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As progressives, we are open to science and politically acceptable deviations in thought. One case in point is the current dilemma over how to address the role of homosexuality in the animal kingdom. It might yet be too early to call it a settled case of "boys with their toys," but the scientific debate progresses. Regardless of the outcome, the Darwinian base remains sound.

Unless you, yes you, are a reactionary or surrounded by them, smirking in their neolithic opiated delirium like George W. Bush.

If you are in a situation like this, or know someone in a situation like this, or are a public school educator of tomorrow's youth today (e.g., Komsomol), then the following Party-approved instructional aid will be of use. Those of a high progressive intellect will find it reinforces their correct thought; those of a low regressive intellect will find the game-like appeal addictive, by which method the fertile seeds of progressive thought will be sown in even the most reactionary brain.

The pedagogical device is simplicity itself. For illiterate reactionaries, the symbolic Darwin fish slider will draw attention and mouse clicks, the mental junkie clutching at his or her empty Christian belief system. Positioning the mouse on the Darwin fish triggers a picture of George W. Bush, which will excite reactionaries; those not familiar with said villain's infamy will at least experience the stimulation of visual change. Dragging the Darwin fish up, symbolic of progressive intellectual evolution's rise to dominance, lends a forced hand to the raising of even the lowliest primate to progressive primacy. Since sliding the mouse off the Darwin fish or raising with intemperate speed can cause the evolutionary progress to disappear, studied concentration is required, hence even the dullest reactionary will come to realize the truth evolving before his or her eyes.

Verily comrades, Dar-Winner™ is a tool you cannot live without. If you doubt this claim, please bring the matter up with Comrade Tokarev.

For comrades who download Dar-Winner™ to disseminate correct thought and the trickling warmth of reassuring political thought, please note that the pedagogical tool is best viewed at twice the normal size.

Last edited by Red Square on 7/11/2021, 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason for editing this post: text improvement

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tool is best viewed at twice the normal size.

aren't most things..

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Twice the Hope™ and Change™ of any previous Presidency!

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Aaaaaaah, Comrade Tovarich! Brilliant educational tool! Your mind does indeed work in mysterious ways! I especially enjoyed sliding that Darwin fish up and down the slider thingy. Must have done it a hundred times or more! I was so engaged in playing and wanted to report to you the exact number of slides but…well, by this time I was going so fast, I guess I just lost count. With a little more practice I think I could become an expert! And, you know? I actually feel better! (I must confess to looking a bit flushed, though.) Thank you for this most delightful experience!

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I'll tell you what's Darwinian. How come women are not that interested in playing video games as men are? Hmm? No offense Comrade Tovarich. Just trying to understand the dynamics of making everyone equal when men and women are as different as a Louie L'Amour novel is from a Barbara Taylor Bradford one.

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A most progressive point, Comradess Leninka. I have more preference for playing with credit cards than video gaming. If I want to see such violence and head chopping, I can always turn on Al Jazeera

ali ali akbar?

... قناة عربية إخبارية تعمل على مدار اليوم. يمكنك مشاهدة بث القناة من خلال الموقع

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Pamalinsky wrote:With a little more practice I think I could become an expert! And, you know? I actually feel better! (I must confess to looking a bit flushed, though.) Thank you for this most delightful experience!

Comradette Pamalinsky,

I do believe the Party provides adequate funds for private individual tutoring in cases like this. "Give a comradette a fish, she feeds herself; teach a comradette to fish, the pockets of the rich will go unfilled."
Last edited by Comrade_Tovarich on 7/3/2010, 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: previous gender bias

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Leninka wrote:I'll tell you what's Darwinian. How come women are not that interested in playing video games and men aren't?

Comradette Leninka,

That is a valid point. I believe it is possible that excessive self-criticism sessions have left no room in which to explore my inner female, which is probably being crowded out by my inner prog.
Last edited by Comrade_Tovarich on 7/3/2010, 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason for editing this post: Rich Text editor is oppressive in not including line breaks

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Comrade Tovarich,

In the interest and towards the goal of complete and 100% equalization, we must forge a path in the field of genetics, and embryo manipulation, in order to merge the male and female brains.


You've got me wondering. If women do prefer to do the spending via the credit cards, then, it must be, that deep down, at the base of every Democra-Tick prog brain is a blood sucking vampire credit card loving female.

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<I do believe the Party provides adequate funds for private individual tutoring in cases like this. "Give a comradette a fish, she feeds herself; teach a comradette to fish, the pockets of the rich will go unfilled.">

Oh, Comrade Tovaaaarich, this is so good to know! I love free stuff! Where do I sign?

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Leninka wrote: Fraulein,

You've got me wondering. If women do prefer to do the spending via the credit cards, then, it must be, that deep down, at the base of every Democra-Tick prog brain is a blood sucking vampire credit card loving female.

OR, males who like to invest in their "femaleness side". VP bin Biden is one of those sorts, always searching to be more female to honor the womanhood. And I think dear Leader, in his secret of secrets, long to deposes of his manly appendages and be more directly womanly. Long way women rule!

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Pamalinsky wrote:Oh, Comrade Tovaaaarich, this is so good to know! I love free stuff! Where do I sign?

My dearest Comradette Pamalinsky,

Due to your exemplary zeal, I shall work with other Party comrades to arrange a random midnight instructional session; the engine will be revving. Depending on the progress made, you will or will not need to pack your bags.

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Oh, Comrade Tovarich! Or should I call you Commissar? This is most exciting! I am virtually quivering in my new jackboots! (You know, the very ones you gave me!) I can barely wait until midnight!

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Comradette Pamalinsky,

As equals, you may call me whatever the Party deigns you wish. However, I shall selflessly strive to help requisition a ration for you of the more progressive jackboots reserved for Party functions.

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Oh, Comrade Tovarich,

I really loved our midnight liaison! A most wonderful and instructive tutorial! I just LOVE my new improved jackboots! They make my legs look so much longer. Which all progs love! Perfect!