Bagging Double Agent's top-secret archives.

--Gorbel's Cube

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I want to make it clearly clear, thatit is not andwas notI me. I am not immodest and make grandiose effects to cover well endowments, have I not?!!

"their holy men's fatwas" MEN'S WHATS?! Why are you talking about me twats for?! That is immodest conversation. Men must cover and take care of own twats or 'fatwats' without conversion. The beloved late Mr. P always cover twat/fatwat except in shower. I will avert my eyes from topic!

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Twat are you of talking, Frau? The image is not to be of you as imaged infiltraitor is of the decreased endowment. You have been to put her to much shame.

That Komhighknee in foto is about to make for quaking of earth. It is very fearing foto and I am to put on full burkha as such robust image makes for me to shiver as is proper for the womens of my country.

But I do to say this of infiltraitor.... I am of shockingness that she to have figure of hourglass. I have never to be known of such things. And that she to be of such unhairness. No good Moose-alimb womans to be without the hairs on body. I am of hearing the womens of the north to be of such unhairness. And of the womens who go to Brazil. Unless she to be already of going to Obooboo for the torch blow job treatment.

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Mrs. Czarweary, regarding your observation of hourglass figures. There has been a great misunderstanding by the middle Eastern corner of the gulag about how we on the Western end of the camp treat our women chattle.

Here in the West we know that a hungry woman is an obedient woman. To that end we have duped them into voluntarily starving themselves because they think we find that attractive. For our part as men, we like to show off how well we've kept our women malnourished by having them walk about in revealing clothes.

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SCRAWNY WOMAN NOT ATTRACTIVE. Scrawny woman just scrawny woman just flat chested bimbo's with no future and no man!
oh, umm, well, that's OK, of course, we welcome all scrawny woman in gulag to work in lovely beet field. And if hungry, they can eat on delightful beets.

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Comrade Whoopie wrote:As a public service to our lonely fellow travelers the People's Cube offers a dating service.
This month's catch of the day listings...
Comrade Whoopie,
I'm quoting from your post providing vital services for a Progressive Dating Service. Since it seems these BOOB-Quake gals (well, one Mega-BOOB-Quake and two minor tremors) are suitable candidates for inclusion in your service, I have added them to the list of attractive candidates for membership in your service.

Comrade Gorbels, The People's Cube does NOT advertise for prostitution services.
I know all Progressive guys will be eager to put these gals' telephone numbers into their Dialing for Delerium lists.
--Gorbels Cube